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America will Collapse

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If people would migrate to Russia as like USA and Canada, then that could be better for Russian Economy. USA is always keen in brain draining.
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Here is a useful map of the US in 2025:

This is a terrible argument against democracy. Show everyone an alternative that actually solved all problems.
It seems that democracy has helped you solve all the problems you have right now. If yes, tell me. If not you better shut up. No matter whether you feel good or not. And I will stick to my opinion. " democracy can not solve all problems". No polity is perfect no matter it is democracy or communist.

True...Not every country that is nominally 'democratic' is prosperous. A bad record. So I guess the most successful record would have to go to communism. It made EVERY country poor and miserable. A very consistent record. Bravo.

Firstly, I never told you that communism is the best or better than democracy. Even I prefer democracy. Every country has it's own most suitable polity. Like we China using communist to run the country at the same time using your way to build our economy. I think it is good way. And what's more, we do not invade any country to push them to use our polity. And it is not only a tiny little word called" A bad record" but also you are invading other countries? And make them into chaos and termoil. How can you just descrip a invading as " A bad record". Your " bad record" causes so many blood and kills.You know it????? Look at what you did to muslims, and what you did to Iraq, afganistan. Your presidents who start wars should be jailed and sentenced.
Communist makes poor and misary but are in progression like China and VN no-harmful. But USA makes kill, blood, breaking, you are totally center of evil.
Real economists, not the fake ones here, agreed that the yuan will rise in value, making Chinese exports more expensive. The Chinese already have a taste of 'the good life'. If we go down, so will many Chinese out the windows of those tall buildings in Shanghai and Beijing.

Me too. And have you ever consdiered that if you keep doing it. What will the globle econamy like?
huge inflation can destory the world. Not only China.

Do not care only yourself, but pay some attention to the other countries.
Unlike in certain parts of India, in China being born on a farm isn't a death sentence for 6000 people per day, nor is it a condemnation to illiteracy, poverty and starvation.

The average Chinese farmer still lives longer and is more educated than the typical Indian.
Why you guys overestimate yourself?And come out with idiotic rants.
China's per capita income isn't much ahead of India's.
Average Chinese is still poor,go wash your face.
LoL at those guys dreaming of division of USA .
Pakistan alrdy lost it's part in 1971. Baluchistan is highly unstable .
And for China , Tibet and Xinjiang says Hi !!!

Those who stay in glass houses should not throw stones :lol:
I have nvr heard of any US separationist movements .
While in China , just last week there was a terrorist attck by Uighers in Xinjiang .
And abt Tibet , Dalai Lama says hi :lol:
This ppl created ruckus during 2008 Olympics

And abt Pakistan much less said is true
Only 16% of our exports go to America. And exports only make up 27% of our economy.

Losing 16% of our exports would suck, but I doubt it will push our growth rate down much for even a year or two.

Parts of an economy are interconnected. Destruction of a part will have a rippling effect on other parts. I am sure behind the 16% export to US there must be a bigger informal and formal economy, jobs, and live hood at stake. More over collapse of US will also means recession in other economies; hence, your total 27% of economy is at stake

Assuming even 30% of jobs in China are dependent on exports, the loss 30% of jobs will dramatically affect the domestic demand, meaning the whole Chinese economy will be severely effected.

Exports worldwide already collapsed, in the 2008 Credit Crunch, and you guys were all saying that China would collapse too. Unforunately for you, there is a neat "social safety net" in China... workers who lose their jobs in factories, can always go back to their family farms in the countryside.

And how did China suffer, during the export collapse in the wake of the Credit Crunch? That's right, we continued to expand at near a double-digit growth rate. :azn:

If you feel that China was not affected by the credit crunch, then either you are giving us wrong picture us or you government is propagating misinformation to Chinese Public

Anyway, there is huge difference between credit crunch and US failing. Credit crunch is about some big companies failing, while US failing meaning failing of the largest economy on the earth
The kind of muscle US have i dont see US collapsing atleast in next decade. Even if US start collapsing from today it will not collapse before next 3-4 decades, People anticipating US collapse in next five-six are are sheer optimists
LoL at those guys dreaming of division of USA .
Pakistan alrdy lost it's part in 1971. Baluchistan is highly unstable .
And for China , Tibet and Xinjiang says Hi !!!

Those who stay in glass houses should not throw stones :lol:

lol @ your nonsense...

you have more separation movements as compare to China and Pakistan
How many economy experts here even have a job? Some of the posts are beyond funny.

By the way, American collapse will surely lead to collapse of Europe/Japan (since both are really bad conditions) or vice versa and severely depress the world economy. I am guessing China will sore up the finances by exporting to Pakistan but I doubt it will cut it. Ripple will be felt by Chinese consumer too. Yep, I am sure only forex of China and 16% export are in trouble:P
The kind of muscle US have i dont see US collapsing atleast in next decade. Even if US start collapsing from today it will not collapse before next 3-4 decades, People anticipating US collapse in next five-six are are sheer optimists

This sentiment is no different from feel of "freedom" in 1989 Kashmir. Remember Azadi was around the corner. 22 years down the line and we are still waiting.
lol @ your nonsense...

you have more separation movements as compare to China and Pakistan

We are not killing people who are peacefully protesting but some countries doing this

you are crying for muslims in India but what about Chinese muslims???? you forget recent riots ??
We are not killing people who are peacefully protesting but some countries doing this

you are crying for muslims in India but what about Chinese muslims???? you forget recent riots ??

Stick to topic mate. And one must never criticize the hand that feeds one.
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