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And now, UFOs spotted in Ladakh along LAC : Exclusive


Sep 3, 2012
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New Delhi: The security agencies are baffled by continuous sightings of twin unidentified luminous objects in the Ladakh region of Jammu and Kashmir, in an area along the India-China border.

The mystery has deepened after the border-guarding troops deployed in Thakung, near Pangong Tso Lake, first sighted “unidentified flying objects” late last year.

It was suspected to be Chinese UAVs snooping on the Indian side. With China outrightly denying any knowledge of the objects and the DRDO failing to provide a clear picture, the Centre has roped in the Indian Institute of Astrophysics to study the mysterious objects.

Interestingly, the special team of scientists has submitted its report to the Union home ministry saying these appear to be “celestial bodies”. The security agencies, however, are not buying the argument and want a deeper probe.

“The matter was raised with China during flag meetings where they denied any knowledge and suggested we shoot them down. But that is not possible as these objects are very high up in the sky,” a top government official said on condition of anonymity.

A special team of MHA and MoD officials also visited the region last month to debrief troops.

Reports indicated these yellow spheres were rising up on the horizon from the Chinese side, gliding across the sky for three to four hours before disappearing. The DRDO, after studying the matter, said these objects are too far above for their technology to precisely decipher their nature.

Worried, the MHA then asked the Indian Institute of Astrophysics to give a precise assessment of these objects. The astrophysics institute has now said these objects are stationary and resemble celestial bodies.

The reason why they are visible so clearly at that axis is because of the terrain and topography, it has said in its report shared with the MHA and MoD. However, the IIA has also sought more time to conduct further studies to "conclusively" solve the mystery. The report will now be sent to the China Study Group, the country’s apex body on Sino-Indian border disputes.

UFOs spotted in Ladakh along India-China border | Deccan Chronicle
oh... Now everything's crystal clear.
The incursions from china were actually aliens in the form of human. they just came to ate the biggest brains of the planet and everybody knows whose that is :rofl:
Ladak is a beautiful place no wonder aliens and chinese are interested in ladak.... But are we taking chinese as aliens or aliens are chinese????????????
after India, China and Pakistan there is new party in the Ladakh dispute
well,I really don't believe in this kind of BS,but you guys can read this...

Vimana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
@isro2222 aint there some claims that King Ashoka himself started a project on this thing and it was somewhere in this region???(I read lil about Vimanas too,but couldn't find the proper links now)
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Probably a natural phenomena, which we have little understanding off. I heard of such lights appearing in the sky before.

It's kina like, if someone saw the aurora in sky in a region where it is rare siting for them to appear. A superstitious person might think there is a witch or demon behind it, or in to days world 'Alians", but in reality it is just a natural phenomena.

"An aurora (plural: aurorae or auroras; from the Latin word aurora, "sunrise") is a natural light display in the sky particularly in the high latitude (Arctic and Antarctic) regions, caused by the collision of energetic charged particles with atoms in the high altitude atmosphere (thermosphere). The charged particles originate in the magnetosphere and solar wind and, on Earth, are directed by the Earth's magnetic field into the atmosphere. Most aurorae occur in a band known as the auroral zone"


There might be more natural phenomenal like Aurora, which we might have little knowledge of because of their rare occurrence. It also reminds me of another rare natural phenomena, which is talked about, but probably has not been recorded on film (if i am not mistaken) or even studied. The lightening ball. Lightening, in the form of a slow moving ball, which stays in the sky for few seconds.

" Ball lightning is an unexplained atmospheric electrical phenomenon. The term refers to reports of luminous, usually spherical objects which vary from pea-sized to several meters in diameter. It is usually associated with thunderstorms, but lasts considerably longer than the split-second flash of a lightning bolt. Many of the early reports say that the ball eventually explodes, sometimes with fatal consequences, leaving behind the odor of sulfur."


Anyways, instead of taking these phenomena superstitiously. They need to be studied scientifically. How stupid would it be if someone saw an aurora in the sky, and he claimed it to be caused by witches or alians....
well,I really don't believe in this kind of BS,but you guys can read this...

Vimana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
@<u><a href="http://www.defence.pk/forums/member.php?u=134760" target="_blank">isro2222</a></u> aint there some claims that King Ashoka himself started a project on this thing and it was somewhere in this region???(I read lil about Vimanas too,but couldn't find the proper links now)

There was an episode on Vimana by ancient Indians in History channel...lemme see if I can find the link.

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@GR!FF!N its not good news.... Its not our Ashtar galactic federation.... Let me make it clear that pleiadians are at tarai region and seen daily. While the greys got some himalayan area under their control. The few things might happen.... i dont know for sure as i havent asked my team yet. The few things might happen is the greys wants indian army to upgrade its technology to maintain peace with china because if india dont upgrade than world will see war.... The Greys are Master of mind control frequency. 100s of UFO's appeard just before china enterd in indian area and than india warned china that war will come next. So now again greys hinting indian army to upgrade technology as they knows china made bit progress in border area. Trust me there will be small battle if india dont upgrade. Its greys who took over chinese military and goverments mind when they made a move. Now 2nd thing that might be is greys are unhappy by indian army entering their area. May be indian army poked greys by sending fighter jets or army on foot bit too much near greys secret underground base.... But trust me its not good sign. If indian army dont upgrade than small battle is on between india and china due to greys mind control technology known as E.L.F (Extreme low frequency).... I dont know much on latest UFO sightning atm.... However please let me make it clear that they not our ashtar galactic federation and 2nd thing thats not spaceship.... Its a Holographic display to fool indian army. The Spaceship is in cloaked docked into our orbit and from there they send holographic display to check military capablitys. Its safe that way as other civilizations attacks by lasor beams. Holographic is a safest way to communicate.... Click here. Its pleiadians holographic display in south india. This is white energy glowing balls. Same glowing white balls indian army reported. Its holographic display....
here video of it....
UFO Sighting in South India - YouTube
and here pic of it....
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