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All you want to know about Ottomans in Europe.. BBC Series

can't watch it either. however, since its BBC I don't have my hopes up for a good unbiased documentary. I still remember a very old documentary of BBC about Turkey in which they called the eastern regions of Turkey "Turkish Armenia".
can't watch it either. however, since its BBC I don't have my hopes up for a good unbiased documentary. I still remember a very old documentary of BBC about Turkey in which they called the eastern regions of Turkey "Turkish Armenia".

also same bbc called nort of iraq as kurdistan and refer that its most peacefully place in that area including turkey, and called turks invaders lol

that made me lmao.
If you want decent documentary about Ottoman Empire watch this:
In the past they were actually making unbias documentaries
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I just watched it. It is very good.
The title is very interesting.. "Europe's Muslim Emperors"
Very good program, I watched it for 15 mins .. liked it.. will watch later.
The title is a bit provocative, but mind you, its for british viewers mostly who know nothing about any muslim empire in europe.
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can't watch it either. however, since its BBC I don't have my hopes up for a good unbiased documentary. I still remember a very old documentary of BBC about Turkey in which they called the eastern regions of Turkey "Turkish Armenia".

There's a download button on BBC IPlayer... It let's you download it to your desktop... I am not sure if it works in other countries..

This one is the first one in the series.. There's a few more coming i think..
Well, eastern anatolia was historically Armenia and North Iraq Kurdistan(at least for quite a period), we should not feel offended from these as they're mere geoghpraphical terms, has nothing with the political situation.
Well, eastern anatolia was historically Armenia and North Iraq Kurdistan(at least for quite a period), we should not feel offended from these as they're mere geoghpraphical terms, has nothing with the political situation.

If you look at it like that. Eastern Anatolia was Hittite land before "Armenian" land. And Eastern Anatolia was never Kurdistan. Only after Turkish conquest of 1071 Anatolia opened up for Muslims or more accurately the Turks. After that it was known as Seljuk. Only during Ottoman Empire there was vilayet/province called Kurdistan if I remember correctly and that was because Ottoman Turks accepted the Kurds that were kicked out of South-Azerbijan (today's Iran) by Safavid Turks (today's Azerbaijani).
Historical name doesn't means the only name ever used, "Armenia" is used, Kurdistan was more like referring to North Iraq, Parts of Western Iran and around Şırnak and Hakkari in Anatolia, Kurds slowly started to move into other parts of Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia after the Islamic conquest of Eastern Anatolia(Arab one), but actually moving into that much land was in the following centuries in Seljuk and Ottoman period.

Anatolia was not known as Seljuk, it was known as Rum
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