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Americans don’t trust government, newspapers and TV


Jun 23, 2013
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American social scientists raise alarm: U.S. citizens no longer trust their government. Americans are skeptical about most of the authorities’ actions related to the improvement of the economic situation. People feel anxiety about the future. General pessimism has reached historic highs.
4 October, 2013
Americans' dissatisfaction with the economy continues along with their disapproval of the U.S. president Barack Obama's and Congress' handling of it, according to a CBS News poll released in July. Views of the economy are more positive now compared to last year at this time, but the percentage that says the economy is in bad shape has been 60 percent or higher since January 2008.
The American public's dissatisfaction with Washington has reached new heights, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, as the political world continues to fight the same intractable battles over the budget, health care and immigration. A whopping 83 percent of Americans disapprove of Congress' job, which is an all-time high in the survey. What's more, Obama has seen his job-approval rating dip to its lowest level since August 2011, when the debt-ceiling showdown wounded almost every Washington politician.
To many Americans, it seemed, lack of trust to the government was born not from apprehension about what a government might do to them, but rather that it isn't doing anything for people.
“They can't make a mutually agreeable decision together,” said one interviewee, “They cannot be trusted to work together,” said another, riffing on the question's phrasing. “The fact that they fight all the time.”
Amid the debate over the federal budget and the failure to come to an agreement to avoid the sequester, eight in 10 Americans are unhappy with how things are going in Washington, including 30 percent who are angry, up nine points since December and the highest level of anger recorded since the question was first asked in 2010. In addition, the percentage of Americans who say the country is headed in the right direction (32 percent) is down eight points since early February. Meanwhile, in 1964, 62% approved the government’s actions, and since then, the level of confidence in the White House has consistently reduced.
Obama's personal approval rating during the year varies between 45-48%. The president doesn’t exceed the safe rate of 50% and get a little bit of the right electorate’s approval. 90% of respondents who identify themselves as Republicans, think that the president’s actions are strictly negative.

Even absolute supporters of the president everlasting - African Americans - change their opinion. In April, 98% of the black population steadily supported the president, currently their number is 78%. This is mainly due to the Obama’s uncertain position related to Zimmerman case.
Interestingly, Obama’s rating can be compared to George W. Bush’s rating during the second term of his presidency. Then the level of confidence in Bush during the second year of his ruling also was about 46% and has consistently declined like the current rating of Obama. Against the background of the current domestic problems and slurred foreign policy experts says that the White House’s head risks to share the inglorious fate of its predecessor.
The percentage of Americans saying they have “a great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in newspapers has been generally trending downward since 1979, when it reached a high of 51%.
Newspapers rank near the bottom on a list of 16 societal institutions Gallup measured in a June 1-4 survey. Television news is tied with newspapers on the list, with 23% of Americans also expressing confidence in it. That is up slightly from the all-time low of 21% found last year. The only institutions television news and newspapers beat out this year are big business, organized labor, Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), and Congress.
Americans' confidence in television news was highest, at 46%, in 1993, when Gallup first asked about it. The question does not indicate the specific type of television news, meaning respondents could be thinking about anything ranging from cable news channels to local news when answering the survey.
The demographic profile of Americans who name Fox News as their main news source is similar to the profile of Republicans, and for good reason. Two-thirds of core Fox News viewers identify themselves as Republican, and 94% either identify as or lean Republican. By contrast, 46% of core CNN viewers identify as Democrat, and 63% identify as or lean Democratic. Relatedly, 79% of the Fox News group describes their political views as conservative, 17% as moderate, and 2% as liberal. Among the CNN group, 21% are conservative, 51% are moderate, and 26% are liberal. Just 2% of the Fox News group, compared with 57% of the CNN group, approves of the job President Barack Obama is doing.
Although Americans' confidence in the medical system is low on an absolute basis, it still ranks sixth on a list of 16 U.S. institutions Gallup measured in a June 1-4 survey, just below the presidency and just above the U.S. Supreme Court.
Confidence in the medical system had been higher over the past three years, but this year's 35% rating marks a return to where it was in 2008-2009. More broadly, confidence since 1993 has ranged between 31% in 2007 and 44% in 2003 and 2004, a fairly narrow spread around the historical average of 39%. Currently, 26% of Americans have very little or no confidence in the medical system, leaving 38% with “some” confidence.
Until later, the Church remained the last bastion of the Americans’ eupathy. Americans are very religious. But in this matter the problem was revealed too. Frank Newport, Gallup Editor-in-Chief, reveals that that 75% in the U.S. say it would be positive for society if more Americans were religious, but 77% believe religion is losing its influence on American life.
Americans' views toward a number of moral issues have shifted significantly since 2001. Their acceptance of gay and lesbian relations has increased the most, up 19 percentage points in the past 12 years - to a record high of 59% today. Americans' tolerance toward having a baby outside of marriage is also now much greater, up 15 points since 2001, to the current 60%. It is possible that in the near future, Americans will mutate into a new species before unknown.
Americans don’t trust government, newspapers and TV - Articles - FBII.org
'Fbii.org' ? HAHAHAHAHA !!! Who creates these sites ? Better yet, who reads them ?:omghaha:
I wonder why Russia Iran or Syria never help USA to commit suicide. The zionist USA have a lot of time attacked Russia by proxy: Chechenia, Goergia, Ukrania, Bielorussia (colored revolutions)

And i'am not talking about the proxy wars againt Iran and Syria

It would be very very easy, people are fed up with the zionist financial/political sect that rule USA & Europa
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