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Ankara summons Iran envoy over Syria conference remarks


May 9, 2007
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Ankara summons Iran envoy over Syria conference remarks
AFP | Apr 04,2012 | 23:23
ANKARA — Turkey's foreign ministry summoned the Iranian ambassador Wednesday over remarks by a top offical in Tehran denouncing an international conference on the Syria crisis held in Istanbul.

The move came as Iran said it no longer wanted Turkey to host nuclear talks, and followed comments reportedly made by Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani critical of Ankara for staging the "Friends of Syria" conference.

"We summoned Iranian envoy today to demand an explanation on the remarks," Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told a press conference, without specifically naming Larijani.

He also said he had contacted Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi on Tuesday to express Ankara's dismay at the comments that "obviously contradicted the deep-rooted relations" between the two countries.

Salehi said the comments did not reflect official Iranian foreign policy, Davutoglu told reporters, noting that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan met Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad last week in Tehran for talks held "in respect and mutual understanding".

However, Iran's about-face on Istanbul as the venue for planned April 13 international talks on its nuclear drive suggests it is annoyed with Turkey over its stance on Syria, the Islamic republic's main ally in the Middle East.

"Taking into account the extremist and illogical position of Turkey on Syria and the recent conference on Syria, Turkey has de facto lost any competence to host the meeting," Aladin Borujerdi, the head of the Iranian parliament's foreign affairs commission, said on Iranian television Wednesday.

Turkey, which has called for President Bashar Assad to step down to end the year-long bloody strife in Syria, on Sunday hosted a "Friends of Syria" conference which was sympathetic to the opposition and criticised by Tehran.

Syria's official news agency SANA said in report from Tehran that Larijani had criticised the meeting as a gathering of those "bought by Israel".

Turkey-Iran ties have soured since Ankara agreed to implement a NATO-led early warning defence system last year, which Iran deems is hostile to the Islamic republic.

Ankara has also joined a US-imposed sanctions push to cut purchases of Iranian oil.
Ankara summons Iran envoy over Syria conference remarks | The Jordan Times
Bad policies caused this mess. Shepherds rule Turkey...
What the heck do you mean? Do you find el assads actions rightiouse or do you find that Iran can threathen turkey with its missile capabiltity.

Yes Iran has missiles capable of hitting turkey and yes its good to have early WARNING radars.
But stating that turkey is ruled of shepards makes you a sheep.

I have never made a personal atack thill to day.
But stating turkey as a 3rd world country made me angry.

Ps. If now turkey is ruled by shepherds who do you think should rule turkey???
I really want to know your answer. And I want a name and not a fantasy.

Saygılarla bir VATAN sever.
Never mind bro. Although i don't accept all policies of AKP, only a CHP supporter can use this kind of moronic statement above. While we have zero relations with Syria before AKP, ex-pkk supporter suddenly became our friend and these morons arbitrarily accuse to government. Sect lovers are showing us their dirty faces on all occasions.
Never mind bro. Although i don't accept all policies of AKP, only a CHP supporter can use this kind of moronic statement above. While we have zero relations with Syria before AKP, ex-pkk supporter suddenly became our friend and this morons arbitrarily accuse to government. Sect lovers are showing us their dirty faces on all occasions.

Only a CHP supporter can say this moronic statement.

Only a moron can be sure of anything. :)))

What the heck do you mean? Do you find el assads actions rightiouse or do you find that Iran can threathen turkey with its missile capabiltity.

Yes Iran has missiles capable of hitting turkey and yes its good to have early WARNING radars.
But stating that turkey is ruled of shepards makes you a sheep.

I have never made a personal atack thill to day.
But stating turkey as a 3rd world country made me angry.

Ps. If now turkey is ruled by shepherds who do you think should rule turkey???
I really want to know your answer. And I want a name and not a fantasy.

Saygılarla bir VATAN sever.

The ppl who rule Turkey are not qualified in my eyes to rule the country.

