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Akhilesh asks UPA to provide job quotas for Muslims


Feb 19, 2013
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LUCKNOW: Uttar Pradesh chief minister Akhilesh Yadav on Tuesday asked the UPA government to bring about job reservations for Muslims in line with the Sachar committee's recommendations.

Addressing the media with central minister for minority welfare K Rahman Khan, Yadav said the Samajwadi Party would support any constitutional change the Congress-led UPA initiated in this connection.

He added that his government was working to improve the social, educational and economic status of the Muslim community in Uttar Pradesh.

The chief minister also urged the Central government to release funds for centrally-aided minority welfare schemes on time.

He said the state government, through its own resources, was providing financial assistance to Muslim girls for higher education.

Khan said the central government was willing to work with the Uttar Pradesh government for the welfare of minorities in the state.

The Sachar committee, appointed in 2005 by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, had recommended job reservations as one of the remedies to remove the backwardness of Indian Muslims.

Akhilesh asks UPA to provide job quotas for Muslims - The Times of India
Well our young politicians who get elevated to the top bcz of family politics can never understand the importance and relevance of the five letter word 'merit'.
Give reservations to everyone!

Is Akhilesh ready to give reservations to muslims in politics? I mean he should give reservations to muslims in his cabinet and CM chair as well :lol:
I swear I feel like I have to believe it when others mock us, we have a country full of completely retarded and half retarded people who vote for idiots like this based on simple yet divisionary promises.
I don't mind giving some quota to the poor Muslim communities, not for all Muslims. However this quota should come out of OBC quota and not out of general category. Put this formula on the table and watch these vote who res ditch the plan.:omghaha:
Whats up with this stupid reservation system?The poor among forward communities are getting discriminated!

Its for our beloved Nair saab dear ;)

Now there is a new allegation-The name ' syrian christian' shows that we are spys from syria ....:omghaha:
That's why I say democracy is not good for a developing country with huge diversity like where politicians always keep dividing people on care/religious/ethnic lines just to secure their fuckin vote bank and further their political career instead of making them think as one and Indian first India and rise of these regional parties and coalition governments have really worsen the situation
My definition of secularism is simple, INDIA FIRST

1000 Problems, one solution------------------> NaMo 4 PM


If the case of economic Backwardness ... why is Kerala Government giving reservation of 12% in government jobs & 8% in education to a already prosperous Muslim community ...
only one thing remains...An education and job quota for General category..then whole India will have Quota for everyone.. :taz:

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