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ANP is against army operation and pro peace talks: Ghulam Ahmed Bilour

Enjoy the secular.... what took him so long? it was same bilor bacha khan, who kept shipping weapons to Karachi, south Punjab and Baluchistan using Pakistan Railway!
Now, i started to believe that some serious leaders of TTP are surrounded some where in mountains and now all world is trying to find a way out for them, this is why every one is demanding a break!
Trust me, after the break we will get nothing.
all these parties are serving there own interests while dealing with taliban or TTP issue

1) ANP is using the pashtun card to talk against the army operation and while their top leadership is a pro army operation in karachi, and believes in eliminating TTP menace through operation, they have taken a u turn, its the same ANP who was crying and using pashtun card when TTP where invading and occupying karachi

2) the immy fears that the TTP will not spear his PTI folks in KPK and punjab and KPK will suffer an unrest, his stance will also change which will result in bad political image of imran of taking u turns, will have to allocate budget to already striving KPK in providing shelter to IDPs

3) PML noonies fear that TTP will invade punjab and take revenge by killing them, punjab will suffer bomb blasts etc and punjab is also not ready to take IDPs

4) PPP is also of the opinion they wont allow pashtun IDPs, and will have to secure Sind from the IDPs and TTP and their leadership will be threatened, while bilawal takes anti TTP stance from the bunkers of bilawal house, khursheed shah, PPP's opposition leader takes a u stance and supports PML noony efforts for negotiations

the only true stand and the selfless non political stand taken by a party for national and not political interest is the MQM, it is thus proven

TubeChop - 8 PM With Fareeha Idrees , 3rd March 2014 , Complete Talk Show , 3 March 2014 (00:56)
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pashtuns have been abandoned by their own ANP, PPP, PTI and PMLN, they have been left at the mercy of the talibni terrorists

only MQM is standing for pashtuns and Pakistan, rest have excused themselves for taking troubles for the sake of pashtun people

pashtuns should decide by this who is sincere with you
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Using pashtun card for TTP is most stupid thing ever. TTP are terrorists but patriotic Pakistanis, even if majority are pashtuns they happyly allow people from other provinces to join their jihad. No ethinic bs like one see in like of pak-one. TTP have killed mostly pashtuns civilians because they are easy target being near their bases.

Any pakhtun suporting TTP or having any sympathy just because most if them are pashtuns is grade a idiot.
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