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An unposted letter to PM Singh

Desi Guy

Nov 16, 2010
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Dear Mr Singh,

I have never before addressed a person of your stature so do forgive me for my casual style of speech. Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to you and your government for considering over 900 Pakistani Hindu citizens eligible for Indian nationality. It is a great gesture indeed for the Hindus who once lived in Pakistan, however, you must also realise that Christians, and even Muslims are not exactly ‘at peace’ in this country either.

I understand that Hindus remain your government’s first priority because many in your government identify with them; however, I still want to direct your attention towards the hundreds of Hazaras who are executed every day in broad daylight on the streets of Pakistan. I wanted to ask if you could lend a helping hand to the countless Christians who live in fear of being arrested or murdered for committing blasphemy in the country. The scores of civilian dying in the north-western side of Pakistan because of militancy and drone strikes could also avail your assistance, that is, if you plan to offer any.

You and a few representatives of the Indian government must also have a rendezvous with Ahmadis to understand how they face religious persecution in every aspect of their lives. I insist you meet with Pakistanis who are desperate to bring about a positive change in the society and see how they are threatened and harassed in ways that are unfathomable by many.

I am sure you would know all the details about political asylum but will reiterate that it is not easy for all Pakistanis to seek asylum in countries such as United Kingdom, United States, Canada and Australia as many of them do not have the resources to do the same. India remains the only hope for many people who can reach the country via Attari with minimum resources.

The level of desperation felt by some Pakistanis can evidently be gauged by the fact that some of them are even ready to migrate to Afghanistan — a country whose many inhabitants migrated to Pakistan in search of ‘refuge’ after the US invaded their country.

Mr Singh, we all do appreciate your humanitarian policies and would urge you to expedite the citizenship process of Pakistani Hindus, however, I find it my duty to inform you that people who profess other religions in Pakistan are equally deprived of peace and should be given an opportunity to seek asylum in India. Why is this move focused towards Hindus? Don’t you think that the Indian government, while at it, should chalk out a strategic plan to cater to Pakistanis — irrespective of caste and religion — whose lives are threatened within the boundaries of Pakistan?

Various members of the Indian government are corresponding with you on the status of Hindus who migrated to India to seek shelter. One of them is Laxmikanta Chawla who, amongst many other points, stated that, “Since the Pakistani government has failed to protect its minorities from frequent atrocities so the Indian government needs to look after them.”

Going by what Chawla said I must request you to not be so harsh on our government which is currently embroiled in a conflict with the superior judiciary and has other important tasks at hand rather than safeguarding the interest of the very people for which it was elected. It is important that you understand that the government of Pakistan is not only unable to look after its minorities but is also incapable of catering to the heavy majority and ensuring their safety.

Mr Singh, many Pakistanis will refuse to openly admit this but most of us would like to be considered eligible for Indian nationality. The reason behind our desire to move is extremely simple. It is because India since 1947 has grown as a nation, an economy and a country. Despite of the poverty and other related issues, we all see India as a progressive society and in a very positive light. We all want to live in a country which is ruled by secular politicians where fascist elements are given minimum representation in the parliament; a country where people can coexist or at least consider this ideology a welcoming thought.

You caught your Kasab but what about the numerous Kasabs who are ready to wipe out the entire population of Pakistan by flagging them as infidels, anti-Islam, pro-India, US puppets and just plain secular? What about us who continue to strive for a change, however, feel helpless at the hands of the radical elements freely roaming around in Pakistan? Is there any solace for us?

Mr Singh, this might not be news to you but every life which is snubbed out in a militant or violent attack in Pakistan pushes the progress made by the handful of Pakistanis who believe in mutual respect for peace, life and religious diversity, a hundred steps back.

It is indeed with a heavy heart that I leave Pakistan today in search of a safer country — a place where I can express myself freely without being threatened and flagged as a heretic.

En route to a strange country, crossing the all too familiar roads of Karachi, I saw a poster featuring Jinnah with a small line stating “Pakistan needs you”. Mr Singh, never before did I feel such fierce emotion. The words struck me and for the first time in my life, made me realise that we all have failed Jinnah and the Pakistan he envisioned.

Like many others before and after me, I am running for safer pastures where my life will be valued and respected, leaving my fellow countrymen behind to fight with the demons that dictate the order of the day in Pakistan, my home.

I don’t know what would I have done if was given an option to move to India. Perhaps, I would have moved but this is a question that will remain unanswered unless your government starts treating dejected Pakistanis on equal footing as Hindus.

