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Anyone know who will fix the oil leak by BP


Sep 8, 2009
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Please list any ideas cuz if the damn oil field does not stops spewing oil it could pollute and kill the whole ocean

Can we send in one of those multi billion dollar stealth planes underwater to fix a oil leak ? or those laser guided bombs to stop the leak

Anymore bright republicans want to drill in North Pole for oil can't even drill properly in hot waters

Luckily BP is british petrolium and US gets along well with Britian , if it was Libyan country I am sure there would be a security council meeting right about now and amber yellow alerts flying
Its not a joke guys this oil gusher will leak oil for 30-50 years if its not stopped can you imagine if its not stopped its like saudi oil going into water daily ....

Rains we get , and animal life just horrific accident .... can't believe they would approve such dangerous operatiosn when clearly they had no plan to protect animal life and oceasn so much neglect and unprofessional behavior

Any change this was done to dethrone Obama ? Who owns BP ? I mean really the owners what are the changes the accident were to happen in same place where Katrina happened what are the odds???

Who needs al Qaeda when BP is on the job

And worse of all Hurricane season is about to start - meaning this could get worse if its not stopped in 30 days
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You know 1/3 of the oil is already gone

& Billion of Billions barrel still remaining ...

BP really killed that part of the Ocean .. unimaginable amount of sea life is gone ...

Who is responsible for this ??? & We are talking about Global Warming ..
Drill and place a ~ 2 kiloton nuke the near the site and detonate. Russians have done this 5 times with 80% success rate. Americans Just want to do politics and corporates just want to rip of dollars from tax payers money; waiting for aid and making it worst knowingly.
Well the point alot of people don't understand is that alot of the areas effected were locations where alot of species of fishes they go and spawn every year - that place has huge fishing industry

Also if the smaller fish are gone the big creatures like Whales etc and other animals will surely get effected -

I am just amazed since we humans cannot even master the bottom of the sea in mid level waters why drill holes in deep sea where there are no tools or expertise ...

I mean imagine a scenario hurricane comes up in 2-3 weeks , and what are the chances it passes right thru the oil zone , it will push all the oil 100% onto the shores of florida & new orleans etc

And imagine if lightening strikes and lights a fuse on that crude oil ... can you imagine the CO2 and devestation from such a natural desaster

Its strange since last elections all the republicans were blasting every one that US should drill on deep waters and do it now .. and now they are all quite every one is blaming democrats - who really were not even for the idea
Drill and place a ~ 2 kiloton nuke the near the site and detonate. Russians have done this 5 times with 80% success rate. Americans Just want to do politics and corporates just want to rip of dollars from tax payers money; waiting for aid and making it worst knowingly.

Further killing all the species by Radiation ...

are you nuts ??
Further killing all the species by Radiation ...

are you nuts ??

O i hate going in details. You could have done a bit of research your self.

1. That would be not the first time any one using underwater nukes.

2. Repeated studies done by french at Pacific ocean test sites where many nukes were tested shows not a very significant effect on species.
In this case spices are already effected and on. I will search a some material for you to read and BTW naturally oceans are radioactive.

2. The yield i mentioned is very low.

3 I am suggesting to drill deep, place near and detonate to fuse the cracked layers.

4.I repeat, Russians have done this before and Americans are suggesting too.

I have done my home work mate.


Energy Expert Says to Nuke Oil Spill Leak (It Worked for Russia) | NowPublic News Coverage
O i hate going in details. You could have done a bit of research your self.

1. That would be not the first time any one using underwater nukes.

2. Repeated studies done by french at Pacific ocean test sites where many nukes were tested shows not a very significant effect on species.
In this case spices are already effected and on. I will search a some material for you to read and BTW naturally oceans are radioactive.

2. The yield i mentioned is very low.

3 I am suggesting to drill deep, place near and detonate to fuse the cracked layers.

4.I repeat, Russians have done this before and Americans are suggesting too.

I have done my home work mate.


Energy Expert Says to Nuke Oil Spill Leak (It Worked for Russia) | NowPublic News Coverage

Hmmm now that's an out of the box solution.Mother Russia seems to be very innovative.
Currently the best way to kill this is to stick a small nuke and burl the well under the rubble and to think of it nuclear option is not a euphemism when the drilling relief wells seems like a never-ending task. If I was an BP executive I could have tried stuffing Zardari and the likes’ of him down the pipe before they consider the Topkill. They are dense enough to do the job:pakistan:

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