Nobody Knows the Identity of the 150 People Killed by U.S. in Somalia, but Most Are Certain They Deserved It
US drones killed 150 people yesterday in Somalia. Who are they we dont know. We do know that since they are dead from US drone strikes then they obviously are terrorists. As i see it Obama administration has evolved a dangerous mentality of killing whoever it wants whenever it wants. This is what someone would call an Orwelian nightmare. Drones flying everywhere and if you disagree you are killed. Global state terrorism at its highest level
US drones killed 150 people yesterday in Somalia. Who are they we dont know. We do know that since they are dead from US drone strikes then they obviously are terrorists. As i see it Obama administration has evolved a dangerous mentality of killing whoever it wants whenever it wants. This is what someone would call an Orwelian nightmare. Drones flying everywhere and if you disagree you are killed. Global state terrorism at its highest level