One amongst many Pakistanis striving for a progressive change.:smokin:

An unposted letter to PM Singh | DAWN.COM
Nicely written. Kudos to the author, may Allah keep you safe! :tup:

And don't worry kiddo, we will avenge the mental torture you had to face, gloves are off, mullahs better prepare for a one on one dirty fight! :angry:

No rules, no emotions, you use a bomb, we will use nerve agents on your whole populations. Let's see if brain triumphs over stupidity.
Seeing the condition of the non-Hindu minorities of Pakistan as indicated by the article, the Indian Govt. should welcome them with open arms provided the checks in place have been complied with. Having said this, if the Indian Govt. does accept the non-Hindu minorities, it will be a blow to Jinnah, his vision of the two-nation theory, and not to mention Pakistan. Jinnah will be rolling in his grave if he were to read this letter. Pakistan, do something before the s&!t hits the fan.
Dear Mr Singh,

I have never before addressed a person of your stature so do forgive me for my casual style of speech. Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to you and your government for considering over 900 Pakistani Hindu citizens eligible for Indian nationality. It is a great gesture indeed for the Hindus who once lived in Pakistan, however, you must also realise that Christians, and even Muslims are not exactly ‘at peace’ in this country either.

I understand that Hindus remain your government’s first priority because many in your government identify with them; however, I still want to direct your attention towards the hundreds of Hazaras who are executed every day in broad daylight on the streets of Pakistan. I wanted to ask if you could lend a helping hand to the countless Christians who live in fear of being arrested or murdered for committing blasphemy in the country. The scores of civilian dying in the north-western side of Pakistan because of militancy and drone strikes could also avail your assistance, that is, if you plan to offer any.

You and a few representatives of the Indian government must also have a rendezvous with Ahmadis to understand how they face religious persecution in every aspect of their lives. I insist you meet with Pakistanis who are desperate to bring about a positive change in the society and see how they are threatened and harassed in ways that are unfathomable by many.

I am sure you would know all the details about political asylum but will reiterate that it is not easy for all Pakistanis to seek asylum in countries such as United Kingdom, United States, Canada and Australia as many of them do not have the resources to do the same. India remains the only hope for many people who can reach the country via Attari with minimum resources.

The level of desperation felt by some Pakistanis can evidently be gauged by the fact that some of them are even ready to migrate to Afghanistan — a country whose many inhabitants migrated to Pakistan in search of ‘refuge’ after the US invaded their country.

Mr Singh, we all do appreciate your humanitarian policies and would urge you to expedite the citizenship process of Pakistani Hindus, however, I find it my duty to inform you that people who profess other religions in Pakistan are equally deprived of peace and should be given an opportunity to seek asylum in India. Why is this move focused towards Hindus? Don’t you think that the Indian government, while at it, should chalk out a strategic plan to cater to Pakistanis — irrespective of caste and religion — whose lives are threatened within the boundaries of Pakistan?

Various members of the Indian government are corresponding with you on the status of Hindus who migrated to India to seek shelter. One of them is Laxmikanta Chawla who, amongst many other points, stated that, “Since the Pakistani government has failed to protect its minorities from frequent atrocities so the Indian government needs to look after them.”

Going by what Chawla said I must request you to not be so harsh on our government which is currently embroiled in a conflict with the superior judiciary and has other important tasks at hand rather than safeguarding the interest of the very people for which it was elected. It is important that you understand that the government of Pakistan is not only unable to look after its minorities but is also incapable of catering to the heavy majority and ensuring their safety.

Mr Singh, many Pakistanis will refuse to openly admit this but most of us would like to be considered eligible for Indian nationality. The reason behind our desire to move is extremely simple. It is because India since 1947 has grown as a nation, an economy and a country. Despite of the poverty and other related issues, we all see India as a progressive society and in a very positive light. We all want to live in a country which is ruled by secular politicians where fascist elements are given minimum representation in the parliament; a country where people can coexist or at least consider this ideology a welcoming thought.

You caught your Kasab but what about the numerous Kasabs who are ready to wipe out the entire population of Pakistan by flagging them as infidels, anti-Islam, pro-India, US puppets and just plain secular? What about us who continue to strive for a change, however, feel helpless at the hands of the radical elements freely roaming around in Pakistan? Is there any solace for us?

Mr Singh, this might not be news to you but every life which is snubbed out in a militant or violent attack in Pakistan pushes the progress made by the handful of Pakistanis who believe in mutual respect for peace, life and religious diversity, a hundred steps back.

