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And we were created as the Supreme Being

Humble Pakistani


New Recruit

Apr 27, 2013
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United States
United States
I know the Lord created us as the Supreme Being, but why do I feel so little; so low today. Why do I feel I am really not a “supreme being”? It has been a month since that dreadful day in Peshawar. I have no connection to the city that I have visited a handful of times. I did not personally know anyone who was connected to this tragedy, but why do I feel that each child killed was my own child. Why do I feel emptiness in my soul? Why am I still angry? Why am I questioning humanity?

It took me exactly a month to gather my strength and write again. A lot has happened in the last thirty days. The nation of Pakistan has risen up against terrorism, but unfortunately, I still see terrorists apologists spin their web of religious deception. I see lying and deceptive politicians keep on doing what they do best, and that is to lie and deceive the public. I also see justices shifting blames to poor executive decisions, law-making and prosecution for letting vicious terrorists go free. In other words the menace of corruption continues to prevail. As we point to the obvious, credit must be given to the military who are courageously and bravely trying to negate the rising threat of terrorism. Interestingly, we talk about the power of democracy, but then again maybe our inept leaders deserve to be overruled by the military.

I have always maintained that judiciary has been the biggest problem in Pakistan from day one. If Justice Munir would not have endorsed and legalized the first Marshall-law, Pakistan would be a different country today. Now someone will say that hindsight is 20/20, but unless we examine our past we will not correct our present and thus make a better future.

As we come back to evaluate the present, it is easy to see that the terrorists continue to push their agenda at any cost. After the attack in Paris, people with twisted ideology yet again struck, and killed nine white Europeans, just like they massacred more than 2,000 black Africans in Northern Nigeria. The Thought-Controlled Western Media went crazy over killings of Europeans, but the killings of Nigerians hardly received any outcry. The 133 school children’s killing was just a squeak. No 44 heads of States came together for the brown children or black Africans. This is our humanity! Wake up people, the ones with twisted ideology of religion or the twisted ideology of free speech. Mend your ways and see every humans as equal or you will both kill each other and no one will be left to mourn you.

Source:And we were created as the Supreme Being | The Pakistani Spectator
All life is supreme being. Humans cannot claim to be supreme beings. We live in Metaverse, where there there are many universes, each with millons of galaxies and each galaxy with billions of stars. There must be millions of intelligent species. So stop thinking that your special and all creation revolves around you.
All life is supreme being. Humans cannot claim to be supreme beings. We live in Metaverse, where there there are many universes, each with millons of galaxies and each galaxy with billions of stars. There must be millions of intelligent species. So stop thinking that your special and all creation revolves around you.

Thats your claim then reality, humans are supreme beings, can go to any extreme, evil or saint. Thats suprimacy...
Human beings are the most fucked up beings..................after wasps and hornets.
Human beings are the most fucked up beings..................after wasps and hornets.

You forgot spiders...:o:

Do you know spiders are still evolving? Damn those sneaky &$%£%. We need to hunt them down and eliminate them. They are now immigrating inside our houses, they have no regard for the local way of life, traumatising all humans they come across. When will the world stand up to these speciests?
You forgot spiders...:o:

Do you know spiders are still evolving? Damn those sneaky &$%£%. We need to hunt them down and eliminate them. They are now immigrating inside our houses, they have no regard for the local way of life, traumatising all humans they come across. When will the world stand up to these speciests?

I am converting all the spiders to Islam...lol

But seriously barring a few spiders most of them are really cool. Personal experience.
I am converting all the spiders to Islam...lol

But seriously barring a few spiders most of them are really cool. Personal experience.

I have problems with the hairy ones who are adamant in trying to get in to your face. It's a bit like when you are sitting enjoying a movie or something and you see this hairy fella strut out his ghetto hole and run around all over the place.

As for conversion I am sure if you can achieve this we will have the Americans starting drone strikes on spiders. :rofl:

I think we also derailed the guy's thread...
No we are not.

You could say we have an unnatural sense of greed and fear compared to most other species.
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