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Alert! UFO War: Chinese and US Navy off San Francisco!

Btw do watch small film sirius this december.... There are some shocking evidences in this film.... However i do see possiblity goverment will ban this film.... They did it in past.... Specially in films which are made by discovery and history channels....
Dr. Greer Researches Possible ET Body!
Goverment of china in panic mode due to alien invasion.... China searching ways to make this invasion stop.... And also to make people carry on with their lifes.... China in touch with america. Both china and russia been tense due to invasion of this aggressive aliens. The bigger the country in size the bigger the risk of invasion.... Gobi desert totaly aggressive greys control. China cant take it back. Same thing with russian mountain of death.... Since 1940s russian army and airforce cant take over mountain of death as its belongs to aggressive greys.... China searching ways to take control of situation.... Aliens taking over china's few main important lands that is very important for china.... Gobi desert no longer under china's control.... China sended military trucks to destroy the base but trucks were blown up.... China even tried to send airforce but the jetfighters were came under fire and than china tried to use missiles which were jammed.... China with america, uk and russia trying to find solution. In coming months china will see even more alien activitys which they wont be able to deny it anymore.... Our hope is ashtar galactic command and Arcturian's Athena.... The war erupted near jupiter. China, america and russia knew about it but they are helpless....
China UFO: New Report of Sighting Marks Eighth Time Since June - ABC News
UK, France, China Admitted UFOs Are Real and Of Extraterrestrial Origin | Alternative
Baffling mystery in the Gobi Desert easily explained? | The Zingularity
Video: UFO in China - Alien craft on video, is China hiding the truth? part of Triple Sun Over China usa and canada
Is China Hiding The Truth About UFOs? [Video]
in 2009 and 2010 when mothership went over china airspace than whole china came under panic mode.... After few months goverment declared it was remote control drone (thats a lie and funny they testing drone over city without informing airport).... China cant hide it for long.... China got big land for aliens to create a base.... And china want to stop it but they are hopeless like america, uk, russia, france, mexico, brazil, india etc etc....
Goverment of china in panic mode due to alien invasion.... China searching ways to make this invasion stop.... And also to make people carry on with their lifes.... China in touch with america. Both china and russia been tense due to invasion of this aggressive aliens. The bigger the country in size the bigger the risk of invasion.... Gobi desert totaly aggressive greys control. China cant take it back. Same thing with russian mountain of death.... Since 1940s russian army and airforce cant take over mountain of death as its belongs to aggressive greys.... China searching ways to take control of situation.... Aliens taking over china's few main important lands that is very important for china.... Gobi desert no longer under china's control.... China sended military trucks to destroy the base but trucks were blown up.... China even tried to send airforce but the jetfighters were came under fire and than china tried to use missiles which were jammed.... China with america, uk and russia trying to find solution. In coming months china will see even more alien activitys which they wont be able to deny it anymore.... Our hope is ashtar galactic command and Arcturian's Athena.... The war erupted near jupiter. China, america and russia knew about it but they are helpless....
China UFO: New Report of Sighting Marks Eighth Time Since June - ABC News
UK, France, China Admitted UFOs Are Real and Of Extraterrestrial Origin | Alternative
Baffling mystery in the Gobi Desert easily explained? | The Zingularity
Video: UFO in China - Alien craft on video, is China hiding the truth? part of Triple Sun Over China usa and canada
Is China Hiding The Truth About UFOs? [Video]
in 2009 and 2010 when mothership went over china airspace than whole china came under panic mode.... After few months goverment declared it was remote control drone (thats a lie and funny they testing drone over city without informing airport).... China cant hide it for long.... China got big land for aliens to create a base.... And china want to stop it but they are hopeless like america, uk, russia, france, mexico, brazil, india etc etc....

