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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

Hi, one has to look at this from a realistic point of view and not an emotional point of view. The realistic point of view is based on assessing the current administration of Pakistan, and also the financial independence and economic stability of Pakistan.

To be blunt and to the point, the current administration of Pakistan is nothing other than a bunch of sellouts. They have most of their illegal wealth stashed overseas, in mainly NATO/Western countries. Their kids and retirement real estate holdings are probably in these Western countries also. They are most likely looking at immigrating to these foreign nations after having a successful term of looting Pakistan. As such, do you honestly think that they will jeopordize their personal goals? I doubt it, hence they will not take Pakistan's best interests in mind.

Secondly, unfortunately Pakistan is dependent on foreign loans and aid, and is not in a position be financially independent. Again, this is due to the current corrupt administration.

As such, while most Pakistanis would like a land and air embargo of NATO, I highly doubt this will happen. If the past is a barometer for the future, the current Pakistani administration will not do much. Case in point, they are asking the US to vacate Shamsi, for the third time. Not second, the third time.

It is sad, that a country with all these military assets and nukes, is bullied around so much. Can you imagine if 24 North Korean soldiers had been killed this way, what the NK regime would have done...
The official, who did not want to be named, added: "The Pakistanis are blowing this thing totally out of proportion by responding the way they have, so severely and strongly. But we hope that they will at least come to Bonn and it will not affect the steps that we have started to take in terms or rebuilding our relationship with Pakistan."

Is this imperial/colonial hubris or what? Essentially translates into "So who cares if some 20 or so darkies are dead. They will get over it." Pretty typical!

One can just imagine if 24 American or British had perished in a similar so called "friendly fire" incident, how the Western governments and media would have reacted and what they would have expected from Pakistan.

It puzzles me that if the West celebrates the deaths of each of their fallen so meticulously, how come this unnamed rascal is missing the point that our 24 were not some unnamed souls. Their deaths have angered Pakistanis immensely and this oversimplification of their deaths won't pacify Pakistanis that easily. The above comments have not a shred of bloody remorse!


Sepoy Tahir Mehmood
Sepoy Najibullah
Sepoy Kiramat Ali
Sepoy Nasir Mehmood
Sepoy Tariq Mehmood
Sepoy Naeem
Sepoy Ibrahim
Sepoy Ahmed Khurshid
Sepoy Asghar Abbas
Sepoy Hafiz Manzoor
Sepoy Abdul Razzaq
Sepoy Ghulam Abbas
Sepoy Rizwan
Sepoy Imran Yusuf
Lance Naik Tariq Mehmood
Lance Naik Raza Mohammad
Havaldar Mushtaq
Havaldar Aslam
Havaldar Mumtaz
Subedar Mannan
Captain Usman
Major Mujahid Ali Mirani
We were not the ones who came back into the marriage after 10 years of sanctions during the 90s. The other side came asking for a reconciliation.

We can make do with economic challenges we would face without the American support. So lets not make it sound like Pakistan is unable to survive without American support.
Sir if some one really analysis the so called American Aid he will find out that it is nothing more than a Joke and if America with draws it it will only effect us 5 % not more than that So what we need to do is shut down the Nato Supply line for 6 Months and if they ever attack again use all your fire power to hit back their will no attack than and also if they try to adopt some other route for their Nato supply its cost will be increase many times
Why this base was attacked and not other bases ? Is this base in any way more significant then the other border bases ?
Nato forces repeated attack on Pak army officials: DG MO

ISLAMABAD: Director General Military Operations Maj. Gen. Ashfaq Nadeem Tuesday said that Nato forces had once again opened fire on Pak army officers who, fortunately, escaped unhurt, Geo News reported.

Briefing journalists here at General Headquarters (GHQ) on Nato attack, the DG Military Operations said that Pak army officers came under armed attack by Nato forces while they were inspecting the Pakistani check posts struck earlier in Mohmad Agency.

He said that investigations conducted into the Nato strike that killed 24 army officials and personnel so far confirmed that the attack was unprovoked and intentional.

"Nato officials were aware of the fact that Pakistani check posts were present in the area," he added.

Nato forces repeated attack on Pak army officials: DG MO

Alright now this is just ridiculous. They attacked the same spot again? There has to be some limit to NATO shamelessness.
We guyz are busy in stashing money and didn't care about our religion and didn't obey our God Allah SBWT thats why we have to see this time. that we are getting bullied by the devilz of the world every other day ....Now they started killing of the innocent soldiers too....At first they tried to send terrorists but failed cuz we killed them all now they didn't find a way to finish us so they attacking our poor soldiers by hook or by crook.Infact our God/Allah SBWT is mad at us period......:eek:
I'm talking about mlitary supplies that are going by road via Pakistan. their commerical flights can go. The miltary blockade from Pak is very effective and will hurt them dearly and I'm telling you they wont put a econmic squeeze on you for blocking their miltary supplies.

All Military supplies are shipped via air transport.

They use Pakistan to transport non-lethal supplies such as Food, Medicine, Clothes, etc.

And they use Pakistan to transport 45% of their supplies. 55% goes through Central Asia and plus they have stockpiled 7 months of surplus supplies so even if all supplies are completely stopped they can go on for 7 months.

And besides, they can call on their aviation assets to rush in more supplies.

Russia tried the same thing in 1948 when they cut off Berlin from supplies, the Allies responded with the Berlin Airlift which kept the city running.

Pakistan thinks it has an Ace up its sleeve. But it doesnt.
What is really important here is 'Can' and not 'Should'. If Pakistan 'Can' then it 'Should'. If it 'can't' then it 'shouldn't' even be thinking about it. It is all about verbs really.
All Military supplies are shipped via air transport.

They use Pakistan to transport non-lethal supplies such as Food, Medicine, Clothes, etc.

And they use Pakistan to transport 45% of their supplies. 55% goes through Central Asia and plus they have stockpiled 7 months of surplus supplies so even if all supplies are completely stopped they can go on for 7 months.

And besides, they can call on their aviation assets to rush in more supplies.

Russia tried the same thing in 1948 when they cut off Berlin from supplies, the Allies responded with the Berlin Airlift which kept the city running.

Pakistan thinks it has an Ace up its sleeve. But it doesnt.
Hey come on now! some of the containers were stolen and opened by the tribal thugs and sold the military weapons within the tribal areas...so this means the supplies of weapons are going through our land routes. Sometimes the locals attacked the containers and looted them last time they found out the military weapons and even the Cobra helicopters parts within the containers....bro we have all indepth info about everything....we not just sitting ducks here.....we keep a watch on everything that who is lying or telling the truth......Alhamdolillah!.........:smokin:
dec. 23rd is the date for nato's final report? it doesn't take and it shouldn't take that long for the report to come out.

I applaud nato's shrewdness for picking such a later date. They know what happend, they've known it for a time now. But they're delying their story as they're hoping and counting on public anger to simmer and calm down.

So whatever bomb they intend on droping that day there'd be less public and media outcry about it.
Please dont pull India into this for the sake of it , Its Pakistan vs Uncle Sam n its NATO stooges in all this ,

India wants a stable Pakistan so that India can concentrate on its development rather than get embroiled in useless conflicts !
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