It is indeed with a heavy heart that I leave Pakistan today in search of a safer country — a place where I can express myself freely without being threatened and flagged as a heretic.

En route to a strange country, crossing the all too familiar roads of Karachi, I saw a poster featuring Jinnah with a small line stating “Pakistan needs you”. Mr Singh, never before did I feel such fierce emotion. The words struck me and for the first time in my life, made me realise that we all have failed Jinnah and the Pakistan he envisioned.

Like many others before and after me, I am running for safer pastures where my life will be valued and respected, leaving my fellow countrymen behind to fight with the demons that dictate the order of the day in Pakistan, my home.

I don’t know what would I have done if was given an option to move to India. Perhaps, I would have moved but this is a question that will remain unanswered unless your government starts treating dejected Pakistanis on equal footing as Hindus.

One amongst many Pakistanis striving for a progressive change.:smokin:

An unposted letter to PM Singh | DAWN.COM

COMMENTS saythetruth10
September 10, 2012 2:53 pmShame on you for writing this article. I would starve to death in Pakistan than to live under a Hindu rule. Dawn has lost it’s mind and now has become a month pieces for the enemies of Pakistan.Reply Amir
September 10, 2012 2:52 pmSpot on Faiza. Very unfortunate but very true.

Reply Rameez
September 10, 2012 2:50 pmFaiza,

I find it ironic that your piece lacks even a shred of the “progressiveness” that you refer to towards the end. Rather than suggesting what can be done to improve the situation, you chose to write a childish criticism of the Pakistani government (how original), and included a juxtaposition with India for good measure (good for India – happy for them – but as Pakistanis, perhaps we need to trigger change by look inward rather than pointlessly comparing?).

Not for one moment am I defending the atrocities against minorities in Pakistan, but I’m deeply disappointed by your cynical and damaging response to the situation. As a next step, you owe it to your people and country to write back with specific, constructive recommendations on what can be done to improve the situation.

Reply Ajay
September 10, 2012 2:40 pmFaiza,
Although I realize that this article is not really meant for Manmohan singh but your fellow countrymen, but still I am going to nitpick on a factual error. Laxmikanta Chawla is not member of Indian govt., she’s from the oppostion party. But yes she’s part of Punjab govt. which is ruled by opposition alliance.

Also, Indian govt. granted asylum to Hindus coz they asked for it. I am not sure if people of other faiths also asked the asylum and they were refused. There were Sikh families from punjab and NWFP who asked for asylum and were given by India. Can you provide some data to substantiate the charge that India is refusing asylum to other faiths?

Reply dawood
September 10, 2012 2:40 pmShame on you and newspaper for writing this article….You are running away to countries who are causing all the disturbance in your country…i think you should be exiled out of here


Sabir Ayub Rabbani

September 10, 2012 2:59 pmVery well said Mr. Dawood. And I am amazed that newspaper like Dawn is promoting a thing like this.

Reply FxZee
September 10, 2012 2:40 pmWelcome to India, My sister

Reply Vijaykumar
September 10, 2012 2:39 pmMost welcome …. we lived together for thousands of years ….

Reply Krishna
September 10, 2012 2:38 pmAwesome Faiza, I always felt that India has a moral responsibility of accommodating Pakistani hindus seeking political asylum..But I was amazed by your questioning that when asylum per se is a moral subject then why discriminate on the basis of religion..I agree with you that giving asylum should be based on humanitarian grounds rather than religious grounds..

Reply Tauheed
September 10, 2012 2:22 pmSeriously? Running away is the solution?

Reply Manoj
September 10, 2012 2:21 pmReally touching article. Faiza we will be proud to welcome u in India. But Why India/Pakistan. We are originated from one nation and should be mergerd again in one nation. May god bless us.

Reply Raj
September 10, 2012 2:14 pmYes you are welcome, anytime.

Reply edwin
September 10, 2012 2:01 pmBravo to the writer for she has penned what many of us are silently thinking. There will come day when the minorities of Pakistan will proudly say “I am proud to be a Pakistani”. Bur unfortunately, I may not be alive to see that day. Amen.

Reply Nina
September 10, 2012 1:54 pmI would love to share your sentiments Faiza but only once Modi is behind bars. Never before that.

Reply turab
September 10, 2012 1:52 pmIndia has more Muslim population than Pakistan.



September 10, 2012 3:01 pmcorrect your outdated data..now pakistan has more muslims than India only second to Indonesia..

