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Aiwan e Sadr, PM Sect, Fed Gov offices possibly bugged


May 12, 2009
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Presidency, PM House, all ministries being bugged
ISLAMABAD: Almost the entire federal government, all the top offices and sensitive installations, including the Presidency, PM Secretariat, Federal Secretariat offices including even the Interior Ministry, are feared to be bugged by certain foreign missions and their operators, it is learnt.

A top government official, dealing with internal security, has revealed that a modern bugging device that uses rays to listen to indoor conversations from a distance of even half a kilometre is being used by certain foreign missions and operators to spy on almost all the government top offices surrounding the Presidency.

The official said that the Interior Ministry and the security agencies are well aware of this. “We have even informed the interior minister that his office too is being bugged through this technology,” the source said, explaining that this spying tool merely requires the operator to direct the operation of the rays on the windows of any room or building needed to be bugged.

The top security official said the Government of Pakistan has no means to counter this modern attack on our sensitive offices by some powerful foreign players. “We are totally insecure and don’t know how much of what we discuss in our closed-door meetings is heard by our foreign ‘friends’ and enemies,” the source said.

In December last year it was The News, which broke the story of an unidentified foreign hand involved in efforts to bug the proceedings of a federal cabinet meeting by installing the latest equipment at a certain distance from the PM Secretariat that was detected.
A special cabinet, which was scheduled for September 9, 2009, was delayed for two hours due to non-clearance from the security agencies of the room in which the meeting was to be held.

Security agencies, the sources said, detected some mysterious waves, adding that the meeting started only after the room was cleared security-wise.

Even at that time, the security agencies of the country discovered that certain waves were detected from the PM Secretariat, clearly indicating that something was being installed directed towards the PM Secretariat from the Diplomatic Enclave to record the conversation from certain distance.

---------- Post added at 06:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:26 AM ----------


Cabinet Meeting bugged
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
By Mehtab Haider

ISLAMABAD: There are clear indications that some foreign hands are involved in making efforts to bug proceedings of a federal cabinet meeting by installing the latest equipment at certain distance from the PM Secretariat that was detected and foiled successfully.

Official sources confirmed to ‘The News’ on Tuesday that a special cabinet meeting was scheduled to be held with Prime Minister Raza Gilani in the chair on September 9, 2009, which was delayed for two hours due to non-clearance given by security agencies to the room in which the meeting was scheduled to be held on that day.

Security agencies, the sources said, detected some mysterious waves that resulted in delay in starting of the cabinet meeting by two hours, adding that the meeting started only after the room was cleared security-wise.

When the Cabinet Division Secretary Abdur Rauf Ch was contacted, he confirmed that almost one-and-a-half month back, one cabinet meeting was delayed by a couple of hours as security people did not clear the venue at the scheduled time. Without going into details, he said he remembered that he was then Secretary Education so he would confirm it again on Tuesday after verifying the facts.

On Tuesday, he again confirmed that security clearance in one of the cabinet meetings caused a delay of around two hours. “I did not know the reasons for that delay,” he concluded.

Another federal secretary, who wished not to be named ,also confirmed to this correspondent that one of the federal cabinet meetings was delayed a couple of months back because security agencies took more than two hours to clear the room of the meeting. However, he said that they were not told officially about the reasons for this unexpected delay in the meeting.

However, insiders say that certain waves were detected from the PM Secretariat, clearly indicating that something was being installed towards the direction of Diplomatic Enclave that could intercept and record the conversation from certain distance. When a search was made, these mysterious waves suddenly disappeared.

Top agencies of the country are investigating the incident. When the Press Secretary to the PM, Mian Jehangir, was contacted for comments, he said that he was not aware of any such incident in which the cabinet meeting was delayed.

However, he said that according to the SOP, security agencies cleared the whole site where the PM had to go. So it might have happened before his arrival at this spot, he concluded. When Minister for Law Dr Babar Awan was contacted for comments on Monday, he told this correspondent that nothing of this sort happened in his presence and added in the same breath that he might have reached the meeting on that day two hours late.
As per my information, the Cabinet meeting was definitely bugged and although the conference room had been sweeped a couple of hours earlier and access was restricted, somebody managed to bug the room and nobody was ever caught in this regard.

IB, ISI should tighten their bug sweeping mechanism and technical wings should seek better counter surveillance equipment. This is serious breach of security.

Also, please pardon the journalist for the "mysterious waves" and "rays" since he's writing for a not-so-sophisticated paper and far from being technically sound on the issue.
Is it possible to jam all frequencies during important meeting?This is quite a serious issue and i think the culprit in Diplomatic Enclave should be caught and few officials sent back to their country.I am glad that this has been caught!
Is it possible to jam all frequencies during important meeting?This is quite a serious issue and i think the culprit in Diplomatic Enclave should be caught and few officials sent back to their country.I am glad that this has been caught!

Not possible firstly since it messes up with electronic equipment at work in the room itself. Also, it is not just theoretically but practically possible to modulate the 300-3Khz band on a 25Khz sine wave and transfer it to a bigger modulator in the vicinity of the bugged room and by virtue of being near to the edge of the 20Khz band, you're not likely to get blocked. This near-the-edge modulation is used all the time for small bugging devices and they send modulated and often encrypted (sometimes with mere carefully channeled noise) audio over AM, other commonly used bands for communication and get away with it.

The best way is counter surveillance and effective bug sweeping assisted by restricting access.
It is not the job of ISI to formulate security of state buildings.
IB is hand picked by Rehman Malik.

ministers should lessen their protocol and use them for this purpose.
Interior ministry have no shame in accepting bribes from US embassy but they have problems when they are bugged by same.

Going technical frequency filters can be used to filter noise and amplify the desired signal, in some cases even without bugging, just by staying out of building... at some distance.

This is how modern states bug on their citizens and mobile phone surveillance should be easy as eating candy.
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The article does not reveal who has bugged the installations?

I rule out USA,as they don't need to eavesdrop or spy on any of our ministers..One phone call from American government will make all of our ministers,prime minister and specially President to reveal everything to them..Even if the bra size of their missus.
They should construct important buildings like bunkers where all sorts of signals are blocked and cannot penetrate or go out.
I have had experience in such buildings (cannot name where) and all sort of electric/radio/IR signals can be blocked.
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