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Amogha-III: Bharat Dynamics Test Fires 3rd Generation Man-portable ATGM; Know All About It

Skull and Bones

Jan 29, 2011
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United States

The missile was first unveiled by Bharat Dynamics Limited during DefExpo-2020. The 1st model was handed over to the Indian Defence Ministry on February 7, 2020.​

The government-owned defence manufacturing company Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) has carried out a succesful test of its latest 3rd generation man-portable Anti Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) called ‘Amogha-III’. The field firing test was successfully conducted on March 26, Sunday, fulfilling all mission objectives.

BDL made the revelation through its official Twitter handle. Amogha-III ATGM features a fire-and-forget capability, meaning the missile does not require external intervention following launch. Amogha-III does not require target illumination or wire guidance and is developed by BDL’s Research and Development Division.

The missile was first unveiled by Bharat Dynamics Limited during DefExpo-2020. The first model was handed over to the Indian Defence Ministry by BDL’s CMD Siddharth Mishra on February 7, 2020. Although designed and developed by BDL, India’s premier government agency responsible for the development of technology for use by the nation’s military, the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) assisted in Amogha-III's development. Amogha-III further features a Dual mode IIR Seeker with a range of 200 to 2500 metres.

How is BDL’s latest Amogha version better?​

A dual-mode IIR (Infrared Imaging Seeker) is an advanced seeker used in missile systems that uses infrared radiation to detect and track targets. The dual-mode IIR seeker combines two different modes of operation into a single seeker. The first mode is the imaging mode, which is used for target detection and tracking. The second mode is the guidance mode, which is used for guiding the missile to the target.

Notably, in the first mode, the seeker captures high-resolution images of the target, which are processed to determine the target's location and trajectory. Secondly, the seeker uses the target's infrared radiation signature to guide the missile towards the target. Furthermore, Amogha-III is equipped with a Tandem warhead. It is a type of explosive warhead consisting of two separate explosive charges that are detonated in sequence.

The first charge, known as the precursor charge, is designed to penetrate the target's armour and create a hole in it. The second charge, known as the main charge, is then detonated inside the hole created by the precursor charge, maximizing the damage inflicted on the target. The use of a tandem warhead greatly enhances the missile's ability to defeat heavily armoured targets, as the precursor charge weakens the armour, making it easier for the main charge to penetrate and cause damage. BDL’s latest missile is also capable of top and direct attack modes.

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