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Alliance of Jamat e Islami and PTI in whole pakistan

3rd Force against status-co should include General Pervaz Musharraf(APML) otherwise Nawaz Sharif will create problem for them.
Imran khan must respect General Musharraf,otherwise Imran khan will again sit in opposition for five years b/c nawaz & zardari will make them fool again.
Are you some kind of a joke? especially point # 3


Opportunism Jamaat-style

None has auctioned the country off soo shamelessly as the Jamatis!

Every quote here is taken out of context.... I suggest to present it with complete contexts in an appropriate thread...... At the time of partition their where two school of thoughts among the Muslim leaders and religious scholars.... One was pro partition (dominant one), the other was anti....Mulana Mududi belonged to the anti camp......The basis of their argument was....Muslims ruled India for centuries.... some eight hundred odd years.... after the Britain's withdrawal, a time will again come where they will rule again the whole of subcontinent..... and it was shortsightedness to take a small piece and be happy with it...... He amongst others wasn't happy with price the Muslims paid for partition.... too much loss of life.... another very strong argument from that side was.....Partition will divide the nation(Muslim nation) and the hundreds and millions of Muslims that were gonna left behind, would be totally on the mercy of Hindus.... and as a minority would face their wrath..... this still holds true to a great extent!

We can agree or disagree with his thoughts and teaching, subject to our level of background information....Anyways this thread isn't about all that stuff..... Lets stick with the subject on hand!
@Leader I,want a news source.

@somebozo Constructive criticism is better than empty howling.
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تحریک انصاف اور جماعت اسلامی الائنس کے لیے دونوں جماعتوں کی کمیٹیاں قائم ۔ تحریک انصاف کی کمیٹی میں جاوید ہاشمی، پرویز خٹک اور چاروں صوبائی صدور جبکہ جماعت اسلامی کی طرف سے لیاقت بلوچ اور چاروں صوبائی امیر شامل ہوں گے


Both parties will not make alliance with anyother party and the news of Jamat going with PML N is dead now :D

soo guys game is changing now :lol:

From my Area its sure PTI will win :D :D :victory:

i am feeling soory for Patwaris and Bhuttoism follower :D

more power to you borhter, I know Jamat was always a trump card in winning all previous election, but this time as leader said Allah is with you
Check out what their militant wing has done to M.A.O. and P.U.

Student wings of all political parties play dirty..... To be honest its not politics , its pure badmashi.... They do it to put pressure on administration and you would be shocked to know that, most of the times the administration itself uses them to create trouble to provide cover for their sh!ts..... Having tought at various universities this comes from my personal experience.... Have you ever observed how these students from political wings pass or get grades???.... if not check it out... You will be surprised.... the rule applies every where in Pakistan.... No student wing is clean, PSF, MSF, IJT, Pkhtoon SF, bla bla all are the same ..... and to be honest the political leadership pays no attention towards them ..... except for funding no political training.... Its regarded as armed militia for the political parties and exactly serve their purpose well......

ISF is no different as well..... But for two reasons, so far its not in the center of the whirlpool..... One, its novice so far..... It will take time get its shape right... Second its leadership(IK to be precise) is well connected with it.... which keeps its members motivated and passionate, believing in a cause...... The day these two factors dries up, it will turn into a similar monster!

Just saw on Geo news Imran Khan will contest election from NA-1 Peshawar.
ANP candidate won in 2008 from NA-1 so this all about JI and PTI seat adjustment maybe JI will drop their candidate in favor of IK.

IMO IK should contest from Rawalpindi or Lahore.
Just saw on Geo news Imran Khan will contest election from NA-1 Peshawar.
ANP candidate won in 2008 from NA-1 so this all about JI and PTI seat adjustment maybe JI will drop their candidate in favor of IK.

IMO IK should contest from Rawalpindi or Lahore.

Not a good one in my view too.......Traditionally this Seat belongs to the bilours..... In 1990 he beat the then prime minster Benazer on this one...... This time Ghulam will cash the shahadat of his younger brother Bashir bilour (A well respected politician by the Peshawaris and elsewhere too)...... Surprisingly in 2002, Shabir Ahmed originally from JI, on ticket of MMA won it.... So the JI has its infrastructure in place in this constituency.... In either case, it would be a thrilling contest..... A nail biting one!

IK contesting from NA-I will have a major impact on NA-2 as well, traditionally that seat belongs to late Arbab Jhangir who never lost it..... Nowadays his son enjoys it (Arbab Alamgeer, and his infamous wife Asma Alamgeer)..... His position is week, and if IK is contesting NA-1, NA-2 will automatically fall in PTIs basket!

My 2 cents!
Not a good one in my view too.......Traditionally this Seat belongs to the bilours..... In 1990 he beat the then prime minster Benazer on this one...... This time Ghulam will cash the shahadat of his younger brother Bashir bilour (A well respected politician by the Peshawaris and elsewhere too)...... Surprisingly in 2002, Shabir Ahmed originally from JI, on ticket of MMA won it.... So the JI has its infrastructure in place in this constituency.... In either case, it would be a thrilling contest..... A nail biting one!

IK contesting from NA-I will have a major impact on NA-2 as well, traditionally that seat belongs to late Arbab Jhangir who never lost it..... Nowadays his son enjoys it (Arbab Alamgeer, and his infamous wife Asma Alamgeer)..... His position is week, and if IK is contesting NA-1, NA-2 will automatically fall in PTIs basket!

My 2 cents!

Good observation amigo here is a turn out of 2008 elections. It will be tight match even JI position is not good there.

ANP Ghulam Ahmad Bilour 44,210
PPPP Ayub Shah 37,682
MMA Abdul Jalil Jan 4,103
Good observation amigo here is a turn out of 2008 elections. It will be tight match even JI position is not good there.

ANP Ghulam Ahmad Bilour 44,210
PPPP Ayub Shah 37,682
MMA Abdul Jalil Jan 4,103

MMA was minus JI last time....... to be precise this was purely the vote bank of JUI-F!!
both parties are clean parties with same ideology to kick corrupt thugs they need to join hands :enjoy:

ji is clean? begging for khals and keeping militant student wings is clean?
Just saw on Geo news Imran Khan will contest election from NA-1 Peshawar.
ANP candidate won in 2008 from NA-1 so this all about JI and PTI seat adjustment maybe JI will drop their candidate in favor of IK.

IMO IK should contest from Rawalpindi or Lahore.

Welcome Gulaaman e Sharif family :lol:

ji is clean? begging for khals and keeping militant student wings is clean?

:what: every second pakistani owns gun lets find some clean pakistani now , at least they didnt killed common pakistanis didnt grabbed land of pakistanis like PPP PML N land mafia do :) :D and btw JI have foundation for helping flood victims and poor pakistanis dont be narrow minded :coffee:

You are confusing Al-Khidmat foundation(a non for profit charity organisation) with JI!

I mean before MQM days

Welcome Gulaaman e Sharif family :lol:

:what: every second pakistani owns gun lets find some clean pakistani now , at least they didnt killed common pakistanis didnt grabbed land of pakistanis like PPP PML N land mafia do :) :D and btw JI have foundation for helping flood victims and poor pakistanis dont be narrow minded :coffee:

not really, JI started gun culture
I mean before MQM days

not really, JI started gun culture

it was Zia ul haq Dady of Nawaz Sharif who started Gun Culture in pakistan

Btw Musharaf is Back PML N didnt gave any statement of hanging him and for any trail lol :lol:
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