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Allah help my Pakistan

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New Recruit

Feb 17, 2010
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:cry: Will i see a healthy and flureshing Muslim State in my lifetime or will it all be chaos ? :cry: Please! Dedicate atleast one thread where people can join hands and pray to Allah for forgiveness on part of all Muslims. WMD's , JF-17 's wont help us if Allah is not happy with us.These are tough times indeed but please pray in all circumstances , for you never know when , who's call may Allah listen. Allah bless All ( Ameen )
True, all power rests with Allah but He helps those who help themselves. I pray for the well being of your country :pakistan: Ameen
First part of solving your problesm is recognizing them, Thnk you FOR recognizing your problems... May ALLah answe your prayers..

Your J-10s wont help

Kick your military out of power

stop treating India as an Enemy

Ask India and China for help in growth

Avoid these stupid war mongers on these forums from telling you that everything is OK in pak, and India IS NOT UR ENEMY
I also pray..even thou am not a muslim..for a peaceful future for all our kids in the suncontinent
I Pray to Allah for end of terrorism in the subcontinent..
First part of solving your problesm is recognizing them, Thnk you FOR recognizing your problems... May ALLah answe your prayers..

Your J-10s wont help

Kick your military out of power

stop treating India as an Enemy

Ask India and China for help in growth

Avoid these stupid war mongers on these forums from telling you that everything is OK in pak, and India IS NOT UR ENEMY

India will always be our enemy until the Kashmir dispute is resolved.

Go hide under a rock, slumdog! We don't need friendship or cordial relations with India to become a sucessful and thriving nation and secondly i rather eat grass than welcome any help from slumdogs.
India will always be our enemy until the Kashmir dispute is resolved.

Go hide under a rock, slumdog! We don't need friendship or cordial relations with India to become a sucessful and thriving nation and secondly i rather eat grass than welcome any help from slumdogs.

Alright u little fagot, we will take all of Kashmir Than hahaha... Gilgit Kashmir will be ceded back in India in less than 20 years because of our Defence spending will be more than your current Economy HAHAHAHAAH
India will always be our enemy until the Kashmir dispute is resolved.

Go hide under a rock, slumdog! We don't need friendship or cordial relations with India to become a sucessful and thriving nation and secondly i rather eat grass than welcome any help from slumdogs.

Frustration is reasonable... welcome to doomsday.!!
India will always be our enemy until the Kashmir dispute is resolved.

Go hide under a rock, slumdog! We don't need friendship or cordial relations with India to become a sucessful and thriving nation and secondly i rather eat grass than welcome any help from slumdogs.

Look, who is saying! A slumdog, hiding his destiny(because of your deeds) behind a rich nation's flag......

On topic: I wish, GOD make you sufficient enough to tackle with this hard situation and bring peace everywhere.
Please ! don't show your mutual hate for eachother here . I wanted to convey to the moderators to please make a complete section for Islam after all what is Pakistan without Islam.
Allah is very angry on Pakistan, he will not spare anyone...

Allah is like angry bird right now against Pakistan...
Now i know why there is no such religious section on this forum :S i'm sure many would have tried.. I am sorry for posting the thread..Please close it before it gets out of control here :S
India will always be our enemy until the Kashmir dispute is resolved.

Go hide under a rock, slumdog! We don't need friendship or cordial relations with India to become a sucessful and thriving nation and secondly i rather eat grass than welcome any help from slumdogs.
Looks like some guest working from india took ur job for 1/3rd wage!
India will always be our enemy until the Kashmir dispute is resolved.

Go hide under a rock, slumdog! We don't need friendship or cordial relations with India to become a sucessful and thriving nation and secondly i rather eat grass than welcome any help from slumdogs.

not only kashmir also sarkarake and siachine
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