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An Arab bailout to aid the bailout of Greece?

dont know. but arabs are pretty stupid. they invest in things like football clubs instead of their own countries infrastructures. so i don't think arabs will put any conditions for greece. except maybe stupid things like olives and wine.
well pakistan has reasonably good relations with the arab world .. so bailing out it would make better sense.
well pakistan has reasonably good relations with the arab world .. so bailing out it would make better sense.

In the matters of global business, religion and friend and language matter not. I think this is a fact that most Pakistanis are yet to understand. When investment is done, it is done considering the amount of returns the get financially in terms of cash or kind. Football clubs get them huge amount of money; please do look at the owners of football clubs and how rich they are worldwide.

Pakistan has yet to show any share of either market size, procurement power, productivity capacity, efficiency rate, and most critical of all, security on their investments in Pakistan to which even Chinese are balking right now.

Provide them (investors)a schematic plan of how you will resolve the above issues and stick to it, then even Israel will invest in Pakistan.
In the matters of global business, religion and friend and language matter not. I think this is a fact that most Pakistanis are yet to understand. When investment is done, it is done considering the amount of returns the get financially in terms of cash or kind. Football clubs get them huge amount of money; please do look at the owners of football clubs and how rich they are worldwide.

You certainly sound like a genius. Without your insight I doubt we would know that people invest on the returns they can get.

Wow. Thank you. You make Einstein look dim.

Greece sounds like a great investment. I wonder why noone else is investing in it.
Greece is not a friend of Muslims. Even here in New York City (where 9/11 attacks happened), Americans dont treat the Muslims nearly as bad as the Greeks do to Muslims in their country.


All Muslim countries should support Turkey over Greece. Let Greece suffer, they deserve it for all the crimes they committed against Muslim Turks and Muslim Pakistanis.
Interesting. The GCC economy is the only economy that is doing well in the world besides china. Heavy investments in Greece from Muslim countries will change the Greeks perceptions for one and also they will be indebted to GCC countries in a way.

Jews were the richest people in Europe in 19th and 20th centuries That for instance the Rothschild family was an acronym to wealth and prosperity That they held great power in Europe that led to the creation of Israel. If the situation changes and we control huge chunks on Europe you might see the same results.
Interesting. The GCC economy is the only economy that is doing well in the world besides china. Heavy investments in Greece from Muslim countries will change the Greeks perceptions for one and also they will be indebted to GCC countries in a way.

Jews were the richest people in Europe in 19th and 20th centuries That for instance the Rothschild family was an acronym to wealth and prosperity That they held great power in Europe that led to the creation of Israel. If the situation changes and we control huge chunks on Europe you might see the same results.

Indian, China, GCS and all developing economy doing well. Only Developed countries like US, Europe, Japan and PIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain) doing bad -- and may be those who dependent on these countries !!
Interesting. The GCC economy is the only economy that is doing well in the world besides china. Heavy investments in Greece from Muslim countries will change the Greeks perceptions for one and also they will be indebted to GCC countries in a way.

Jews were the richest people in Europe in 19th and 20th centuries That for instance the Rothschild family was an acronym to wealth and prosperity That they held great power in Europe that led to the creation of Israel. If the situation changes and we control huge chunks on Europe you might see the same results.

lol.. Europe isn't going to let you control them. It's more the other way round.
When a huge chunk of a country's jobs belong to GCC investors the governments will face huge pressure if they go against them. That is one.

Second if the Arab investors pull their money from said country economical collapse will soon follow. No government wants that.
it's their country, and they can change the rules to suit them.

so you bail them out. things get better and they tell you to go away. now what? :D
if i were China, or one of the larger GCC countries ---now would be the best time to bail them out. Good way to win over some influence in the EU.

despite Greece's smaller size, it is a strategically important country.
so you bail them out. they owe you money.

the options become
a) they don't repay you. what are you going to do now realistically? they are part of nato and have a strong army.
b) they decide to repay. you tell them to build a mosque in athens. they say get lost.

you've still not ended up with any influence :D
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