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Al-Zarrar Comparison with other tanks


Oct 3, 2005
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United States
How do you guys rate Al-Zarrar Pakistani tank with other tanks like T-72?

Can anyone compare these two?
webby, I think AL Zarrar is more copmparable with T-59 MBT
How do you guys rate Al-Zarrar Pakistani tank with other tanks like T-72?

Can anyone compare these two?

Interesting question....One perhaps suited to experts such as Zraver. However I will throw in my two penneth.
To compare the tank with for example the T-72 would require WHICH model of the T-72 you are referring to for example there are so many of them :lol:

However if we look at the upgrades that are visible n the Al-Zarrar they seemed to have attempted to correct some of the weaknesses of the T-59/69 tanks.
They have upgraded the frontal armour with applique and ERA. The FCS and night vision systems have been upgraded.

A full list of the 54 upgrades would be useful if anyone has them.
Web Master said:
How do you guys rate Al-Zarrar Pakistani tank with other tanks like T-72?

Can anyone compare these two?

Well webby here it goes. though it is a General Comparision.

4crew members are required to operate Zl-zarar in comparision to 3 of T-72.
Al zarar weights 40 tons in comparision to 45 tons of T-72 which gives Al-zarar a edge over mobility.
Al-zarar have 730Hp Diesal engine & T-72 have 840hp Diesal engine.
Both have optional explosive Receative armour.
Both use 125mm Smooth Bore Gun as there primary gun.
The projectiles used by Al-zarar are APFSDS, HEAT, HE & T-72 uses AT-11/SVIR, Tandem Shaped charge (HEAT), APFSDS-T, Giat 125G1.
Both of them use Semi Auto Loading system & Manual loading system.
Al-zarar have the firing range of 2400meter & T-72 have the firing range of 2500-3000 meter.
Al-zarar have internal Fire Extinguishing & Explosion Suppression.
Al-zarar use Thermal Smoke Screen. & T-72 use Vehicle engine exhaust smoke system.
Al-zarar uses Co-Axial MG(7.62 mm) or AA MG(12.7 mm) as its secondary Gun & T-72 uses Machinegun PKT(7.62-mm) as its Seconday Gun.
Al-zarar have been fitted with four smoke grenade dischargers on the side of the turret.& T-72 have been fitted with Eight smoke grenade dischargers four on each side of the turrent.
Commander of Al-zarar can also fire main Gun.

Al-zarar have 730Hp Diesal engine & T-72 have 840hp Diesal engine.

hey... there....

The T-72 ( older versions ) has a 780-HP diesel engine not 840-HP:what:

plz clarify ur source or at-least provide a link

only the T-72B1 has a 840-HP engine
hey... there....

i thought the T-72 ( older versions ) has a 780-HP diesel engine not 840-HP

plz clarify ur source or at-least provide a link

only the T-72B1 has a 840-HP engine
As i said i am not going into the depth bcoz then the detail will too long for someone to read, it is just general specifications & mostly used models.

As i said i am not going into the depth bcoz then the detail will too long for someone to read, it is just general specifications & mostly used models.


Well lets just look at the potential opponents to the tank. I.e. Indian and Iranian T-72's. Lets keep the mainline tanks out of this discussion. (At least for the meantime)
I want to discuss this because of this propaganda Indian article.

Pak trying to palm off substandard military equipment to Lanka
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, October 9
There is sustained pressure from Islamabad on Colombo to buy substandard Pakistani military equipment in view of the intensification of the conflict between Sri Lankan troops and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

Pakistan and interested parties in the Sri Lankan army are understood to be pushing for the sale of Al Zarrar tanks, though Colombo had earlier rejected the offer, diplomatic sources told this correspondent yesterday.

The Sri Lankan Army preferred to buy T-72 tanks from Belarus , which are technically far superior and nearly 4 times less than the price of Pakistani Al Zarrar. Pakistan offered its tanks at $ 1.6 million each. As Sri Lanka proposed to buy 25 number of tanks, this would cost $ 40 million.

While Sri Lanka would save more than $ 20 million if they opt for the T-72, the Pakistani defence establishment has gone into an overdrive to clinch the deal with the help of willing senior defence personnel in Sri Lanka . The two sides are now working to manipulate and arrange a new technical team to inspect the Al Zarrar tank and give a positive report in its favour.

While the deal is being worked out, there seems to have been a dispute over the commission to be paid by the Pakistani side to their Sri Lankan “facilitators”. The Pakistani side is prepared to enhance the commission from 2 to 2.5 per cent keeping in view the help rendered by the Sri Lankan side, but the latter has been demanding much more. The Pakistani side also stated that they look at Sri Lanka as a major arms market and several other military equipment is in the pipeline and so there could be more business with more commission.

These proposed deals amount to more than $ 200 million. The Pakistani defence establishment has been trying to palm off old and used military equipment to Sri Lanka by paying exorbitant commission to its “facilitators ” there. There is already growing discontent in the lower levels of Sri Lankan army as they had to struggle with substandard military equipment. Some such equipment supplied in August last year include 350 radio sets, supplied by NRTC, Pakistan , 25 battery chargers and tank ammunition.

Most of the defence dealers from the two countries are mainly retired armed forces officers, which allowed them easy accessibility to the top-ranking decision makers. This has influenced the decision making officers to bend the rules and allow the deals to go through which benefited their pockets immensely.

The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Main News

Not sure which version of the T-70 they are talking about, but i am pretty sure they are darn old, while Pakistan will offer totally new Al-Zarrar thats (new production upon request)!
I want to discuss this because of this propaganda Indian article.

Not sure which version of the T-70 they are talking about, but i am pretty sure they are darn old, while Pakistan will offer totally new Al-Zarrar thats (new production upon request)!

Well I would suggest that this article is utter crap. I doubt the Belorussian tanks will be top of the line. and will definitely not be new builds. The BeloRussians are to quote "The army is getting rid of the Soviet junk," says retired Col Vasyl Zdanyuk.

BBC NEWS | Europe | Belarusian army launches Christmas sale

The simple fact is that the article is utter guff. The Pak army would not induct a tank they thought would be substandard. Plus the Indian army uses he T-72......can't have a tank in use by the Indian army lose out to a tank from Pak.........
Webby, Al-zarar can finish the job of Indian T-72's by closed eyes.

it is india's old job when something is going in the favour of Pakistan they will do their best, that it will not reach to its target.

The article Webmaster mentioned, i read it on bharat rakshak and i knew it then how real must be the article since we all know the reputation. COming back to the topic india does not want pakistani influence over srilanka or for that matter BD or any other nation. So they would keep coming up with BS crap. Srilanka it self has shown keen interest in pakistan defence products due to certain reasons, one is the cost factor, other is the reliability of the supply of spares. So as for the article mentioning about it being four times expensive is BS because pakistani products are popular because they are cheap as compared to any western or for that matter russian product while providing the same amount of performance or even better. That is also another reason that besides all the crapy propaganda about the JF-17 by indians, most of the airforce of the world have shown interest in it.
Originally Posted by SherwaniAK View Post
al zarar can kill t 90 and arjinany time. The skill lies with the crew.
our jawans and officers will fight till death b ut never surrender

Point to ponder.
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