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Anti-Koondakulum stir 'sponsored' from outside, alleges Russia


dont make comedy please. I am as much if not more educated than you , I am as much grounded in reality as you and my mind breathes as much free oxygen as yours. Lets not get condescending on each other.

I can easily make so many accusations on you given that you have not refuted one single point regarding the safety of the plant and just kept on going on tangents with emotional rhetoric. But I have refrained from doing so.

Thanks 10.5 was exactly what I was looking for. I wish you woud devote this much time to anti corruption measures lol. But good job....I am more convinced now than before.
@KS .... You must have realized by now that Christians in pdf stick together and muslims stick together......they are the congress style 'secular' Indians. Its better if you say stuff like ...an arab man called jesus died for our sins so we should have nuclear power plants in India. That will convince them ....no amount of rational talk is going to do that trick.
I have always been pushing and talking about Industrial revolution. This is must in India. We have lost more than a 4-5 decades in fighting for silly causes.
Various Timeline fixed for Opening the Powerplant There has Almost one and Half years passed away the Prime Minister and some Government Official said that they will Open in Dec 2012 But till no power generated from the KKNP and Finally the President of India Told in the Parliament said it will functioning by the Year end I'm still assuming there has only words from Govt The Protesters continuing their Job till 2014 after the BJP rule as Modi PM will give rest to the Protesters then only their Electronic Products functions by Nuclear Electrical Power
This is not any govt, this is the INDIAN govt. Look at all track record. Its dismal buddy. People are dying becuase these chemicals but we turn a blind eye to it for the sake of "development." If that is development, no thanks. Thye can shove it. As for repercussions, please let;s fool ourselves. Look at Bhopal and what happned? The accused Mr. Anderson lives happily in Hmptons, LI, a posh area. Union Carbide paid a fine and closed shop and restarted under another name to limit itself from any future liability. What were the repurcussions for Indian politicans? Congress is power still? Look at how fish are affected after the nuclear accident in Japan. Now it's slowly coming out. Expect more in the future. As for not being able to understand, all ppl know what is right and wrong, good and bad. If we have difficulty understanding the issues then why is our govt pushing ahead. A good democracy always makes sure ppl know what is going on. The media should do a better job. But when govt is looking at such interests under 1 prism which is development, everything else gets pushed aside. That is not necessarily in the public's favor. What are they hiding? As I posted before, put safety first and foremost. Its ridiculous.

No one is denying the potential dangers associated with a N-plant. An unexpected natural disaster might also trigger an accident in the N-plant. The only solution, even the brightest of the minds have come up is "precaution leading to prevention". Alternate green energy sources are there but there is limit to it power generation capability. TN is one of the largest wind power generator in the world. We all have to wait till a cleaner and reliable energy source is discovered. We both know that we need electricity. You and I would not have this internet connection to log in to defence.pk , if it were not for electricity. Its just a matter of time till a new source is discovered. Unfortunately, till then, we have to grin and bear.
Its an interesting observation that when an relatively powerless individual like 'Praveen Togadia' speaks in reply to a very provocative and hate speech by a muslim Member of Parliament. ........a bunch of 'secular' Indians were keen to jump and suggest we hang him by the balls.....

Its kind of strange when evidence the very powerful 'Roman' church (which is the second largest land holder in India) is found in trying to sabotage a National Project to generate electricity the same 'secular' Indians keep quite or has nothing much to say :lol:

When 'rape' or 'child malnutrition' happen, the congress govt. lead by 'honest' Maun mohan singh says 'WE' (all Indians) must be ashamed. Not the Congress who has been ruling us for the last 50 years .....but the people who voted for them in good faith must be 'ashamed' of being who we are :sick:....and bunch of Indians go overboard cheering the congress.

Truly its a shame being a 'hindu' in India.
I have no problem where the solution for our energy needs is, but the solution to our problem is not nuclear, That I am sure off. I am in the UK working for British Airways and one of BA manager who is a Brit thinks that its wise to dump the nuclear waste in INDIA because we have land mass, I litrally wanted to slap him. But the issue for me is I am not concerned about these Brits Its my brothers and sisters who are hungry for power in INDIA are the ones whom I am concerned about, because when they voice for Nuclear energy they are certainly dooming the next generation of INDIA from a nuclear waste free world.
The half life of nuclear wastes run in 1000's of years, where ever you dump it its still a polution to this plant and I dont think we have an alternate planet where we can migrate when we make this planet in hospitable to the next generation.