I remember there was one instance when a civilian airport was shut down for several hours due to an UFO. It may have been what you are telling the readers now. By the way, why are the good aliens and humanoids not do something about the aggressive greys? I thought they were suppose to help mankind when they needed help? :rolleyes:
@obambam yes it was that incident i was talking about.... China goverment came out after few months and declared it was a drone.... What was funny that first they declared it was a american missile or russian.... Than they came out and declared it was drone by china. What was a drone doing above airport where 100s of civilian aircrafts fly? Why didnt they informed drone testing was on above airport? Why did they risk peoples life? And why after watching (mothership was above china airspace heading towards china underground sea base) they suddenly panic and shut down airport?.... China cant hide it for long. Mexico been totaly tortured by aliens.... Same thing will happen with china because it has many places similar to dulce which is located in mexico.... When a superhero saved life than china declared it was a video game company.... But where ufo been seen over china airport and space shuttle launch than china couldnt say it was a trick.... The alien invasion will increase so much that china will run out of option my friend.... Btw i brought very big news to what u asked me. Humanoids helping us.... i will give details later. Yesterday i been told what my group knew from federation of light the great white light brotherhood....
@sajan am dissapointed u not keeping an eye on this thread.... No one claimed 21st december 2012 is doomsday.... Mayans civilization ended without they mentioning golden age calender.... It was due to their sin mayans been wiped out.... However a good karmic nation lived. The name of that country is 'Bharat' (india).... India the country who has complete golden age calender wrote 5000years ago.... Mayans were indian blood. They didnt make it due to reptilian ruling them.... Reptilians told them that sun is your god and they are ur lord.... After beheading the humans the blood were given to reptilians.... Mayans ended.... Now just new generation mayans we know and they are mexicans, belize and guatemalans.... They all indian genes because whole earth land was one and than it started breaking off like piece of bread on water.... Question is how mayans died? They been wiped out by humanoids due to negative energy they were emiting.... They were sinners who believed in killing people.... Reptilians ruled them but when humanoids moved in than reptilians didnt help mayans.... About doomsday i want to make it clear that human civilization will end just like dinosaurs and 4 humans civilizations.... Earth wont get destroyed.... Movie 2012 was a joke.... However threat on human civilization is real.... i got so many important news for u all but i cant tell it yet because am waiting for evidence through email.... Without it am in no position to tell everything.... Btw maya name is one of rahu related name.... Rahu is dragon head.... Again reptilians.... Rahu is avatar of enki himself.... Mayans ruled by reptilians and they ended due to their own sin.... Watch movie apocalypto.... In that they shown how they use to kill humans to make sun happy.... There is big news i got for u all about planet sun.... Please wait few hours for it so i can get the evidence....
Please my request is not to talk about doomsday because there arent any.... However present human civilization will end and will end in golden age.... Than new generation human civilization will take our place.... This will be done by negative aliens as they dont want humans to advance the technology.... Human civilization before us were more advanced than we are.... They ended totaly.... Btw mayans were given knowledge by Reptilians and india was given knowledge by humanoids.... Thus our knowledge deeper and complete than mayans.... Please view the pics and also the links.... Golden age will start within evil age. It was lord krishna who told ganga devi that golden age will start from 21st december 2012 and it will last 10,000 years....
indian calender
Global Rumblings: Mayan Calendar Matches Hindu Calendar
Golden Age in 2012 - Mayan Calendar corroborates Hindu Prophecy
Kali Yuga - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
mayan calender
We humans works on frequency and vibration as i always mentioned.... Its a law of universe which no one can change it.... We get what we emit.... You emit fear frequency (which is low frequency) than you get fear.... You emit happiness (which is high frequency and high vibration) you get happiness.... Law of attraction based on it.... Our energy and karma decides our fate.... Please i want u all to read the following link to understand law of universe.... Please do thanks Joanne....
must visit....