It is the prime minister Erdogan who blames the other parties saying:

" they ( opposition) didnt shepherded once, how can they rule the country"

So if you shepherded a herd of sheeps, you are qualified to rule Turkey. :)
This what happens when you BEG to become a member of EU, Turkey is now used as a tool by Europe, Europa knows Turkey's weakness which is WANTING SO BAD to become a member of EU, In order to become a member of EU you have to take orders, and EU will never let Turkey join so they can keep controlling Turkey.
This what happens when you BEG to become a member of EU, Turkey is now used as a tool by Europe, Europa knows Turkey's weakness which is WANTING SO BAD to become a member of EU, In order to become a member of EU you have to take orders, and EU will never let Turkey join so they can keep controlling Turkey.

Gimme a break syrian.. When people will stop this begging eu bs?.. In this country nobody believes to join the club and there is no such desire either. Surveys show that the majority of the population doesnt want to join eu..Make a search on google you will get the results. This is all political and economic move to go on the negotiations with eu, first of all they are our best trade partner and another aim of the eu negotiations is to get higher democratic and economic standarts, this is a 40 years story, in the last decade reforms have been accelerated, economic growth doubled, defence industry is growing, when the time has come it will be our turn to shut the door on their faces.
This what happens when you BEG to become a member of EU, Turkey is now used as a tool by Europe, Europa knows Turkey's weakness which is WANTING SO BAD to become a member of EU, In order to become a member of EU you have to take orders, and EU will never let Turkey join so they can keep controlling Turkey.

You need to understand that Turkey's Syria policy is not related to Turkey's accession process to EU. Although neither US nor EU has shown insistent diplomacy over Syria as much as Turkey has, Turkey is more eager to help Syrian people and take Assad down. The number of refugees in Turkey has passed way over 20.000 and soon Russia will not be able to support the bloody regime of Syria in UNSC. (China is easy to convince, some trade privileges will do the job) And then whether you accept it or not, Bashar Al Assad, the bloody dictator of Syria, will be sentenced to death just like Saddam, the other Baath dictator of Iraq, eventually because of the crimes he commited against the humanity.
^^ lol he talks about Syria. i didn't even mention Syria at all, all i said is that Turkey want to become a member of EU, and since they want to join the EU, EU will control Turkey's foreign policies.

Anyway you haters can hate, if your sick and tired of those "refugees" and FSA terrorists camp then stop supporting the terrorists so those people can return home and fight will end.

@Gaara, have you heard of the devil who dreams of living in heaven?

You need to understand that Turkey's Syria policy is not related to Turkey's accession process to EU. Although neither US nor EU has shown insistent diplomacy over Syria as much as Turkey has, Turkey is more eager to help Syrian people and take Assad down. The number of refugees in Turkey has passed way over 20.000 and soon Russia will not be able to support the bloody regime of Syria in UNSC. (China is easy to convince, some trade privileges will do the job) And then whether you accept it or not, Bashar Al Assad, the bloody dictator of Syria, will be sentenced to death just like Saddam, the other Baath dictator of Iraq, eventually because of the crimes he commited against the humanity.

have you heard of the devil who dreams of living in heaven?
Keep dreaming.
"3 koyun gütmemiş insandan bu ülkede siyasetçi olmaz." Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Ba?bakan Recep Tayyip Erdo?an, Newyork temaslar? öncesinde gündeme ili?kin sorular? yan?tlad?

Prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan Said: the one who didnt shepherded 3 sheeps, cannot be a politician in this country.

Akıncı, your comment please...

Why do you guys search for conspiracy theory in every second comment made by Erdogan or another world leader? Stop watching Kurtlar Vadisi...
Why do you guys search for conspiracy theory in every second comment made by Erdogan or another world leader? Stop watching Kurtlar Vadisi...

:) there is No conspiracy theory. There is a speech about shepherd and 3 sheeps. Not Said by myself either.
:) there is No conspiracy theory. There is a speech about shepherd and 3 sheeps. Not Said by myself either.

Then you are extremely bad at understanding the context of his speech. Searching stupid nonsense meaning behind such a simple sentence is only a child's game.
Then you are extremely bad at understanding the context of his speech. Searching stupid nonsense meaning behind such a simple sentence is only a child's game.

As you grow older, you ll start seeing things gray, not black nor white.
If we put the Syrian issue and Iran's nuclear talks aside, I didn't like Boroujerdi's comments. He is the head of the Iranian parliament's foreign affairs commission so he must watch out his words because they're attentively read and understood by other countries. I believe he could've used a better way of expressing his ideas than this comment if he had thought harder.
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