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An intolerant educational system made me indifferent to the death of non-Muslims


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An intolerant educational system made me indifferent to the death of non-Muslims
By Bakhtawar Bilal Soofi Published: November 23, 2013


For a better future for our children we must attach monumental significance to the task of reforming our educational system. Otherwise, we will just be raising fanatical individuals who have no value for human life. PHOTO: Reuters


As the Twin Towers came crashing down in New York City on September 11, 2001 an eight-year-old boy remained unmoved some 7,000 miles away in Lahore as the horrifying images unfolded before him. The boy then, descended into a mode of celebration upon discovering that the towers were in ‘non-Pakistani’ territory and that a significant majority of the dead were non-Muslims.

This boy was no suicide bomber in the making. He was not the product of an extremist madrassa nor was he the son of a jihad veteran. In fact, this was a boy who was being educated at one of the finest institutions this country had to offer. Yet, the boy had failed to appreciate the value of human life.

He was insensitive to the deaths of more than 2,000 people. What is more alarming is that at the tender age of eight, this boy had justified his delight by distinguishing between the life of a Muslim and a non-Muslim.

As much as I hate to admit it, I was this boy.

In retrospect, I question why I showed such insensitivity to the events around me.

On what basis had I come to believe that the value of the life of a Jew or Christian was less than that of a Muslim?

How did I develop this extremely bi-polar perception of an ‘angelic’ East leading a crusade against the ‘demonic’ West?

After some pondering, I realised that my response to the events of 9/11 points towards an educational system that is deeply flawed, particularly the content of our textbooks. The factual inaccuracies, historical inconsistencies and the inherent bias that permeates these books has been criticised on numerous occasions – the most prominent being The Murder of History by KK Aziz.

However, beneath the veil of this customary disapproval lies a subtle but grave problem that still goes unnoticed. This problem is primarily two-sided. The first side is concerned with our treatment of the two identities that any Pakistani holds dear, that is, their nationality and religion, while the second arises from the content of our textbooks.

Think about it – Islam and Pakistan have always been portrayed as products of persistent persecution. Textbooks on Islamiat repeatedly drive the point home that Islam faced significant oppression before attaining the global status that it has today. Similarly, our history schoolbooks constantly highlight the cruelty faced by the Muslims of British India before acquiring the independent state of Pakistan.

It is not difficult to understand then, why this theme of persecution and oppression adopts such a paramount status in our treatment of Islam and Pakistan. Consequently, this breeds an instinctive feeling of vengeance against all those who fall outside the boundaries of Islam and Pakistan. Hence, children are subconsciously taught to view the people of this world through a binary lens – one is either a Muslim or a non-Muslim; a Pakistani or a non-Pakistani.

The second problem is concerned with the content of our textbooks. Books in both, Urdu and English are infused with tales that shed light on the lives of our national heroes. However, the irony is that while we have packed our textbooks with the bravery of Rashid Minhas and the valour of M M Alam, we have ignored the compassion of Abdul Sattar Edhi and the accomplishments of Dr Abdus Salam. Intentionally or unintentionally, through our textbooks we have placed the traits of courage, bravery and valour on a higher pedestal than the traits of honesty, compassion and skill.

Unfortunately, this is the reflection of an educational system that contributes to the glorification of war at the expense of humanity.

In no way am I trying to suggest that Islamic and Pakistani history should be eliminated from our curriculum, and neither do I intend any disrespect towards our soldiers who have sacrificed their lives for the security of our homeland. I do, however, propose the adoption of a more balanced and refined approach towards teaching these subjects.

Where we celebrate a war hero, we must also celebrate a hero of science. Where we honour the bravery of an officer, we must also honour the compassion of a philanthropist. Where we recall the sacrifices of our Prophet (pbuh), we must also recall the sacrifices of Jesus.

Of course, such parity would require a shift in the very foundation of our educational system from psychological programming to a more open, pluralistic mode of critical thinking which is based on logic and reason. There is no doubt in my mind that unless we shift these foundations, we will not succeed in removing the ever-present ‘conspiracy theory’ syndrome as an explanation for all evil.

I grew up in a Pakistan where there was at least some sanctity of life and yet, I failed to recognise the intrinsic value of human life. I now fear the response of the next generation who unfortunately, have opened their eyes to a world of terror; a world where human life has been stripped of its very value and sanctity.

Thus, it is for the want of a better future for our children, that we must attach monumental significance to the task of reforming our educational system and waste no time in changing it. Otherwise, we will just be raising insensitive, fanatical and closed-minded individuals who have no value for human life.

And we will have only ourselves to blame.


Bakhtawar Bilal Soofi
A student of law at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), he tweets as @bbsoofi (twitter.com/bbsoofi)
And this guy is caring more about people dead on 9.11 but not about the dead people in Iraq/Afghanistan/Pakistan as they were muslims??

what a brain washed guy he is ...

One must understand that innocent people killing is not justified in any form. any one doing it is wrong, USA is also doing it in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan... Please write a blog post for that innocent killings as well or do you think they are not humans as they are not Americans?
And this guy is caring more about people dead on 9.11 but not about the dead people in Iraq/Afghanistan/Pakistan as they were muslims??

what a brain washed guy he is ...

One must understand that innocent people killing is not justified in any form. any one doing it is wrong, USA is also doing it in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan... Please write a blog post for that innocent killings as well or do you think they are not humans as they are not Americans?

Please visit http://www.missingthepointdotcom

Click on the link kneejerkreactions, then on duh!
Care to demonstrate to us that you've read beyond the title of the article? 'cause right now you look like a fool.

I have red all of it and by your assumption which come from your american sided mind shows me how idiot and fool you are to start with ..