How many types of karma are there? Its mainly two types.... Past and present and than it decides future.... Past are two types.... Previous life and present life. What we did in previous life decides are present life and what we do in present life decides are future life when we die and born again.... If we did alot bad karma in previous life than we die early or suffer in present life.... If we did good in previous life and doing bad karma at present life than we enjoy present life before we die tragic way.... Eating nonveg one of bad karma.... i saw many dies early by accident or disease. i knew many punjabi familys (my father was punjabi who passed away in car accident with my mother).... i saw my few relatives died exact way in car accident and they were punjabis. The reason was they eat nonveg every time (most of days).... Tandoori chicken their favorite.... We all has a mud pot in our life account. When we eat nonveg it gets deposit in the mud pot.... Bigger the animal bigger the sin.... Yesterday my aunties friend jaswal bhatti died.... He was great man and he did alot good karma in previous life to get good present life.... However he loved nonveg.... When he turned 57 the mud pot started over flowing and than he died in car accident.... i dont want to show u all the pic of it but i have to.... i lost my parents in car accident.... i want to educate people how to live long and live better life.... Please dont view the pic if u are weak heart.... (pic of comedian jaswal bhatti)....
i wanted to show pic to save many lifes of people.... Avoid eating nonveg.... Eating fish is mild bad karma (on tue, thru and saturday eating any nonveg is 'DEADLY' due to mars, jupiter and saturn being karma planet).... Eating chicken bad karma, eating pork, goat meat and beef is worse karma and deadly.... Bigger the animal bigger the sin....
There are many types of aliens.... All of them use top speed spaceship.... However non of them uses jetfighters and planes like humans (outdate technology).... There are many types of speed like sub sonic, super sonic, hyper sonic, half the light speed, light speed and the most powerful is warp speed.... Only sirians humanoid has the warp speed technology which is faster than light.... Whole ashtar galactic command and Arcturians sub-base is on starship Athena.... But their main base is on planet sirius.... Sirius is the planet of Earth's Gods.... Sirians is our Lord.... They are far superior than other alien race.... They use warp speed.... NASA knew about it from tall greys.... NASA thinks it can create warp speed spaceships (thats funny) which even other aliens been not able to do.... Here is main base of Ashtar galactic command, Arcturians.... Its on planet sirius in orion belt....
Object near Orion's Belt - Space Cloud, UFO, Galactic Mothership, or Galactic Space Station? - YouTube
And here is the warp speed details....
NASA Starts Work on Real Life Star Trek Warp Drive
Warp drive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Warp Drive More Possible Than Thought, Scientists Say | Space.com
Just now i recieved email from my team member who been in touch with pleiadians.... Pleiadians are anti-american (only anti goverment and military).... He told me that to share a video with you all.... This is very important video that might shock you all. Please its my request must watch this video and am sure you will know the real face of american goverment.... Must watch....
Genetic Roulette - The Gamble of our Lives - YouTube
@Esc8781 african people were created by Enki the chief engineer of annunaki.... He was half reptilian due to his mother being queen of alpha Draconians.... Enki was half brother of Enlil.... Enki created african people to dig Gold.... He wanted a slave race who was strong. As u know majority of african people are strong body. When they workout in gym than they get result much faster than other races.... Even the beautiful african womens are stronger than white males.... This was due to Enki. He wanted strong slave race who can work nonstop. He used his own DNA for it. In modern world reptilians using singers, actors, actresses, politicians, military etc etc to influence its negative power.... Anything that emit negative energy feed reptilians. A song on heartbreak, anger, hate, satan etc etc are reptilians influenced as it emits negative energy.... However most singers who controled by reptilians dies tragic way as they indulge in drugs, alcohol etc etc. Michael jackson died, tupac died, the list is huge.... Lil wayne a reptilian genes. He too indulge in drugs and alcohol.... Lady gaga too a satans own genes and was choosen. Any singer who sings negative is a reptilian satan ruled.... Lil wayne dont have long life and so do all negative singers, military men, actor actresses etc etc. Emy whine house too was negative energy and she died exact same way michael jackson died.... Enki is not immortal.... He been cursed by ENLIL that he will be left on earth and will go through cycle of death and life forever.... Enki is same race of sumerian gods who came in egypt and known as seeds of serpent. Later i will tell you all about it.... Obama is real egypt king and a real reptilian. Reptilians are romantic, bad karmic and they know how to make people believe them exact same way they did to egyptians in ancient time....
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