Reply NORI
September 10, 2012 1:51 pmThat’s a touching article, Faiza. India has been a home to anyone, irrespective of his/her religion but it’s up to the individual to believe that. You’re welcome to India but I wish Pakistan improves.

Reply Shahzeb Khan
September 10, 2012 1:49 pmThe fact that you can write such stuff without being branded should be reason enough not to leave this country!



September 10, 2012 2:20 pmVery correct….


Halima J

September 10, 2012 2:28 pmIn the end, she says she is leaving the country “for safer pastures where my life will be valued and respected.” I’ve been following Faiza’s writings, and she HAS been branded as an infidel, anti-Islam and pro-India.Reply Maham Khalid
September 10, 2012 1:47 pmmigration is NOT the solution.

Reply Jha
September 10, 2012 1:30 pmEmotional Kar diya….

Reply Saurabh Jadli (@sohrabjadli)
September 10, 2012 1:29 pmThe problem is at the time only Hindus are asking for help from India and Muslims of Pakistan will never consider India as their home otherwise whole Pakistan will be re-included in India. But yes, I agree on your point anyone who is suffering and asks for help/refuge should be treated equally irrespective of religion.

Reply Adeel Abbas
September 10, 2012 1:25 pmSpot on! Since i heard that Hindu minorities are being given assylum in India for their religious percecution, I realized that I would be eligible for the assylum on the same ground to the “SECULAR” India. As our former PM says “who is stopping them”, I realized that my green passport was stopping me and even after that Rehman Malik was stopping us on the fear of migrating to India. Our “bad”- Luck is stopping us.

Pakistan was not made for these religious extremists, and had it been made as per them, as today, I am against this two nation theory.

Reply Ron
September 10, 2012 1:13 pmAwwwww.. Visit anytime Faiza. You are welcome.



September 10, 2012 1:41 pmThere should be a follow up on this Faiza….


I've just copied some of comments from the DAWN, to see how fellowcountry man thinks...A hate among the different ethnic groups is being propagated...their must have been discriminaito problems, but they must not have been to the extent of GUJRAT SLAUGHTERING and now people want to go for opportunities...

I don't have to say much about the article, but there the poeple and media and politician who are doing more harm to Pakistan then to others...We have already questioning the DAWN, even just yesterday questioned about the dawn that is it a Pakistan news paper? I highlighted its title and then its image it has posted there..

..I'm following dawn and I found they are in search of people in Pakistan who may write any thing against pakistan.....

God knows the best...

Dekha Jo Teer Kha kay Kameen Gah Ki Taraf,
Apnay he doston se Mulaqat ho gaye"

I had just yesterday said that its name should not be DAWN PAKISTAN but to DOWN THE PAKISTAN...
A bit of satire never hurt anyone. ITs meant to hurt emotions and bring about change in the process..

COMMENTS saythetruth10
September 10, 2012 2:53 pmShame on you for writing this article. I would starve to death in Pakistan than to live under a Hindu rule. Dawn has lost it’s mind and now has become a month pieces for the enemies of Pakistan.

very much similar to the banter on Kashmir. Things change over time.:enjoy:
:P saray badshaklon ko bhej do India. Kambakhto wahan khanay ko nahi danay aur aman chali bhunanay
Mr Singh, many Pakistanis will refuse to openly admit this but most of us would like to be considered eligible for Indian nationality.

WTF? Now the author and her family have become 'most' of the Pakistanis. I have seen it all, don't wanna live on this planet anymore! Can somebody post that 'face palm' stuff here?
if these a.holes have so much affection for India then what the foccck are they doing in Pakistan. Please leave the Pakistan to us cruel Pakistanis and go to Incredible India and then we will c what will happen to u and ur family.

Saley pakistan ka khate han aur gun India k gatey han
:P saray badshaklon ko bhej do India. Kambakhto wahan khanay ko nahi danay aur aman chali bhunanay

You mean entire India is starving??In india you dont earn because of ur religion...Jo kaam karega woh kamaayega....ya bhuko mei hindus bhi hai musalmaan bhi.Still we have flooding immigrants from bangladesh, nepal,tibet and even burma.

Also Insaano aur Jaanwaro mei ek farq hota hai....Insaan khaane se ziadaa family aur quam ki izzat, self respect, family & children security ko importance dete hai. God knows who are people behind writer's inspiration behind this letter & who's hell experiences inspired him to write it.
You mean entire India is starving??In india you dont earn because of ur religion...Jo kaam karega woh kamaayega....ya bhuko mei hindus bhi hai musalmaan bhi.Still we have flooding immigrants from bangladesh, nepal,tibet and even burma.

