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Analysis: Will India’s S-400 missiles checkmate Pakistan?

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Say we do obtain this system I am pretty certain the Chinese would be keeping a very close eye on it (space based spy satellites, cyber perhaps?) how can India be sure they won't share intel on it with Pakistan? after all they also have bought the S-400 themselves.

Yes. That was what I was thinking too. China will share intelligence on their location at the time of hostility. But Pakistan should get its own satellites.
Firstly it was You who have Posted Wrong Figures For Bragging Purposes I Assume.I Countered Your Argument By Rational Authentic Facts

Now You are Making Argument on base Unknown Sources To Some How Maintain your Argument.This Typical Fanboy Argument.If you Have Something which we Can take as Technical argument Please Put it Here Rather Making Self Made Stories

What do you think Im Some Keyboard Warrior Who will Take you Shoddy Argument on Face Value Without Any Authentic Proof
I To Have My connections With Army HQ & I am a Proficient Follower of Military Historical Archives in Delhi

PS: Whole World Knows who Run To Bill Clinton at 1999 I Know You will Not By it if I Post Indian or Neutral Facts
Let Put Word From Your Own Mouth
Gen. Shahid Aziz, who was Director General (Analysis) of ISI at the time of Kargil War exposes Pervez Musharraf's short-sighted strategy of Kargil War, how Pakistan lost badly, how it didn't even claim the bodies of its soldiers and also manipulative attitude And He Estimated Figure of 600+ NLI Soldiers He Also Explain Why Bodies of your own Martyr's were Not Taken Due To Self boosting Purposes So that Morale of Public & Army Don't Get Down

The above general is disgruntled and annoyed that it was Musharraf and not him that became the leader of the world's first ever Muslim nuclear weapons state. Sour grapes.
as far as s-400 is concern u
forget India, a non ally, the US congress blocked F-22 sales to Israel and Japan, there is no chance they will ever sell B-2s to anyone either but F-35s were offered to India:

U.S. open to selling F-35 jet fighters to India

I think they are more concerned with Pakistan pilfering their tech to China than India might to Russia:



then there was also this on offer for the MMRCA:



Thats what we were discussing here till we got S-300's surprise entry :)
even I'm skeptical but it was a fair point to bring up, a lot of very reputed sources have also speculated on Indian S-300s, it is possible they are in service to protect the capital and other sensitive areas as a stopgap BMD till we get our own BMD up and running.

To let the Chinese know that he's the new upcoming leader of Pakistan. The new man about town. That he's probably the only man on earth willing to fight an enemy 8 times our size.
oh just stop it with the "8 times our size" bs already, this isn't kushti.

never in wars are 100% of all resources mobilized to fight.
While Pakistan said to have lost nearly 500 soldiers, the US Department of States gave an estimate of nearly 700 fatalities"


India has captured many Pakistani position in near Siachen like your Qaid-e Azam post.( because firstly Pakistan nowhere near Siachen)

If India had so much control over the Siachen, why do we still have troops there? Reason: Your troops cannot remove us.

As for casualties, that is not directly from a US source, it is from an Indian source.
even I'm skeptical but it was a fair point to bring up, a lot of very reputed sources have also speculated on Indian S-300s, it is possible they are in service to protect the capital and other sensitive areas as a stopgap BMD till we get our own BMD up and running.

Discussing S-300s here wud derail the main thread. I wud suggest that a separate thread be opened on S-300s presence in India.
Ya well being of Pakistani origin , it is not up to you to decide.

Flt lt Nachiketas Mig 27 was downed due to engine flame out due ingestion of smoke from rocket burst.

mean IAF Technician were not well aware of the situation your pilot can face at kargill

We Not Debating Grammer here it was Typo?Don't Deviate From Topic
Where is Source of your Arguments

Where is it Put it Again. there No Source of your argument I find None Except self Made stories

If you can't find it then you need to get an eye test ASAP.

regardless, the S-400s are coming, and that is confirmed.

so lets get back on topic and discuss how PAF will deal with the future threat.

The above general is disgruntled and annoyed that it was Musharraf and not him that became the leader of the world's first ever Muslim nuclear weapons state. Sour grapes.
I Know Official Figure Let his word Aside Look At what @Photon Put Figure of US state Dept Was Same.there other Gen of Pak as Well .the Fact is Gen Mushy was obsessed Ignorant Who Put Line of Soldiers Just to Satisfy His Political Motives

If you can't find it then you need to get an eye test ASAP.
Where is it Put it Again there no Source Except Self Made Stories
I Know Official Figure Let his word Aside Look At what @Photon Put Figure of US state Dept Was Same.there other Gen of Pak as Well .the Fact is Gen Mushy was obsessed Ignorant Who Put Line of Soldiers Just to Satisfy His Political Motives

Where is it Put it Again there no Source Except Self Made Stories

I will say it for the final time, go and find it.

I'm not surprised you have 11 negative ratings and nil positive ratings. Your incompetence shows.
even I'm skeptical but it was a fair point to bring up, a lot of very reputed sources have also speculated on Indian S-300s, it is possible they are in service to protect the capital and other sensitive areas as a stopgap BMD till we get our own BMD up and running.

oh just stop it with the "8 times our size" bs already, this isn't kushti.

never in wars are 100% of all resources mobilized to fight.

That is a statement of fact that no one can ever deny. That 8 times bigger nation means that india can mobilize and use that 8 times bigger factor for economic, political and military force against Pakistan. Yet Pakistan is still here. Our race is still here and lives on.
I will say it for the final time, go and find it.

I'm not surprised you have 11 negative ratings and nil positive ratings. Your incompetence shows.
Well Kid you Just New here Im Senior member My Post above 4000 & My 4400 Like Rating Says it all Go through the Content what Im Posting This not only ID i Have

Your Pissed Because Your Lies are Busted.Now Getting Personal That All
You are Now in denial
regardless, the S-400s are coming, and that is confirmed.

so lets get back on topic and discuss how PAF will deal with the future threat.

That is a statement of fact that no one can ever deny. That 8 times bigger nation means that india can mobilize and use that 8 times bigger factor for economic, political and military force against Pakistan. Yet Pakistan is still here. Our race is still here and lives on.
ok very good, now stick to the topic, PAF vs future Indian S-400 air defence
Yes. That was what I was thinking too. China will share intelligence on their location at the time of hostility. But Pakistan should get its own satellites.

During the Kargil conflict the Americans blocked India in using their GPS system and now we have our own regional system, Pakistan should team up with China in this regard.
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