One account says that the annual nuclear waste produced in US from its 100 nuclear facility is equal to the area of the size of a foot ball field at 1 foot height, certainly these waste is going nowhere, it remains in this planet an mutates the next generation with disabilities

Nuclear is not an option? Then what is? More thermal? Hydroelectric? Solar? Do you have any idea of how much area is required(forget the cost) to set up a solar plant equaling a nuclear or thermal plant? Wind? Other than the fact that efficiency isn't necessarily very high & cost prohibitive, do you know how many birds are killed by wind turbines? Environmental costs eh? Spouting of standard lines means nothing. Nuclear waste is a problem? Really? Any idea how much quantity would be the actual amount of nuclear waste? We can manage hundreds of thousands of chemical factories, hundreds of thousands of bombs & other ordinance of the military but we can't manage a swimming pool size of nuclear waste? Maybe we should next stop using medical equipment with any radioactive material since half life of the radioactive material when the equipment finally reaches obsolesce will be huge? What next? Go back & live in caves? Irrational behaviour cannot be encouraged. France has done extremely well with nuclear power, even Japan for all its problems (natural disasters) has had what number of casualties due to nuclear power?:hitwall:
No one is denying the potential dangers associated with a N-plant. An unexpected natural disaster might also trigger an accident in the N-plant.

If people are worried that what happened in Japan would happen in India, then they are worried wrongly. An accident at the nuclear plant would be the least of anybody's concerns. An earthquake of that magnitude would level any Indian city completely, there will be very few worrying about nuclear plants. What happens if a meteorite hits? Those are not logical concerns. We simply do not live in the same seismological area as Japan & even Japan managed very well till the last earthquake when pumps used for cooling failed because of flooding of the diesel-powered emergency generators at the Fukushima nuclear power station, it wasn't physical damage to the reactor itself that was the problem.
Maybe the Church/Protesters/Sympathisers can pay for the construction cost to the people of India.

The people of Chennai are so proud of their city being called Detroit of India but looks like the factories in Indian Detroit will all be powered by Cycle Generators if this goes on (Ref: Visa Adv.) :D
If people are worries that what happened in Japan would happen in India, then they are worries wrongly. An accident at the nuclear plant would be the least of anybody's concerns. An earthquake of that magnitude would level any Indian city completely, there will be very few worrying about nuclear plants. What happens if a meteorite hits? Those are not logical concerns. We simply do not live in the same seismological area as Japan & even Japan managed very well till the last earthquake when pumps used for cooling failed because of flooding of the diesel-powered emergency generators at the Fukushima nuclear power station, it wasn't physical damage to the reactor itself that was the problem.

Kudankulam is built to withstand richter scale 8 level earthquakes and tsunamis.

And as I pointedo out in an earlier post people talk about Fukushima all the time without mentioning the nearby Onagawa plant that shut down automatically and served as shelter for the homeless for the next few months.
@KS .... You must have realized by now that Christians in pdf stick together and muslims stick together......they are the congress style 'secular' Indians. Its better if you say stuff like ...an arab man called jesus died for our sins so we should have nuclear power plants in India. That will convince them ....no amount of rational talk is going to do that trick.

What kind of nonsense is this?? Just because one church is spearheading this protest, you think that all Christians are against it and India?? You do know that ISRO was situated in a place where there was a Christian church?? Do read about the Priest told to believers when ISRO planned their center there.. Your Bigotism is going through amazing levels.. Do not assume that only Hindus love this country!!
What kind of nonsense is this?? Just because one church is spearheading this protest, you think that all Christians are against it and India?? You do know that ISRO was situated in a place where there was a Christian church?? Do read about the Priest told to believers when ISRO planned their center there.. Your Bigotism is going through amazing levels.. Do not assume that only Hindus love this country!!

Arey the bishop who is behind this is number one 420 and he is even threatening and harassing other catholic priests in nearby areas..some priests have even written to vatican to replace this guy, but till now nothing has happened..
Arey the bishop who is behind this is number one 420 and he is even threatening and harassing other catholic priests in nearby areas..some priests have even written to vatican to replace this guy, but till now nothing has happened..

Mate I agree with that, and I know that the church and the NGO's are playing an active role in the protest.. Believe me there are many preists like that who indulge in all kind of nonsense and the Vatican decided to cover it up!! But read what @zaxcollix said?? Do you really think we only believed what vatican is saying?? does he even know there are some sects who do not believe in the authority of Vatican??
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Mate I agree with that, and I know that the church and the NGO's are playing an active role in the protest.. Believe me there are many preists like that who indulge in all kind of nonsense and the Vatican decided to cover it up!! But read what @zaxcollix said?? Do you really think we only believed what vatican is saying?? does he even know there are some sects who do not believe in the authority of Vatican??

Regarding Vatican, what are they telling about the pope's sudden & mysterious resignation inside the church..Im hearing all kinds of rumors here..
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What kind of nonsense is this?? Just because one church is spearheading this protest, you think that all Christians are against it and India?? You do know that ISRO was situated in a place where there was a Christian church?? Do read about the Priest told to believers when ISRO planned their center there.. Your Bigotism is going through amazing levels.. Do not assume that only Hindus love this country!!

I said "christian in pdf" ..... its your religious bigotry that makes you blind to what is actually written, support anti national vested interest and have the gall to play the victim .......and that goes for all those who thanked you as well.
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