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All Muslims in sub-continent are Pakistanis, claims Asiya Andrabi

Because they are looked with suspicion in India. Their loyalty towards India is doubted. So they have to resort to Pakistan bashing to prove their patriotism.

I don't understand the need to be patriotic when you are treated as a 2nd class citizen.
These Indian Muslims even condone humam rights violation of Kashmiri Muslims to prove their patriotism. I feel sorry for such souls.

well, they have a lot of countries they can migrate to where they can feel right at home.

I am done feeling fake sympathy for people who committed Genocide of Hindus in Kashmir and destroyed thousands of temples in the same Kashmir in last 2 decades.

Sorry, enough of this fake sympathy and fake tears.
Accept the new reality that you won't be treated special or GTFO.
well, they have a lot of countries they can migrate to where they can feel right at home.

I am done feeling fake sympathy for people who committed Genocide of Hindus in Kashmir and destroyed thousands of temples in the same Kashmir in last 2 decades.

Sorry, enough of this fake sympathy and fake tears.
Accept the new reality that you won't be treated special or GTFO.
100 dead pundits = genocide

I am a shudra Hindu. I would be happy if all Pundits would have disappeared from the face of earth.
Do you even know the history of Brahmins?
They annihilated aboriginal population. They raped and murdered lower castes. Infact they are even doing the same in present . Visit rural North India see for yourself.

I will support kicking out Muslims on one condition Brahmin foreigners need to be shown the door too.
100 dead pundits = genocide

I am a shudra Hindu. I would be happy if all Pundits would have disappeared from the face of earth.
Do you even know the history of Brahmins?
They annihilated aboriginal population. They raped and murdered lower castes. Infact they are even doing the same in present . Visit rural North India see for yourself.

I will support kicking out Muslims on one condition Brahmin foreigners need to be shown the door too.


Which history is that mate?

I am a Shudra Hindu as well or as Indians call us a "dalit". In fact I am a "Dravida" Shudra...
You should come to my place and see who has done more damage to us amongst Brahmins, Mughals and Vatican.

There are 2 sets of people who have destroyed Hindus, including the "Dalits". One is Mughals and the second is English.
Surprised that you choose to spew venom at something that happened 1500 years back and ignore what happened in last 1500 years!!

Anyway, we won't give an inch of our land to anyone anymore.
The only thing people who shout "aazadi" is a bullet in their head. :D
Naa, we are done giving an inch of land.
We would rather exterminate them just like how you cull pigs that go mad.
Good going so basically you guys are going to roast your on countrymen. i have no problem with this go ahead.:rofl:
. .
100 dead pundits = genocide

I am a shudra Hindu. I would be happy if all Pundits would have disappeared from the face of earth.
Do you even know the history of Brahmins?
They annihilated aboriginal population. They raped and murdered lower castes. Infact they are even doing the same in present . Visit rural North India see for yourself.

I will support kicking out Muslims on one condition Brahmin foreigners need to be shown the door too.

I am a "shudra" hindu too pappu :lol: ....... keep your fantasies to yourself.

A dravidian shudra hindu at that.

And no one needs your "conditional support" to kicking out all the anti Hindu forces.

Another evidence that RSS and BJP are peddling Pakistani propaganda. :)

So "Asiya Andrabi" is a RSS and BJP member ? :cheesy:
. . .
Naa, we are done giving an inch of land.
We would rather exterminate them just like how you cull pigs that go mad.

Thats just talk while all the brochures advertising india has the Taj Mahal.

Thats just talk while all the brochures advertising india has the Taj Mahal.


Print enough pamphlets, just so enough people know about the revolution and come for "the fight".
You know what he ment
The point I am trying to make is, if one oppresses people for his religion or whatev
Well, in Crimea's case, the Russians were able to do something about it. The 2nd most powerful military against what Ukraine could round up. The Russians pretty much steamrolled them.

That's not the case here. The few odd terrorists can't and will not change India's position in any way. And Pakistani influence here doesn't matter. Pakistan fought India 3 times over Kashmir and we didn't budge. What are Kashmiri separatists gonna do?

I understood what you were trying to say by drawing parallels with the Crimean incident. I wasn't setting a global standard when I said the land stays with India. Just the reality of how India will deal with the issue. I'm not speaking for anybody else.
I see. Also I was not talking about Kashmir..as that is disputed territory...I was talking about Bharat proper...
By the way, the Russians did not steam roll in...the Crimeans welcomed them and there were already Russian military personnel on that peninsula...
When some Hindu leader say the same thing no one say about culling them like pigs. If the same is said by a Muslim entire forum goes crazy with anger.
If u can call here fanatic what about those who are always saying india is for Hindu and people going mad on a simple movie which has a Muslim conqueror and placing bounty on the actors and directors.
My morning walk friend is a Pakistani.
My College's GB member is a Pakistani.
My wife's best friend is a Pakistani.
My Driver is a Pakistani.
So u know many Pakistani what does that prove I know many Indians and they are my good friends.
Unfortunately the behaviour of some of the Indians and pakiatani here shows we can face each other in civilised manner.
Someone talking about Mughals damaging India. Lol
Taj Mahal was a temple and Muslims took it. It was on your media.
Your high commissioner tried to visit gurdwara in some country but he was stopped by Sikhs over there.
This shows how much Indian abroad love ur government and please don't start saying that it's ISI conspiracy.
Only Kashmiris are Pakistanis, not the rest of Muslims in Hindustan. Plus i havn't heard a cry for freedom from Muslims from other parts of Hindustan. I have many Indian Muslims in my company, they are worried about the gaining power of RSS and other fanatic hindus, but not one of them has said anything about gaining independence.
There are some people in india who want to create a 2nd Pakistan

Gazwae hind
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