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Air pollution takes toll on China's tourism


Nov 18, 2010
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BEIJING (AP) — China, one of the most visited countries in the world, has seen sharply fewer tourists this year — with worsening air pollution partly to blame.

Numbers of foreign visitors have declined following January's "Airpocalypse," when already eye-searing levels of smog soared to new highs.

Tourists have been put off by news about smog and other problems, said Frano Ilic of travel agency Studiosus in Munich, Germany. He said the number of people booking trips to China through his company has fallen 16 percent this year.

"You are reading about smog. You are reading about political things," said Ilic. "All the news which is coming from China concerning the non-touristic things are bad, frankly speaking,"

China is the world's No. 3 destination for international travel after France and the United States. Weakness in visitor numbers could hurt government efforts to reduce reliance on trade-driven manufacturing by promoting cleaner service industries such as tourism. Foreign visitors are outnumbered by Chinese tourists but spend more.

View gallery."FILE - In this Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2013 file photo, a …
FILE - In this Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2013 file photo, a man wears a mask on Tiananmen Square in thick ha …
The decline could be long-term if Beijing fails to make visible progress in combatting pollution, experts say.

That China's air and water are badly polluted following three decades of breakneck growth is not news. But January's record-setting bout of smog got worldwide news coverage and was so bad some longtime foreign residents left the country.

From January to June, the total number of foreign visitors, including business travelers and residents, entering China declined by 5 percent to just under 13 million compared with the same period last year, according to the China National Tourism Administration. Overall, visitors from Asia, Australia, Europe and the Americas all declined.

In Beijing, with major attractions including the Great Wall and the Imperial Palace, the drop is even more striking. The number of foreign tourists visiting the Chinese capital fell by 15 percent in the first six months of the year to 1.9 million, according to the Beijing Tourism Administration.

The China National Tourism Administration acknowledges a decline in foreign tourists to China as a whole, and in cities including Beijing, Shanghai and Xiamen, a prosperous port city in the southeast.

View gallery."Foreign tourists visit Yuyuan Garden, one of the most …
Foreign tourists visit Yuyuan Garden, one of the most famous tourist destinations in Shanghai, China …
It blames the global economic slowdown and a stronger Chinese currency and says China's tourism image has been hurt by the emergence of H7N9 bird flu, air pollution and dead pigs found floating in Shanghai's main river.

The city of Awara in central Japan canceled a student exchange trip due to bad air. Eighteen Japanese students were due to visit the eastern coastal city of Shaoxing under an annual exchange program that goes back 30 years.

Such trips might resume next year if conditions improve, said an employee of Awara's city hall, Toshihiro Nukami.

Beijing's official air quality reports show improvement over recent years.

But Steven Andrews, an environmental and legal consultant, said other data show a decline.

View gallery."Brazilian tourists visit Yuyuan Garden, one of the …
Brazilian tourists visit Yuyuan Garden, one of the most famous tourist destinations in Shanghai, Chi …
An analysis of U.S. Embassy readings of smaller, more harmful airborne particles, show this year's pollution is significantly worse than in the past three years, Andrews said.

Beijing's city government only started publicly releasing air quality data in January 2012 that measured PM2.5, or fine particles smaller than 2.5 micrometers in diameter. They can enter deep into the lungs and can cause more damage. They are considered a more accurate reflection of air quality than other pollutants.

According to Andrews' calculations, the average PM2.5 reading in the first half of 2013 was about 118 micrograms per cubic meter, compared with 95 last year and 89 in 2011. "In other words, so far this year the air pollution is about 25 percent worse than the first half of last year," he said.

Total numbers of foreigners to Beijing rose in January by 13 percent compared with a year earlier. But following news reports of January's smog, they dropped in February by 37 percent compared with February 2012.

In June, the number of foreigners to the Chinese capital was down by about 19 percent from a year ago, according to the Beijing Tourism Administration.

View gallery."In this Tuesday, July 30, 2013 photo, foreign and local …
In this Tuesday, July 30, 2013 photo, foreign and local tourists have their souvenir photos taken ne …
The biggest drop was among Japanese visitors — 55 percent fewer came to the capital in the first six months. The number of Americans, the biggest single group of foreign visitors, declined 4 percent to just under 370,000.

How long the tourist decline lasts is linked to how quickly the smog clears, economists suggest.

Air and water pollution from factories and cars is the outcome of successful economic development and "difficult to control because it is difficult or politically infeasible to identify responsible parties," said Tim Tyrrell, former director of the Center for Sustainable Tourism at Arizona State University.

"Thus the air pollution trends in China will be difficult to reverse and their impacts will be significantly negative on the tourism industry," he said. These impacts could be reversed if "the government can make significant improvements in air quality and enthusiastically convey these improvements to international travelers."

