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Anti-Japan protesters mistook traditional Chinese clothes for Kimono


Jul 31, 2010
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China allows rowdy anti-Japanese protests
In Chengdu, a woman who was eating in a fast food restaurant along the demonstration route was forced to strip because marchers mistook her traditional Chinese dress for a kimono. She undressed in a bathroom and borrowed clothes from others, said the manager of the Dicos restaurant where the incident occurred. The man, who would only give his surname, Zhong, said he shut down the restaurant for a few hours until the marchers passed.

Apparently nowadays you can't even wear Chinese dress in China without being harassed by some brain-dead Zhonghua fascists.


^^^This is what the girl was wearing, isn't it BLOODY OBVIOUS Chinese not kimono? Do those so-called 'nationalist' protesters have zero understanding of their own culture and history.

Some of those protesters can't even write Chinese properly

(I hope Chinese members here can all spot the error)

And what the f*** is this?

Do fascist youth now count Taliban sympathizers among their rank? (I dont what's written in Arabic, but the Chinese part reads 'Taliban and communism forever')

It makes one wonder where's CCP's tanks when we need them?
When China entered the Korean War, General MacArthur demanded authorization to use 30 nuclear bombs on the Chinese Northeast to create a radioactive wall so that Chinese would no longer be able to continue the war. Many people would like to label MacArthur as crazy. The truth of the matter is that he was not crazy at all. He was very normal, just as Truman was normal. Truman did not hesitate to use nuclear bombs against Japan. The Truman administration designed 10 plans to use nuclear weapons to attack the Soviet Union before the Soviet Union developed its nuclear bombs in 1949. China was saved from a nuclear disaster not because of American good sense. It was saved because of its fear of the Soviet retaliation on China's behalf. Later, the US offered the French the use of nuclear bombs in Dien Bien Phu, which was rejected by the French.

The war that changed the world: 60th anniversary of Korean War

Please don't malign the image of the CPC everywhere.
Apparently nowadays you can't even wear Chinese dress in China without being harassed by some brain-dead Zhonghua fascists.


^^^This is what the girl was wearing, isn't it BLOODY OBVIOUS Chinese not kimono? Do those so-called 'nationalist' protesters have zero understanding of their own culture and history.

Some of those protesters can't even write Chinese properly

(I hope Chinese members here can all spot the error)

And what the f*** is this?

Do fascist youth now count Taliban sympathizers among their rank? (I dont what's written in Arabic, but the Chinese part reads 'Taliban and communism forever')

It makes one wonder where's CCP's tanks when we need them?

Wow wow wow wait a second, what is your point? What is the purpose of this thread?

Those photos are fake. Why have you posted them?

Even if we have to assume that those photos are real. Still I see no problem. Why can't anyone wear kimono during protests? Why can't anyone use Arabic as a language of protest? No need to be unnecessarily conservative.

The protests were spontaneous. The govt never encouraged the protests. 3 thousand Japanese protested in Japan, in response more than 10 thousand Chinese have protested in China. There is no problem in peaceful protests.
No one's wearing a kimono, please reread my post.

There's nothing wrong with using Arabic, but cheering for Taliban is another matter.

Oh, the point of this thread is some of China's 'nationalist' or 'patriotic' youth are royally f***** up. Those people are as dangerous and un-Chinese as Mr.Liu Xiaobo. Since Mr.Liu has got a fair bit of spotlight here recently, I think it's fair they have their share of the sunshine too.
And what the f*** is this?

Do fascist youth now count Taliban sympathizers among their rank? (I dont what's written in Arabic, but the Chinese part reads 'Taliban and communism forever')

It makes one wonder where's CCP's tanks when we need them?
Truly WTF??

It reads the same or at least tries to in Arabic as well. Looks like an online translator was used because the Arabic word selection is not accurate as per the conversational sense. :hang2:
No one's wearing a kimono, please reread my post.

There's nothing wrong with using Arabic, but cheering for Taliban is another matter.

Oh I see. By the way, what is wrong in the Taliban part?

The person may be a Muslim. He may have his own point of view through which he sees the conflict. We should know Japan is an US ally in their invasion of Afghanistan. Try to understand politics. Enemy's enemy is my friend. Also, Talibans are fighting for their homeland.

Self criticism is good. But that should be constructive, not destructive. I am anti communist. But at the same time, I must say, CPC is the key to China's survival. At any cost, Chinese have to protect the CPC. CPC's survival means China's survival. We are passing through a very difficult period. US has a plan of military conflict with China on the table. If you are a true patriot, then ask the govt to ensure the safety of China's national security and territorial integrity. Co-operate with the Govt.
No one's wearing a kimono, please reread my post.

There's nothing wrong with using Arabic, but cheering for Taliban is another matter.

Oh, the point of this thread is some of China's 'nationalist' or 'patriotic' youth are royally f***** up. Those people are as dangerous and un-Chinese as Mr.Liu Xiaobo. Since Mr.Liu has got a fair bit of spotlight here recently, I think it's fair they have their share of the sunshine too.

What do you want them to do?

And what is Chinese and what is un-Chinese? Anyone who loves China and is ready to sacrifice himself for the cause of China is a Chinese. We can't afford to be conservative. How many ethnicities and religious communities are in China? They are all Chinese. Any conservativeness will alienate them. They must have the feeling of belongingness to the great nation, China.

No one can prevent the spread of Islam in China. The closer the co-operation between China and the Middle East as well as Central Asia will be, the more Chinese might become attracted to Islam.

We have to accept the reality.
Abt the talib part...... i guess anti us and anti jap sentiments nothing else.
Abt mr lui... hes better in a 8x8 cell.
LOL. Looks like the Chinese govt is better off controlling things tightly. Once you allow people on the road, things are bound to become ''weird' and destroy a few happy beliefs.

The Chinese Taliban supporter takes the cake. I think its going to infuriate most Chinese.
Interestingly the Taliban could not train the Hui, Kirghiz, Kazakh, Uzbek, Mongolian Muslims and many others who also live in the Western region.


I know the concerned member can't answer me. Because there is no clear cut answer.

Interestingly, Rebiya Kadeer, the separatist Uighur leader is in Washington which is having its own War on Terror.


Things are not that easy in politics. My advise is to read more, more and more. If possible, travel those areas to know what is the ground reality.

Uighur terrorists are using Islam as a cover, their separatism comes from racism.
So Muslims in China read/write Arabic ? Interesting...

Why do you sound so suprised?

All Muslims across the world learn Arabic because it's the language that the Quran is written and prayers are conducted in Arabic.
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