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American Army hawks and Free Masons tried to bought my Loyalties: Shahid


Jun 8, 2010
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Retired Lt.Gen Shahid Aziz in his book disclosed that during his company commander course training in FORT BENNING, An american army officer asked him to work for American Army, he refused. Next time when we went to America for another course with Major Ashfaq Pervaiz Kiyani, he was asked to join American army or if not join than Work for them, He refused again.

Author concurred from this incident that he was not the only one that they tried to turn, they must had tried to tempt the others, got successful thus they were continuing with their act of tempting.

Than Lt.Gen Shahid Aziz said, on completion of his company commander course, When he was about to leave, an officer from Peru Army offered him to Join Free masons with tempting incentives but he refused


This is not just in Pak Army in every army of the world there is same mentality......
Firstly every unit person support his/her own unit in military......even i have listen.....US marines saying to US Army, many bad words on their faces.
Secondly military peoples think of civilians nothing more than ordinary peoples.
I heard Gen Shahid Aziz again today on 'sawal yeh hai'.

As DGMO and later CGS he was directly responsible for the Oct 12, 1999 coup and praised Musharraf to high heaven in the Sept 16, 2008 interview with Ansar Abbasi. Indian media is having a field day and piling up ridicule on the Pakistan Army. It is obvious that this turn coat has been bought out by some anti-Pakistani & anti Army groups.

Personally, I don't give a fig about what he says about Musharraf but what his book has done to the reputation of Pakistan Army and its upper echelon is unforgivable.
I heard Gen Shahid Aziz again today on 'sawal yeh hai'.

As DGMO and later CGS he was directly responsible for the Oct 12, 1999 coup and praised Musharraf to high heaven in the Sept 16, 2008 interview with Ansar Abbasi. Indian media is having a field day and piling up ridicule on the Pakistan Army. It is obvious that this turn coat has been bought out by some anti-Pakistani & anti Army groups.

Personally, I don't give a fig about what he says about Musharraf but what his book has done to the reputation of Pakistan Army and its upper echelon is unforgivable.

If a indian general doubts kargil results and slams IA, it's called constructive criticism. If a pakistani general does the same, then he is sellout/turncoat.... where is the maturity?
If a indian general doubts kargil results and slams IA, it's called constructive criticism. If a pakistani general does the same, then he is sellout/turncoat.... where is the maturity?

Hiding right behind the hypocrisy ;)
Jeez .. You guys are Obsessed about Free Masons .

Can i join ?? :rofl:

I also wanna Join Illuminati and Neo con cults :P
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