Other economists in the U.S. are studying data from 18 Chinese provinces from 1999 to 2010 that suggest air pollution hurts levels of foreign visitors.

View gallery."In this Wednesday, July 31, 2013 photo, guidebooks …
In this Wednesday, July 31, 2013 photo, guidebooks of China's famous tourist spots are sold at the T …
A master's degree thesis by Chinese student Cong Huang at the University of San Francisco was the starting point. She estimated that a 1 percent rise in air pollution will lower the number of foreign tourist arrivals by about 1.2 percent.

The Chinese government has announced ambitious new anti-pollution measures but people whose jobs depend on foreign tourists aren't hopeful.

The sales manager of the Cuiming Garden Hotel, near Tiananmen Square in central Beijing, said guest numbers are down. She said the next three months usually are a busy period but if the slump continues, the hotel might cut prices.

"We're still not very much confident about having many inbound tourists next year," said the manager, who would give only her surname, Wang.


Yahoo .com Address is banned?
If pollution is bad for tourism then this is worse. This is not nationalism , it is pure ignorance

Racist Beijing Restaurant Sign Bars Japanese, Vietnamese, Filipinos And Dogs

A sign at a Beijing restaurant barring citizens of nations involved in maritime disputes with China -- along with dogs -- has triggered a wave of online outrage among Vietnamese and Filipinos.

The Beijing Snacks restaurant near the Forbidden City, a popular tourist spot, has posted a sign on its door reading "This shop does not receive the Japanese, the Philippines, the Vietnamese and dog(s)."

Photographs of the controversial sign have gone viral in Vietnamese-language forums and featured heavily in Philippine newspapers and websites on Wednesday.

Vietnam's state-run Tuoi Tre newspaper ran a story saying the sign had "ignited online fury". It claimed many Vietnamese feel this is another example of Chinese "extreme nationalism that deserves to be condemned".

"It's not patriotism, it's stupid extremism," Sy Van wrote in Vietnamese in a comment under the story, published on the paper's website.

The sign provoked thousands of posts on Vietnamese social networking sites and newspaper comment threads.

"This is teaching hate to the younger generation," Facebook user Andrea Wanderer wrote in Vietnamese. "The owner of the restaurant has obviously been brainwashed by their government," added Facebook user Chung Pham.

Filipinos greeted the photo with a mixture of fury and amusement.

"Blatant racism at Beijing Restaurant," journalist Veronica Pedrosa wrote in one widely-shared tweet, while Facebook user Rey Garcia used a comment thread on a news site to retort: "Who cares, they almost cook everything, even foetus and fingernails."

Vietnam and the Philippines are locked in a longstanding territorial row with China over islands in the South China Sea. China and Japan have a separate acrimonious dispute over islands in the East China Sea.

Philippine Foreign Department spokesman Raul Hernandez told reporters in Manila Wednesday that the Beijing restaurant sign was simply one "private view" about the maritime dispute.

The photos were originally posted on Facebook.

The sign's wording is particularly inflammatory as it recalls China's colonial era, when British-owned establishments barred Chinese from entering.

A sign supposedly reading "No Dogs and Chinese allowed" became part of Communist propaganda after it was said to have hung outside a park in Shanghai when Western powers controlled parts of China.

It has become part of Chinese folklore and featured in the 1972 Bruce Lee film "Fists of Fury" -- but many historical experts say no such sign ever existed.

The controversial Beijing sign was still in place Wednesday, according to the restaurant owner who gave only his surname of Wang. "No officials have contacted me about it. This is my own conduct," Wang told AFP.

Racist Beijing Restaurant Sign Bars Japanese, Vietnamese, Filipinos And Dogs (PHOTO)
7 trillion dollars GDP compares itself to India. Chalo ye chini log ka standard samj gaya...

Air pollution cuts life expectancy by 5.5 years in China - studyAir pollution cuts life expectancy by 5.5 years in China - study - Jul. 9, 2013

What are you ranting about ? 7 trillion $ ? China's GDP in 2012 is 8227 billion and India 1842 billion $ that's a diffenrence of 4,46. So China's GDP is now almost 4,5 times larger than that of India's. And air pollution is cutting life expectancy in India too.

India has the second highest air pollution mortality rates with an estimated 397,000 deaths from fine particulates and ozone accounting for, on average, 118,000.

Air pollution kills over two million people each year, study says - CNN.com
What are you ranting about ? 7 trillion $ ? China's GDP in 2012 is 8227 billion and India 1842 billion $ that's a diffenrence of 4,46. So China's GDP is now almost 4,5 times larger than that of India's. And air pollution is cutting life expectancy in India too.

