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'Annex part of Bangladesh' commented by a Former Indian cabinet minister

Guys this NuteralCitizen is just trying to play superior here which shows his racist comments,
don't try to feed this troll.
He knows nothing about India or BD or Pakistan for the real prespective where we stand and realize. but is behaving like he knew everyting about us.

No I'm not a racist or a troll however I do believe if British still controlled India it would have been united the unnecessary bloodshed would not have occurred of the partition or the Pak-Indo Wars. not to mention British India was better then China during it's time seems it was ruined now.
India was noting more then princely states until the brits arrived and united it.

I'm not too sure about that because even the Hindu mytholgy which has been in existance since thousands of years talks about India (Bharat) as a whole.
I'm not too sure about that because even the Hindu mytholgy which has been in existance since thousands of years talks about India (Bharat) as a whole.

There was tensions between Sikhs, Muslims, and Hindus right? Brits also let the Princes stay in power if they allied themselves with the british ? Through I see most of the former brit colonies worse off except america, most of the former African colonies are pretty bad off and as for the Indian subcontinent well india seems to be doing ok however many problems plague it not going to talk of pak.
. .
No I'm not a racist or a troll however I do believe if British still controlled India it would have been united the unnecessary bloodshed would not have occurred of the partition or the Pak-Indo Wars. not to mention British India was better then China during it's time seems it was ruined now.
I belive that it was the British and the European people who were not satisfied with their homelands who set foot in the name of adventure to conqure the rest of the world that created the messy world that we are in.
Germans screwed the world, the British screwed the world, French screwed the world, etc every country in Western europe is responsible for the mess that the world is in. its your ambition to rule the rest of the world that you enslaved other humans you did attrocities on them, etc.

Note - China is in good shape today because they never got ruled by the western hypocrats and power hungry a$$ holes of Europe.
I belive that it was the British and the European people who were not satisfied with their homelands who set foot in the name of adventure to conqure the rest of the world that created the messy world that we are in.
Germans screwed the world, the British screwed the world, French screwed the world, etc every country in Western europe is responsible for the mess that the world is in. its your ambition to rule the rest of the world that you enslaved other humans you did attrocities on them, etc.

Just one's belief and I respect that however I must say the through all of our actions yes we have progressed the world from screwing the world with. I believe merely human nature plus I could say the many good things brits did like unifying a bunch of princely states however anything the british did Pakistan-Indo wars are far worse not to mention 1971.
India was noting more then princely states until the brits arrived and united it.

There were pros and cons of the British arriving to India. Hell, had it not been for them, we may still be wearing lungis to our offices :lol:

Although if you ask me, the partition happened all too quickly and chaotically. It is thought that millions of people died.

The British factor is there, however the ultimate matter was the people allowed fragmented feelings to judge their actions. With little or no rationality or logic. And that's partly how the Indian sub-continent is pretty screwed in the 20th century. At times I feel this attitude is still there.

The Kashmir matter was literally abandoned by the Brits, and both India and Pakistan in turn fighting over it with Western weapons. God, the irony...

East Pakistan consisting of Bengali Muslims (now Bangladesh) was a victim of its delusions, and perhaps still is to some extent (the leadership axis).

I belive that it was the British and the European people who were not satisfied with their homelands who set foot in the name of adventure to conqure the rest of the world that created the messy world that we are in.
Germans screwed the world, the British screwed the world, French screwed the world, etc every country in Western europe is responsible for the mess that the world is in. its your ambition to rule the rest of the world that you enslaved other humans you did attrocities on them, etc.

Note - China is in good shape today because they never got ruled by the western hypocrats and power hungry a$$ holes of Europe.

Well, looking at how Hong Kong did before 1997, I'd say they did well. And now those same Hong Kongese are QQing about the CCP :lol:

Majority of the population in Falkland Islands want to remain with the UK, not Argentina. Now that speaks volumes.
I wouldn't say the Europeans are all mindless barbarians. Hell, it was a Westerner who founded the theory of gravity! The Western World's legacy on planet Earth is almost eternal. If we had no Calculus, we'd still be living in caves with no electricity, and no computers which we are all using now.
There were pros and cons of the British arriving to India. Hell, had it not been for them, we may still be wearing lungis to our offices :lol:

Although if you ask me, the partition happened all too quickly and chaotically. It is thought that millions of people died.

The British factor is there, however the ultimate matter was the people allowed fragmented feelings to judge their actions. With little or no rationality or logic. And that's partly how the Indian sub-continent is pretty screwed in the 20th century. At times I feel this attitude is still there.

The Kashmir matter was literally abandoned by the Brits, and both India and Pakistan in turn fighting over it with Western weapons. God, the irony...

East Pakistan consisting of Bengali Muslims (now Bangladesh) was a victim of its delusions, and perhaps still is to some extent (the leadership axis).

My Opinion United India best everyone lived together, true they left to quickly well they had to due to Hitler, however I still believe a british controlled India was far better then the 4 wars, suffering of kashmiri's and nuclear armed continent and partition.
Just one's belief and I respect that however I must say the through all of our actions yes we have progressed the world from screwing the world with. I believe merely human nature plus I could say the many good things brits did like unifying a bunch of princely states however anything the british did Pakistan-Indo wars are far worse not to mention 1971.
oh yes lets come to 1971, now that you have mentioned it let me clarify you some things.
The US wanted us to stay put (Nixon) on what is happening on East Pakistan
The same US who went to war with Iraq to bring Sadam to justice for killing 144 kurds wanted India to stay put when laks of refuges crossed the border and told the world that they are being staughtered.
where is the wests moral ground in 1971, when ever we turn back in history we do not see noble countries from the past all we see is countries and leaders filled with sinster motives.
oh yes lets come to 1971, now that you have mentioned it let me clarify you some things.
The US wanted us to stay put (Nixon) on what is happening on East Pakistan
The same US who went to war with Iraq to bring Sadam to justice for killing 144 kurds wanted India to stay put when laks of refuges crossed the border and told the world that they are being staughtered.
where is the wests moral ground in 1971, when ever we turn back in history we do not see noble countries from the past all we see is countries and leaders filled with sinster motives.

Ok sir I believe your getting to over emotional on this issue. my Opinion and final one British India better then the 4 wars, suffering of kashmiri's and nuclear armed continent and partition. In the end it was the people of British India that wanted to divide when the british left and they got their wish. as for 1971 cold war era remember that now alot of things we did not proud of.
Anyway British India > India Pakistan Bangladesh, as for Bangladesh isn't it suppose to be under water in a few decades ?
India was noting more then princely states until the brits arrived and united it.

India was a nation, is a nation and will remain a nation. The political unification would have happened with technology and advent of modern nationalism.

Besides this whole princely state business is purposely misinterpreted, why they were there when british were there too, infact they were given option of remaining independent by the brits when they left, then what unification??? That was done by Indians, NOT the brits.

And where do these so called princely states come from??? Where were they when mughals, sikhs and marathas ruled vasts parts of united India? Suddenly where did they appear from when the brits came? And how come they were still there when the brits left after ''unifying''?

Think about it, try to find facts, don't just talk through the hat just because you believe in benevolent imperialism.
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