I do not have to demonstrate anything to you ... you have all the right to have your own assumptions and i give a damn..

There is no intolerant system of education in Pakistan, i have seen more intolerant education system in USA where someone kills innocent students for no reasons , i hope you can google some of them where fellow students have killed students over non-sense stuff .... this is what we call intolerant system...
So @Aamna14 @Marshmallow @Secur @HRK @S.U.R.B. - I gather that you guys, like myself, went through the same 'System' - Did they teach us something different if we never were the boys or girls who 'then, descended into a mode of celebration upon discovering that the towers were in ‘non-Pakistani’ territory and that a significant majority of the dead were non-Muslims.' on 9'11 ! :unsure:
Leviza, where did you study?

So @Aamna14 @Marshmallow @Secur @HRK @S.U.R.B. - I gather that you guys, like myself, went through the same 'System' - Did they teach us something different if we never were the boys or girls who 'then, descended into a mode of celebration upon discovering that the towers were in ‘non-Pakistani’ territory and that a significant majority of the dead were non-Muslims.' on 9'11 ! :unsure:

Do all students come out the same? Certainly they also taught in my school never to lie and procrastinate, yet certainly some of us do it. You can clearly come out and say that no intolerance is taught in schools and then he can present evidence etc and conclude. But picking on the authors reaction to what was taught and then comparing with your own is not addressing the issue.
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So @Aamna14 @Marshmallow @Secur @HRK @S.U.R.B. - I gather that you guys, like myself, went through the same 'System' - Did they teach us something different if we never were the boys or girls who 'then, descended into a mode of celebration upon discovering that the towers were in ‘non-Pakistani’ territory and that a significant majority of the dead were non-Muslims.' on 9'11 ! :unsure:

I have gone through the same system :) and We all were shocked on 9/11 as any other person on this world .. and we were against those who acted like this by killing innocent people ...

Infect just after 9/11 USA had more sympathy from all over the world and they cashed it wrong by killing other innocent people which actually hurt the cause of bring those to justice ...

killing innocent in 1000s cannot justify USA cause 9/11 revenge...

American mouse faced president of that time 'bush' ... said it clearly that crusades started ... so its the war against Muslims and American people didn't get that and now they are paying the price as well ...

Leviza, where did you study?

Do all students come out the same? Certainly they also taught in my school never to lie and procrastinate, yet certainly some of us do it. You can clearly come out and say that no intolerance is taught in schools and then he can present evidence etc and conclude. But picking on the authors reaction to what was taught and then comparing with your own is not addressing the issue.

I did schooling from Cathedral school Lahore , then to Islamic civil Lines College Lahore and finaly masters from hamdard University :)
So @Aamna14 @Marshmallow @Secur @HRK @S.U.R.B. - I gather that you guys, like myself, went through the same 'System' - Did they teach us something different if we never were the boys or girls who 'then, descended into a mode of celebration upon discovering that the towers were in ‘non-Pakistani’ territory and that a significant majority of the dead were non-Muslims.' on 9'11 ! :unsure:
xplain me in simple lang thn i ll reply to ur question?:taz:
Do all students come out the same? Certainly they also taught in my school never to lie and procrastinate, yet certainly some of us do it. You can clearly come out and say that no intolerance is taught in schools and then he can present evidence etc and conclude. But picking on the authors reaction to what was taught and then comparing with your own is not addressing the issue.

On the contrary the author's insinuation that his reaction was a product of an intolerant educational system is exactly what needs to be 'picked at' - I went through the same system & I can't recall reading half the 'intolerant material' thats often cooped up as 'evidence' !

Makes me wonder under which Board & at which Institutions most of these gems are taught hence why I mentioned more than a few Pakistanis who went through the 'same' system !
I have watched many videos where Pakistani intellectuals have said that Hindus are enemy. Not that I have read any Pakistani book.

But at the same time, Americans are also fed the news such a way that they don't care for deaths of people in Iraq, Afghanistan etc. The younger generation are also becoming indifferent of killings in these regions.

Watch this documentary.

xplain me in simple lang thn i ll reply to ur question?:taz:

Did the schooling that you went through made you an 'intolerant' person because there was 'intolerant' literature being taught to you so that you, like the author, was rejoicing the death of innocent people on 9,11 because they weren't Muslims ? :what:
On the contrary the author's insinuation that his reaction was a product of an intolerant educational system is exactly what needs to be 'picked at' - I went through the same system & I can't recall reading half the 'intolerant material' thats often cooped up as 'evidence' !

Makes me wonder under which Board & at which Institutions most of these gems are taught hence why I mentioned more than a few Pakistanis who went through the 'same' system !

And yet none of you brilliant intellectuals have bothered to expose the scholarly referenced papers by nayyar etc?

Denial is not an intellectual response. Refute, dont obfuscate and summon a mob
Yesterday i felt like ...... you for what you had posted about me on another thread.
One must understand that innocent people killing is not justified in any form. any one doing it is wrong, USA is also doing it in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan...
But this part of your post today actually makes sense.I agree to it completely.
And surprise surprise this too

I have gone through the same system :) and We all were shocked on 9/11 as any other person on this world .. and we were against those who acted like this by killing innocent people ...

Infect just after 9/11 USA had more sympathy from all over the world and they cashed it wrong by killing other innocent people which actually hurt the cause of bring those to justice ...

killing innocent in 1000s cannot justify USA cause 9/11 revenge...
Did the schooling that you went through made you an 'intolerant' person because there was 'intolerant' literature being taught to you so that you, like the author, was rejoicing the death of innocent people on 9,11 because they weren't Muslims ? :what:
no i was born intolerent ....nothin to do wid da course:enjoy:
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