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Amstrong says sorry.........for doping

Fall from grace is now complete. It's a shame though... he has done lot of good work as well outside cycling. Hope he gets a chance to redeem himself & comes back clean. Rehabilitation starts now...
wow.. full hour & half interview is now on DiscoveryHD channel 520..
A very interesting thing he said in the interview.

That he didn't to try to cheat, because cheating means giving yourself a unfair advantage.

Instead he made it a level playing field.

Meaning that everybody was on drugs in those days.

Cycling as a sport taking a beating these days with alot of question marks being raised.

BTW, Armstrong did say I think that he didn't dope during his last two tours.

Usage of EPO was an open secret till mid 2000s when anti-doping agencies were not allowed to go for a blood test. And all the cyclists, barring none, in the Olympics, Tour de France, World Championships etc used to re-inject a lot of their stored blood prior to the performance.
After watching his interview with Oprah, I've come to understand the pressures he faced a bit more.
He was caught in a vicious cycle, the praise he received for winning after initiating use, fuelled expectation which led to more cheating.
As the saying goes.. it's only cheating if you get caught... otherwise everything is hunky dory. There are still records out there which will never be broken unless you cheat... like in the case of women's 100 & 200 mts sprint. Thanks to pre-mature death of Jackie Joyner Kersee... you'l never know how clean that race was?
He is a scumbag, not just for the lying, cheating, and questionable financial appropriation of his "Livestrong" foundation (read: paying himself large amounts of money, and questionable results from the foundation itself given the amount of money flowing into it) he also bullied people, ruined innocent peoples lives, and was a generally evil spirited person. Lance is a manipulative, egotistical, generally ill willed man. I don't feel he has any real remorse, and I do hope he is punished for the wrongs he has committed against the sport of bicycling and individuals associated with it.
Old man i believe many Americans were cheering, supporting and believed in him. Many American supporters lack critical thinking i'm afraid. Now that he has admitted it, his supporters are all left disappointed and betrayed. But were you among the critical thinking who doubted him from the very start or have you switched side now? ;)
Because there were not even definitive evidences, let alone solid proofs, of his use of banned substances. This is completely different from the sport's governing body who imposed suspicions upon every athletes and it is the athlete's burden to prove innocence. So yes, young pup, looks like critical thinking is a skill you clearly lack.
Because there were not even definitive evidences, let alone solid proofs, of his use of banned substances. This is completely different from the sport's governing body who imposed suspicions upon every athletes and it is the athlete's burden to prove innocence. So yes, young pup, looks like critical thinking is a skill you clearly lack.

Eh how am i lacking any critical thinking old labrador, do enlighten me.
Because there were not even definitive evidences, let alone solid proofs, of his use of banned substances. This is completely different from the sport's governing body who imposed suspicions upon every athletes and it is the athlete's burden to prove innocence. So yes, young pup, looks like critical thinking is a skill you clearly lack.

The evidence is statistics. he actually supposedly beat unbeatable odds. I always thought it was too good to be true. Everybody is on juice, why would he be left out.

I support his view that he was just leveling the playing field.
Because there were not even definitive evidences, let alone solid proofs, of his use of banned substances. This is completely different from the sport's governing body who imposed suspicions upon every athletes and it is the athlete's burden to prove innocence. So yes, young pup, looks like critical thinking is a skill you clearly lack.

Who in the US doesn't use drugs. Literally EVERYONE in American sports uses drugs. It's accepted as part of culture. It's corporate backed and I'm 100% sure it's backed by your regime.
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