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Anyone been up to FATA recently?



New Recruit

Dec 21, 2008
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Or NWFP? Peshawar to Jalalabad? Any reports on security for travelers who are highly visible outsiders?
Or NWFP? Peshawar to Jalalabad? Any reports on security for travelers who are highly visible outsiders?
I don't think tourists are allowed to goto FATA and you shouldn't bypass that rule. But its generally not good for the white people. Its not like they will all pound on you, take all the basic precautions, hire armed escorts, from reputable companies.

If you're a white person, wearing the local attire might help you blend in since most Pashtuns are probably whiter than you as well, of course theres the whole beard/burkha thing.
Or NWFP? Peshawar to Jalalabad? Any reports on security for travelers who are highly visible outsiders?

Well, tourist, I have tried to find a detailed map of FATA for several months without success. So, IF you were to go, you would probably get lost!
Well, tourist, I have tried to find a detailed map of FATA for several months without success. So, IF you were to go, you would probably get lost!
I thought people posts detailed maps for you in your thread already? Have you tried Google Maps, btw?
Or NWFP? Peshawar to Jalalabad? Any reports on security for travelers who are highly visible outsiders?

If you're white, you won't be highly visible, so long as you don't act silly, and wear a Pashtun cap. You can keep your mouth closed also, then noone will recognize you.

If you're very black, you might be highly visible.

If you're Chinese, you won't stand out too much (though they're not really present in FATA in huge amounts), as long as you keep your mouth shut etc etc.

But it doesn't matter what you are. You won't be allowed into FATA without an armed escort from the local militias. You can' go there yourself legally anyway. I think they're still doing armed escorts. I'd say it's safe to do it this way, but you have to be adventurous, since it is like the Wild West there. You, your gun.
I thought people posts detailed maps for you in your thread already? Have you tried Google Maps, btw?

No, Asim Aquil, none of the maps that have been posted by other PDF members are as detailed as the partial map of Waziristan that I, myself, posted as an example of what I was seeking. None of the FATA maps posted show FATA towns smaller than the handful of major centers such as Mir Ali or Miran Shah. I don't think there are any publically available maps of FATA showing minor towns and villages, or I would have found them by now. One PDF member said that there are detailed maps that the Pak Army uses but that these may not be available for public distribution. If you look at the "Sketch Map of Tribal Areas" that I started the thread with, you will see the most detailed map of FATA that I have been able to find on the web.
Good info. Any security updates on the rest of NWFP--parts not bordering FATA?
Good info. Any security updates on the rest of NWFP--parts not bordering FATA?

Those are the same as they've always been.

It's a question of you being sensible. There's safe parts, less safe parts.

If you're not used to NWFP, have no idea of the culture, it's best you ask for a guide.

The NWFP outside of FATA is reasonably safe. But like I say, if it's your first time, it would be best to ask for a guide to show you round the area.

A guide would probably be provided to you anyway, depending on where you're going.
If you intend to enter as a foreign tourist, you will have to report to the office of Assistant Political Agent(APA) office.
They will evaluate your request and if agree they will let you with the force of Khasadars(local Police).
It will be my first time in South Asia so yes I suppose having a recommended driver with me will be essential.
It will be my first time in South Asia so yes I suppose having a recommended driver with me will be essential.

by the way are u goin as a tourist or as a journalist. if u just wanna see northern pakistan i would advice u to go lik this:

islamabad to abotabad. then if u wanna go see karakorum mountain range go towards gilgit. other option u have got is either goin towards 1: kalam or
2: naran & kaghan. i would advice u to avoid goin to swat. though its really beautiful but it would be relatively risky.

if u wanna go to kashmir u can go to murree from islamabad. and then from murree to muzafarabad (capital of kashmir).

but if u are planing to go towards peshawar u will have to take security measures which other guys over here have been tellin u. peshawar is safe but anywhere beyond peshawar will be risky. also do wear local clothes if u decide to go beyond peshawar. will make u less prominent. btw there is nothin much to see beyond peshawar. its all dry and barren mountains around u.

i have been to all these places and all of them are amazing except for this beyond peshawar area. its beautiful in its own way but u have to be really artistic for that which i am not.
also in peshawar if u see someone carryin a gun with him dont freak out. these ppl have been carryin weapons for last 300 yrs or may be more than that. even britishers couldnt do anything about that... but they are amazin ppl. simple, straight fwd and brave.
Thanks for the good info aj.

From your suggestions I gather NWFP bordering Kashmir is the lowest risk.

Can you report more on Swat? Do the dangers in Swat ripen throughout the area? Does it touch Chitral? Is there a low risk way of getting to Chitral?

Back to FATA:
Did you ever see the gun workshop?
Thanks for the good info aj.

From your suggestions I gather NWFP bordering Kashmir is the lowest risk.

Can you report more on Swat? Do the dangers in Swat ripen throughout the area? Does it touch Chitral? Is there a low risk way of getting to Chitral?

Back to FATA:
Did you ever see the gun workshop?
Swat is risky area imo.You can go to other side which is i think Gilgit which is safe area AFAIK (I went there last summer..)Of course hire some guide and if you go to Northern Areas make sure you get armed escort (Muree and Gilgit is fine without armed escort...I've seen alot of foreigners there without any armed escort)!
Thanks for the good info aj.

From your suggestions I gather NWFP bordering Kashmir is the lowest risk.

Can you report more on Swat? Do the dangers in Swat ripen throughout the area? Does it touch Chitral? Is there a low risk way of getting to Chitral?

Back to FATA:
Did you ever see the gun workshop?

areas bordering afghanistan are risky and u might not be allowed to go there due to the army operation. chitral is 100% safe. though it borders afghanistan but it is in extreme north. its lik the peak of hindukush mountain range. none of the troubled regions will come on ur way to chitral. u can also take a flight to chitral either from islamabad or peshawar. shortest land route will be goin to peshawar from islamabad and then to chitral. my parents went to peshawar and its adjoinin areas on this sunday and they didnt notice anything abnormal and things appeared to be in control. so hopefully things will be better when ull go.
areas borderin kashmir might be more safer than even islambad.
i am not sure wat is the magnitude of operation which is being carried out in swat. so cant say if it is whole of swat district or some particular area. if u do go to swat and they let u in, do go to 'malam jabba'. swat is lik a mini switzerland of pakistan well now after reading so much news i would call it a battlefield of heavens (hope reality is slightly different). i guess tourist department will be the best to ask about the situation in swat valley.
i did see few locals carryin guns around when i went to FATA but couldnt see any gun workshop. was quite eager to see one of these workshops and find out how do they make a gun without using any machinery. there is a place called 'darra adamkhel' close to peshawar which is said to have these workshops but again i couldnt really see anything.
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