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Another Betrayal Of Ceasefire By Pakistan

You act like the two are separate, we are simply continuing the Islamic tradition of battering Hindustan, because it is a corrupt and detestable entity that the world has allowed to go scott free despite all of its misdemeanours against humanity.
You obviously know that many centuries ago your forefathers were the same people, and obviously non Muslim.
Then how can you become the enemy of your own kind now?

It’s like son becoming the enemy of the father.

Let me tell you the truth , religion itself is as much an invention of the human mind as the wheel or stone tools.
Just a means for survival and to make sense of certain things which was beyond human intelligence at that time.
It’s use will be over soon.
You obviously know that many centuries ago your forefathers were the same people, and obviously non Muslim.
Then how can you become the enemy of your own kind now?

It’s like son becoming the enemy of the father.

Let me tell you the truth , religion itself is as much an invention of the human mind as the wheel or stone tools.
Just a means for survival and to make sense of certain things which was beyond human intelligence at that time.
It’s use will be over soon.

Wrong, as proven in many posts before (see the ones I have made with a positive rating) our ancestry is mixed between local converts and the foreign invaders. Also, all of these foreigners hired locals into their army and administration (again, proven in postively rated posts of mine).

There's also the fact that in Islam, being Muslim is what you identify yourself as first and foremost. A Muslim from Nigeria should be closer to me than a Kafir from the Indus (and he/she is).

That's your opinion, not mine. If you want to learn the truth, watch some discussions with Muslims in Hyde Park online, Abdur Raheem Green's series on why Islam is the truth (again, online), and read Hamza Tzortzis's website. You can find many other websites and youtube channels to further your understanding of the truth.
then they wonder why Pakistan is not very successful
. .
I was commenting on the notion that a Nigerian ummati comes before a Pakistani non-ummati for many many of the ultra-religious people be they salafi or sufi or shia or ultra liberals (who want to be world citizens first). All four of these seem to pledge their loyalties to their own versions of ummat.
I think Pakistanis should become Pakistani before anything else
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I was commenting on the notion that a Nigerian ummati comes before a Pakistani non-ummati for many many of the ultra-religious people be they salafi or sufi or shia or ultra liberals (who want to be world citizens first).
I think Pakistanis should become Pakistani before anything else

That's your opinion, but not the opinion of us Muslims.

My aim is to unite the Muslim world under one nation (or at the very least under 10 nations allied with each other militarily, like NATO) and for us all to abide by Islam to the letter.

The Quran/sahih ahadith are my constitution and the Prophets (Peace Be Upon Them) as well as their Companions (May Allah Be Pleased With Them) are my founding fathers.
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ok then but I am searching for Pakistanis like the ones I knew from Pakistani forces long ago, be they any sect, whether praying or fighting, stood together as one,
Typical indian mentality. Even if an indian is killing another indian, both will yell this is Pakistan fault.
Indians are proving this misaal true, aik jhoot ko chipanay kay liya 1000 jhoot bolnay partay hai....
Indians failed to control local kashmiri freedom fighters for 70 years with mighty army and to hide their failure and shame ..blame Pakistan.

khud ko ullo bana rahay hain bewakoof log..lagay raho aur Modi ki jai ho
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