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Archbishop's Sharia comment sparks row

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Jan 5, 2008
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Source: Agence France-Presse & NDTV
Friday, February 8, 2008 (London)
The religious head of the Anglican Church sparked an angry row on Friday after saying the adoption of some parts of Sharia law alongside Britain's legal system ''seems unavoidable.''

Leaders across the political spectrum criticised Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams's call for ''constructive accommodation.'' He was also lambasted by the press for his suggestion.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown's official spokesman has already distanced the premier from the remarks, stressing that ''British law should apply in this country, based on British values.''

Culture Secretary Andy Burnham went further, telling BBC television that Williams was ''wrong'' and warning his views were a ''recipe for chaos, social chaos.'' The main opposition Conservatives described the remarks as ''unhelpful.''

The issue of Muslim integration has been particularly sensitive since the July 2005 bombings in London in which four young British Muslims killed themselves and 52 others on the public transport system.

Britain is home to nearly 1.6 million Muslims, some 2.7 per cent of the total population, according to the 2001 national census.

On Thursday, Williams told BBC radio: ''There is a place for finding what would be a constructive accommodation with some aspects of Muslim law as we already do with aspects of other kinds of religious law.''

He agreed that if Britain is to achieve social cohesion, people of religious faith had to be accommodated within the law and to this end, ''it seems unavoidable'' that Sharia should be applied in some circumstances.

Giving an example of how Sharia could come into play, Williams said, ''There are ways of looking at marital disputes, for example, which provide an alternative to the divorce courts as we understand them.''

Williams insisted there could be no place for ''a kind of inhumanity that sometimes appears to be associated with the practice of the law in some Islamic states - the extreme punishments, the attitudes to women.''

He also called on people in Britain to look at Sharia ''with a clearer eye'' and ''not just associate it with what we read about Saudi Arabia or whatever.''

The press joined politicians in laying into Williams's comments.

But Williams's remarks were welcomed by the Ramadhan Foundation, a British-based body which aims to promote cooperation between Muslims and non-Muslims.
Sigh...Archbishop thought..."If not Christianity, then perhaps Islam? Any monotheism is good enough for me!"
what have the muslims done moron,
the arch bishop isnt a muslim dik

Language warning
how is that extremism? they're not pushing for full laws, only marital and other smaller issues, which, by the way, are given to people of jewish faith in UK.
how is that extremism? they're not pushing for full laws, only marital and other smaller issues, which, by the way, are given to people of jewish faith in UK.

:) Good point only if the some people could understand that.

And i dont see any harm in laws that deal with marital and other smaller issues how it can be called extremism ??

I wish if someone comment on Secular Extremism too.
it's nice to see someone who sits back and looks at these things with wisdom. this is really needed in the world today.
maybe extreme in the sense that a small minority group are having their own laws now;but nothing extremist.If they have called for stoning to death for adultery and stuff and hand and leg chopping that would have been extreme.real extreme.
Well its just for basic issue and i think its not extremism.

Tell me if a Muslim Woman or Muslim man wants divorce will her/his case would be decided according to US, British law ??????????????????
The problem with Sharia law is, that it goes against the principles British ethics, morality, and possibly their constitution.

The second problem, is that it is very difficult to separate Islam from Political Islam. The two invariably go together, and frankly, no one in Britain wants to give an inch of political power to something as dreadful (to the British) as the Saudi version of Islam.
Jana, tell me one thing, will a Christian in Saudi Arabia be allowed to live according to Christian laws?

Do Christians or Hindus are forced to marry according to Islamic Law in Saudi Arabia ???????

Indeed all Christians Hindus or people from other faiths are allowed to materialize their personnal and religious obligations according to their own faith.
Do Christians or Hindus are forced to marry according to Islamic Law in Saudi Arabia ???????

Indeed all Christians Hindus or people from other faiths are allowed to materialize their personnal and religious obligations according to their own faith.

Ignore my question...I have changed that post.
The problem with Sharia law is, that it goes against the principles British ethics, morality, and possibly their constitution.

The second problem, is that it is very difficult to separate Islam from Political Islam. The two invariably go together, and frankly, no one in Britain wants to give an inch of political power to something as dreadful (to the British) as the Saudi version of Islam.

Before jumping in joy to crtiticize Islam
Stealth go and read other posts Sharia is not based on only one law,
The Bishop is i think not talking to introduce Sharia entirely rather he said some parts and that are dealing with Personal affairs of Muslims like marriages and divorces according to Islamic law and courts.

As i dont see that if a Muslim wants divorce from his/her spouse their case can be decided according to British or UK law.
Before jumping in joy to crtiticize Islam
Stealth go and read other posts Sharia is not based on only one law,
The Bishop is i think not talking to introduce Sharia entirely rather he said some parts and that are dealing with Personal affairs of Muslims like marriages and divorces according to Islamic law and courts.

Jana dear, I am not criticizing Islam, but looking at the issue from the point of view of a native britisher.

There are several factors in play here:

Firstly, Britain, and most of Europe, has become increasingly agnostic, and tend to view religion as an unfortunate superstition.

Secondly, the recent record of Islam has been anything but endearing. When the average brit thinks of muslims, he doesn't feel any love or compassion for them. Instead, he remembers the bombings and all the stuff about terrorism being beamed to his TV screen.

Thirdly, muslims in Britain have a reputation for engaging in anti-national activities. When a large group of Muslims come out into the street chanting ant-Britain slogans in the street on a regular basis, it doesn't add to the rep.

Fourthly, elaborating on my earlier post, people fear that that giving a quarter to the Islamists will open a pandora's box of demands, until Britain is forced to give up its indegenous values in order to accomodate a foreign ideology.

Read the following articles:

Muslim husbands with more than one wife to get extra benefits as ministers recognise polygamy| News | This is London

Doctors should not eat in front of Muslims during Ramadan says Scottish NHS -Times Online

Daily Express: The World's Greatest Newspaper :: News / Showbiz :: Nurses told to turn Muslims’ beds to Mecca

BBC NEWS | UK | Education | Three Little Pigs 'too offensive'

^^^^To top it all, Its ridiculous demands like these, which convince britons that there should be no compromise with the muslims.

As i dont see that if a Muslim wants divorce from his/her spouse their case can be decided according to British or UK law.

Lastly, Britons feel that their laws are more nuanced, far better written, expressed, and more fair than Islamic ones.

I for one, agree. Say what you will, Islamic laws, though a shining accomplishment of their day, are medieval, and crude in comparison with the British Common Law.
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