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American fashion designer mom who lived in China for 16 years says she MISSES how Communist government 'co-parented' her children


Sep 29, 2010
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United States
Interesting news story for possible discussion, if anyone cares to read the whole article:

American fashion designer mom who lived in China for 16 years says she MISSES how Communist government 'co-parented' her children - dictating even what they should eat - and wants U.S. to learn from its example​

  • Heather Kaye raised her two daughters in China and enjoyed its supervision
  • The fashion designer spent 16 years in Shanghai before returning to the US
  • 'Kindergarten lectured us on everything, including how many hours our daughters should sleep, what they should eat and their optimal weight,' she said
  • Kaye thinks Americans could learn a lesson from the Chinese approach
Interesting news story for possible discussion, if anyone cares to read the whole article:

American fashion designer mom who lived in China for 16 years says she MISSES how Communist government 'co-parented' her children - dictating even what they should eat - and wants U.S. to learn from its example​

  • Heather Kaye raised her two daughters in China and enjoyed its supervision
  • The fashion designer spent 16 years in Shanghai before returning to the US
  • 'Kindergarten lectured us on everything, including how many hours our daughters should sleep, what they should eat and their optimal weight,' she said
  • Kaye thinks Americans could learn a lesson from the Chinese approach
I saw the thread title and I assumed it was our very own serial spammer Mr. Walker.
Are you alright?
I saw the thread title and I assumed it was our very own serial spammer Mr. Walker.
Are you alright?

I an just fine, thank you. Please note that in the end she left when it got tough there. :D
I a just fine, thank you. Please note that in the end she left when it got tough there. :D
so the CPC inserts itself into your personal life and dictates how you should raise your kids. My cousin sister was forced into foster care when her loving parents refused experimental treatment for a medical condition at nine years old. So I'm not a fan of the state imposing itself upon the family.
All I can say for now is...My God...!!! This woman is a genuine sheeple. :disagree:

I can add I wonder how much she was paid for this 'testimony'.
There are certain people I expect this level from and certain people who I'd expect to rise above it.

My kids primary school told us what we could and could not give our children as part of their packed lunches. They also used to do height and weight checks on the kids, heck I remember those back when I was in school. I remember every year in secondary school having to do a long distance run which was timed to measure our fitness levels.

She recounted: 'Each morning all of the students performed calisthenics in straight rows and raised China's red flag while singing the national anthem.'

We did physical education in school twice a week. In primary school we used to sing Christian hymns every day during assembly.

I also remember getting jabs in school, can't remember what they were for, My kids get offered a flu jab every year.

I also got letters on when kids should be in bed by, because a few kids were over tired in school.

You put the right spin on that and you'd think i raised my kids in North Korea.
so the CPC inserts itself into your personal life and dictates how you should raise your kids. My cousin sister was forced into foster care when her loving parents refused experimental treatment for a medical condition at nine years old. So I'm not a fan of the state imposing itself upon the family.

Yet some are okay with abdicating some of their responsibilities to the State. Until the kids grow up. Or when things get tough. Then they want out. She had that choice, and she took it. The Chinese do not have that luxury.

All I can say for now is...My God...!!! This woman is a genuine sheeple. :disagree:

I can add I wonder how much she was paid for this 'testimony'.

I wonder how the kids feel about all that now that they can decide about an alternative option.
blah blah, pre-school is not mandatorily in China.

I am not going to read the article. daily mutts mumbling.
. .
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