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Apple just did something unprecedented: its market value passed $900 billion

Crazily overpriced and Apple finally accepting that Samsung screens are the best. Only a fool is going to pay 1200 dollars for this. Samsung is really no different with their flagships. The customers are also blameworthy here.

I can buy this phone with a reasonable discount through my employer, but I’m not going to do it. Android phones have improved vastly and I’m probably getting a Huawei Mate 10 or the OnePlus 5T. The dedicated Kirin AI chip is the next big thing without a doubt. It is improving by leaps and bounds. The LG V30 is another contender.
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I am not sure what I find more amusing. The fact that you can't do a simple Google search before posting your opinions, or the fact that you believe that a company can become the most valuable in the world by screwing its customers.

Regarding your responses above:

1. If you think Apple planted those opinions in ComputerWorld and howtogeek.com, then please find your own cost comparisons and post here. Simply yelling "Fake News!" makes you look worse than Trump.

2. Yes, I remember "Bendgate". Here is a comparison of Samsung, LG, HTC, and Apple phones done by Consumer Reports:

Consumer Reports test results find iPhone 6 and 6 Plus not as bendy as believed

3. Here is another article that might help you understand build quality. It is about choosing hardware and software that work well together.

4. I think I posted links showing why IBM has switched to Macs, citing better productivity.

You end your rant by calling Apple a monopoly! You have to be seriously deluded to think that a company that only accounts for 10% of the market is a monopoly. Don't you know that Microsoft is a convicted monopolist?

United States v. Microsoft Corp.

If you wish to continue this argument, please come up with verifiable facts. Otherwise you look like a fool. Your arguments about Apple's "ever-rising profits" and "industry standards for looting" simply indicate that you have no idea how market economies work. The only reason Apple can charge a premium for its products is because customers want its products. And they want them for the reasons I listed above.

If you wish to use a PC, by all means do so. No one is stopping you. But please don't spew falsehoods to justify your decisions.
Yeah, everything is top notch in Apple products ("Apple technology" :DD) and you are so glued to it I get it. Apple is no.1 bro don't take the naysayers seriously (IBM can't be dumb, right) they totally justify the hole they make in your pocket (or your dad's). Nothing personal mate, just chill.
Crazily overpriced and Apple finally accepting that Samsung screens are the best. Only a fool is going to pay 1200 dollars for this. Samsung is really no different with their flagships. The customers are also blameworthy here.

I can buy this phone with a reasonable discount through my employer, but I’m not going to do it. Android phones have improved vastly and I’m probably getting a Huawei Mate 10 or the OnePlus 5T. The dedicated Kirin AI chip is the next big thing without a doubt. It is improving by leaps and bounds. The LG V30 is another contender.

Read the Time magazine's list of top 10 gadgets for 2017 and decide for yourself.

The Top 10 Gadgets of 2017

Yeah, everything is top notch in Apple products ("Apple technology" :DD) and you are so glued to it I get it. Apple is no.1 bro don't take the naysayers seriously (IBM can't be dumb, right) they totally justify the hole they make in your pocket (or your dad's). Nothing personal mate, just chill.

When you cannot find a single fact to support your argument, all you can do is put words in my mouth. I never said Apple products are the greatest, or that you cannot find better bargains depending on your needs. I run both Macs and Windows and have both kinds of machines for my different needs. I can post much longer arguments about the downsides of Apple products. But they are not what you have claimed. Lies are lies, and they won't get you anywhere.
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