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Any questions regarding Pakistan.

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I have noticed that many Pakistanis believe that once US troops (most if not all) leaves Afghanistan in 2014 the Taliban will gain more power and regions in that country.

Question: 2
Does these Pakistanis want Taliban to come to power in Afghanistan instead of a democratic elected govt. If they do, do they also want their country to have the same friendly relations with Taliban Afghanistan like they had until 2001.
I have noticed that many Pakistanis believe that once US troops (most if not all) leaves Afghanistan in 2014 the Taliban will gain more power and regions in that country.

Question: 2
Does these Pakistanis want Taliban to come to power in Afghanistan instead of a democratic elected govt. If they do, do they also want their country to have the same friendly relations with Taliban Afghanistan like they had until 2001.

In general we want the people of Afghanistan come to power through vote be they Afghan taliban or Afghan Tajik or Afghan Afghan Pashtuns or Afghan Hazaraz.

On a political level viz a viz our geo strategic interests we will accept any govt there which is Pro-Pakistan. It doesnt matter whether they are taliban or tajiks or anyone else.
PM is not elected, but chosen as the common leader by elected Members of Parliament who has certain qualities instead of religion.

but isnt it amazing coincidence that the biggest minority people never elected to the most powerful post??
I have noticed that many Pakistanis believe that once US troops (most if not all) leaves Afghanistan in 2014 the Taliban will gain more power and regions in that country.

Question: 2
Does these Pakistanis want Taliban to come to power in Afghanistan instead of a democratic elected govt. If they do, do they also want their country to have the same friendly relations with Taliban Afghanistan like they had until 2001.

we want A pro pakistani afghan government and the government which is independent and doesnt bow down to pakistan enemies especially, no pakistani wants an unstable afghanistan we all want it to progress, but afghanistan government has always been anti pakistan and taken favours from anti pakistan elements, thats our only concern
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3406484 said:
but isnt it amazing coincidence that the biggest minority people never elected to the most powerful post??

No because the prime minister is not elected based on his religion ................
In general we want the people of Afghanistan come to power through vote be they Afghan taliban or Afghan Tajik or Afghan Afghan Pashtuns or Afghan Hazaraz.

On a political level viz a viz our geo strategic interests we will accept any govt there which is Pro-Pakistan. It doesnt matter whether they are taliban or tajiks or anyone else.

But is it up to Pakistan to accept or reject a govt in another country.. Its like India saying we will accept PPP but not Tehreek-e-Insaf govt in Pakistan..
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3406484 said:
but isnt it amazing coincidence that the biggest minority people never elected to the most powerful post??

Most of time Congress Party ruled over India and PM was from Nehru-Gandhi family, then how is that possible.
jinxed may be not true in some things (as she is a girl and donot want to share every thing on social sites)but she is true in this thing that she is a girl......
On a political level viz a viz our geo strategic interests we will accept any govt there which is Pro-Pakistan. It doesnt matter whether they are taliban or tajiks or anyone else.

What if they have an elected government that is not Pro-Pakistan and is more closer to say Iran or even India. Will Pakistan again support mujahideen groups to overthrow their government like in 1979.
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3406492 said:
we want A pro pakistani afghan government and the government which is independent and doesnt bow down to pakistan enemies especially, no pakistani wants an unstable afghanistan we all want it to progress, but afghanistan government has always been anti pakistan and taken favours from anti pakistan elements, thats our only concern

but if pro pakistan govt comes then u make them proxies and terror training center
But is it up to Pakistan to accept or reject a govt in another country.. Its like India saying we will accept PPP but not Tehreek-e-Insaf govt in Pakistan..

I told you clearly we will accept any govt that comes to Power in Afghanistan officially. Be it anti-Pak or Pro-Pak. we will however act according to our own interests at international diplomatic level

but if pro pakistan govt comes then u make them proxies and terror training center

So does India do as you had done in Bangladesh. and Afghanistan as well at a point.

What if they have an elected government that is not Pro-Pakistan and is more closer to say Iran or even India. Will Pakistan again support mujahideen groups to overthrow their government like in 1979.

Pakistan was invited by them at that time. its different now. there is no chance of an all Indian-Puppet govt there so we are not much worried. we can bargain
So does India do as you had done in Bangladesh. and Afghanistan as well at a point.

See if we go in deep,india always try to neutralize first and if needed,then do counter attack.
You ppl made BD against india and they started to hide militants in their own territory but now with frndly govt,india fired those grps.

Even in A-stan,india is doing(if) to get the paksitan support back from kashmir..

You will destabilize india,india will do same
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3406492 said:
we want A pro pakistani afghan government and the government which is independent and doesnt bow down to pakistan enemies especially, no pakistani wants an unstable afghanistan we all want it to progress, but afghanistan government has always been anti pakistan and taken favours from anti pakistan elements, thats our only concern

Then there is a follow question to this at Post #251
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