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Al Jazeera Report On Education In Hunza Valley...

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Yes it did. The greatest thing that gilgit baltistan can take pride in is its extremely high literacy rate. While other provinces struggle to cross 60 or in depth find out majority of its male, GB stands proudly with 90-100% literacy rate.

A pride for the region and the nation itself. Entire Pakistan should follow their model and make education number one priority.

With the security situation improving and govt under pressure to give more national representation to GB, the future does look good.
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People of Hunza are also the healthiest globally with exceptionally low diseases. There was a detailed study by a British scientist back in 30's or 40's. Will need to find that study.

They are nature lovers and very protective of their areas.
Hunza Water ... some people say it has magical properties .. People of hunza can live upto 120 Years
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