Also Insaano aur Jaanwaro mei ek farq hota hai....Insaan khaane se ziadaa family aur quam ki izzat, self respect, family & children security ko importance dete hai. God knows who are people behind writer's inspiration behind this letter & who's hell experiences inspired him to write it.

1. Not all not entire India is starving neither it was in literal meaning. The main point is India failed to give its own population a sense of good living or even a reasonable living mainly due to many factors including poverty and so on. How can a country where their own Hindus the down troden ones are still finding it hard to earn two square meal, accomodate Pakistanis and at the same tiime give them good living.

2. As far as security and health and education is concerned the same is the situation there and condition of majority of the Indian Muslims whereas the lives of Indian Dalits are also in the same boat so what is theere which India can offer to Pakistanis?

Even today majority of Indian Muslims are doubted viz a viz so can you tolerate actual Pakistanis?
:P saray badshaklon ko bhej do India. Kambakhto wahan khanay ko nahi danay aur aman chali bhunanay

Toh khaali haath aane ke liye kisne kaha...aapke desh, jahan koi Allah ka banda kabhi bhooka nahi gaya, ke bharpoor anaj bhi bandh ke aana. Mill baant ke khayenge...:P
1. Not all not entire India is starving neither it was in literal meaning. The main point is India failed to give its own population a sense of good living or even a reasonable living mainly due to many factors including poverty and so on. How can a country where their own Hindus the down troden ones are still finding it hard to earn two square meal, accomodate Pakistanis and at the same tiime give them good living.

How India failed?? Was it so easy to achieve what we achieved in 65 years??

Pakistan & India came in existence together but India is more complicated to govern than Pakistan & many folds bigger and also diverse than Pakistan is. Still we have done lot better if India has failed than much worse should be said about Pakistan. Right??

Do you believe me miracles?? Leave your Pakistani spectacles aside & see what India is.
It is said "Rome was not built in a day".65 years is a little period for complete turnover of a nation & if country is as huge as populus & culturally diverse like india its negligible span for progress. We are not the best but we have improved a lot in last 3-4 decades. we have reduced poverty by 40% also our literacy, GDP per capita, technology has gone up in comparison to our neighbours. Hindus, Muslims, Christians, live proudly here none is second class citizen here or community prosecuted on daily basis.

You are right about existing poverty problems in india but if we keep same pace of progress in 2-3 decades you will see a entire different picture. We are slowly & steadily improving in all fields & soon we will take care of all the misgoing of our nation.

Can same be said of Pakistan?? Certainly not.

So no surprises why India can be a obvious choice of minorities in neighboring countries to settle down if their mother country discriminates them.

2. As far as security and health and education is concerned the same is the situation there and condition of majority of the Indian Muslims whereas the lives of Indian Dalits are also in the same boat so what is theere which India can offer to Pakistanis?

Even today majority of Indian Muslims are doubted viz a viz so can you tolerate actual Pakistanis?

No situation is not Same here as it is there.

1. Health -
India has best medical facilities in South Asia, even middle east people come to india for better medical help. we have eradicated polio from india. Our pharma industries are also competing with foreign medicine producers. We have govt hospitals amost in each village where free medicines & treatments is provided for all major & minor epidemics & diseases apart from that maternaty facility for poor people are free, motibeend operation for senior citizens are free, free heart check ups are conducted at every district, immune doses/injections to new borns & infants are at cost of peanuts.

2. Education-
literacy rates of india & pakistan can be compared.

3.Dalits -
Does our law tortures dalits or non majorities by having some law like blasphemy law? No instead attrocity act has empowered dalits more than Hindu majority. Quote scheme which our Constitution advocates for dalits is infact giving a throat cut race for majorities in all fields.

Only few rural regions in UP & Bihar have this dalit problem & its reduced to about 10-15% than it was some 3-4 decades.

4. Muslims can doubt Hindus & divide country in to two to form a muslim majority state.
Again the same muslim country gets divided into two countries because of doubts & ethinic struggles.
Now despite being a complete islamic state there is doubt between muslim sects itself ...shia sunni ahmedi etc leading to frequent killings.These are all goody goody things but hindus in India doubting muslims or future Pakistanis settling in India is a worry. Where does indian doubts on muslim here stands before above mentioned doubts??

Finally The thread Topic can be summarised into single question as...

Will minorities of Pakistan have safe living in India if Pakistan fails to provide so....and answer is YES.
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