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Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans


Mar 16, 2011
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Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans. 45223.jpegThose who think that the first extraterrestrial beings that will establish an official contact with the human race will be friendly creatures like E.T. are going to be disappointed. NASA scientists say that reasonable inhabitants of other galaxies may come to Earth to destroy our planet because mankind seems to be unable to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

If we take a look at our planet from the outside, the changes in Earth's atmosphere characterize mankind as a civilization that has come out of control. Extraterrestrials believe that the human civilization is dangerous to others, the scientists said. That is why, it is quite possible that aliens may strike a preventive blow on our planet to give us all a wake-up call.

This is only one theory of the future of the human civilization. Researchers also say that aliens may use humans as their slaves or food.

Shawn Domagal-Goldman and a team of scientists made a whole list of theoretically possible situations to help us choose the tactics of communication with guests from outer space. The report was made to prepare terrestrials for a clash with another civilization. According to the scientists, the extraterrestrials will share their knowledge with humans so that we could solve such serious problems as famine, poverty and illnesses. However, this is the best of what may happen.

An alternative variant stipulates the victory of the human civilization over the invaders and the usage of extraterrestrial technologies. It seems that NASA scientists have a very vivid imagination that could be used for a Hollywood blockbuster.

"Just as we did to those beings, the extraterrestrials might proceed to kill, infect, dissect, conquer, displace or enslave us, stuff us as specimens for their museums or pickle our skulls and use us for medical research," the scientists wrote in the report.

As for the preventive blow, it can be possible during the earliest stage of the expansion of our civilization.

Humanity may just now be entering the period in which its rapid civilizational expansion could be detected by an ETI because our expansion is changing the composition of Earth's atmosphere (e.g. via greenhouse gas emissions), which therefore changes the spectral signature of Earth," the study's authors say.

Aliens will come into contact with humans during the forthcoming 20 years, the scientists also said. Andrei Finkelstein, the director of the Institute of Applied Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said at the international conference devoted to the search for extraterrestrial life at the end of June that the origin of life was just as inevitable as the creation of atoms.

"Our solar system is not a unique place in the Universe. Life may appear in many other places if the conditions similar to ours are preserved. One can be certain that life and reason is a common phenomenon in the Universe. During the upcoming two decades scientists will discover places in our Galaxy where life exists. That life will bear a striking resemblance to the life that we represent here," the scientist said.

As for the appearance of extraterrestrial creatures, Finkelstein believes that aliens will look like humans. Most likely, alien creatures will have one head, two arms and two legs. Their skin color can be different, although we have many races of different skin colors too.

The next day after Finkelstein's speech at the conference, a curious video titled "UFO Mothership & Fleet Over London' appeared on YouTube. The video has been removed from the portal, but it can be found on other websites, for example here.

The flying saucers appeared above the London office of the BBC. The saucers look like three white spots that form a triangle and fly at a large speed. Two other spots follow the triangle, but there is also a larger object in the sky that moves slower.

The video does not look like a fake, although many people say that there are many special effects studios in London that could create the spectacle.

Thank you ISRO2222 I have seen the light the grey aliens & reptilians feed off negative energy.

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The UFO's alien crafts are getting seen more and more 2012 is the false invasion by the Power be skeptical once the aliens are here because the elite are working with them.
There are as many as 100,000 planets that have intelligent life in this galaxy alone...
Please refer to what ISRO2222 was saying I didn't believe him at first but this is true the aliens feed off negative energy a false flag alien invasion is going to happen don't believe the real ones will show themselves.

Greys = feed of negative energy
Reptilians = feed off negative energy and children why do you think there are so many missing children.
Illuminant are really reptilian human hybrids = they feed of negative energy and suck the energies from the adrenal gland it gives them a rush the missing children are getting feed to the reptilians that live underground.

False Flag Alien Invasion don't believe it be wary of the second coming of jesus because there is no second coming.

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The UFO's alien crafts are getting seen more and more 2012 is the false invasion by the Power be skeptical once the aliens are here because the elite are working with them.

i like you man , if you ever run out of weed and cant get it anywhere , be my guest n come to Pakistan , we will smoke together with my alien guests who visit n party with me every saturday night :rolleyes:
Why the F would aliens care if we were putting out greenhouse gasses ?:girl_wacko:

they don't care, but it's true. We chemically analyze astrophysical objects through their EM spectra. Once we have the spectra, we can compare it to theory and figure out things like rotational speed through Doppler peak broadening, translational speed through Doppler shift, temperature due to peak brightness, etc.

So let me ask you if you were the galactic dictator of an aggressive race within 50 lightyears, and your sensors picked up a planet whose atmosphere was starting to get filled up with things that just don't occur in nature like CFC's and diesel fuel, showing rapidly increasing carbon dioxide levels yet not sulfur dioxide levels (so it's not volcanism) and you know that about 1000 years ago, your civilization was producing those things, what are you gonna do?

Get the engines running and bomb the hell out of them.
Good for them. Human intestines are full with feces.

They are welcome to taste our by-products.
The masters of the world are the reptilians and greys the humans are cattle they take DNA and other genetic material from us, and they feed off negative energy, and they are planning a fake alien invasion why do you think more and more UFO's are being seen ?

i like you man , if you ever run out of weed and cant get it anywhere , be my guest n come to Pakistan , we will smoke together with my alien guests who visit n party with me every saturday night :rolleyes:

I use to be a sheep like you along with the rest of the sheep on this planet into their wars, drugs, sex the threat is looming, thanks to ISRO2222 on this forum I finally opened my eyes and saw the truth.

the sumerian gods are returning in fact the gods were really aliens the evidence is right there
Mass UFO's are going to be seen more and more in the ME in Iraq saddam hussein found the tomb of gilgamesh which is a space port that Alien crafts use to land, Anunnaki are the real creators they are returning.
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