Air pollution kills over two million people each year, study says - CNN.com

Comprehension is never you high IQ Chinese's forte. That was not a rant, I said even with so called 7 trillion-8 trillion ( fudged numbers) GDP, you are comparing yourself to what India has...

A revision( that too one time error) is not a fudge. A fudge is one that you keep putting out on us and not revising.

http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-05-23/china-is-a-black-box-of-misinformation.htmlChina Is a Black Box of Misinformation

http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/23/b...tating-its-slowdown.html?_r=3&pagewanted=all&Chinese Data Mask Depth of Slowdown, Executives Say
A revision( that too one time error) is not a fudge. A fudge is one that you keep putting out on us and not revising.

China Is a Black Box of Misinformation - BloombergChina Is a Black Box of Misinformation

http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/23/b...tating-its-slowdown.html?_r=3&pagewanted=all&Chinese Data Mask Depth of Slowdown, Executives Say

All government data is unreliable not only those of China. if you believe that in India the inflation is just 4,8% then you got another thing coming.

PS aren't you the guy that said that India was going to have a manufacturing boom ?

Well what do you have to say about this ?

7 trillion dollars GDP compares itself to India. Chalo ye chini log ka standard samj gaya...

Air pollution cuts life expectancy by 5.5 years in China - studyAir pollution cuts life expectancy by 5.5 years in China - study - Jul. 9, 2013


A funny Indian appears again :hitwall:. Look at reflection of yourself in a pool of pee:

India’s Air the World’s Unhealthiest, Study Says
India has the worst air pollution in the entire world, beating China, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh, :no: according to a study released during this year's World Economic Forum in Davos.

Of 132 countries whose environments were surveyed, India ranks dead last in the 'Air (effects on human health)' ranking. The annual study, the Environmental Performance Index, is conducted and written by environmental research centers at Yale and Columbia universities with assistance from dozens of outside scientists. The study uses satellite data to measure air pollution concentrations.

India's high levels of fine particulate matter (a subject we've been looking at on India Ink, albeit just in Delhi) are one of the major factors contributing to the country's abysmal air quality. Levels of so-called PM 2.5, for the 2.5 micron size of the particulates, are nearly five times the threshold where they become unsafe for human beings.

Particulate matter is one of the leading causes of acute lower respiratory infections and cancer. The World Health Organization found that Acute Respiratory Infections were one of the most common causes of deaths in children under 5 in India, and contributed to 13% of in-patient deaths in paediatric wards in India.

When it comes to overall environment, India ranked among the world's "Worst Performers," at No. 125 out of the 132 nations, beating only Kuwait, Yemen, South Africa, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Iraq. Neighboring Pakistan, in contrast, ranked 120th and Bangladesh was listed as No. 115 on overall environment.

It is not just India's big cities which are grappling with air pollution, said Anumita Roychowdhury, executive director of India's Center for Science and Environment, a non-profit organization which was not involved in the study. Air pollution also is worsening in smaller cities, she said.

Surprising Sources of Delhi’s Air Pollution New Delhi, Now More Polluted Than Beijing 2012 EPI and Pilot Trend Results: Air Pollution (effects on human health) The main culprit, Ms. Roychowdhury said, is the growing number of vehicles in India. While the country still has far fewer vehicles per capita than developed nations, India's cars are more polluting, Ms. Roychowdhury said. Other air pollution experts also cite India's reliance coal and polluting industries like brick-making that are located close to densely-populated areas.

Emission standards are nearly "10 years behind European standards," Ms. Roychowdhury said, and these standards are not legally enforceable, unlike in countries like the United States which has the Clean Air Act. India has an Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 which is supposed to be enforced by the Central Pollution Control Board. This act lacks teeth, Ms. Roychowdhury said. "We need to take big steps or the problem will overwhelm us," she said.

D. Saha, a scientist in the "Air Lab" at India's Central Pollution Control Board said the study's findings were not a matter of huge concern.

"We should not compare our country with others,":agree: Dr. Saha said. "India has a different terrain." He cited seasonal rainfall, deserts and dusty conditions as being responsible for the particulate matter. "Can we put water sprinklers across the country?," he asked.

(Read More: Austerity in India: Defense and Welfare Spending to Be Slashed)

Particulate matter comes from boilers, thermal power plants and cars, as well, he said, but India would not have development if these activities were curbed, he said. "The diseases mentioned in the report are caused by many factors not just particulate matter, we are raising undue alarm," Mr. Saha said.

His advice? "It is a non-issue, we have other pressing problems like poverty, focus on them."

India's Air the World's Unhealthiest, Study Says

Whenever this loser bring up a bad topic against China, he always finds India in an even worse position, except India's democracy... maybe not even that :lol:
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