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Air chief witnesses live missile firing of JF-17 Thunder

I didn't say that JF17 is not BVR capable... But my question is how JF17 got an FOC ( in induction & firing a NVR) before doing the said test??? Did any force induct a capability before testing???

For example...
Tejas successfully test fires missile with beyond visual range capability
The light combat aircraft test fired an air-to-air missile on a manoeuvrable aerial target.

This news clearly saying that This is the first time 'a bvr missile is testing in JF17' ...

It is about the testing both missiles from the newly developed facility man, the one that was inaugurated. SD-10A missile has been in active service since 2013. The article also mentioned testing of short range heat seeking missile, but somehow your focus shifted to BVR. Does that mean the aircraft could not fire heat seekers as well?? How typical.

But, since you seem to have some serious reading issues, it is all beyond you. I am afraid that you will bring in the same old IOC/ FOC thing again as well.

Keep it up.
I didn't say that JF17 is not BVR capable... But my question is how JF17 got an FOC ( in induction & firing a NVR) before doing the said test??? Did any force induct a capability before testing???

For example...
Tejas successfully test fires missile with beyond visual range capability
The light combat aircraft test fired an air-to-air missile on a manoeuvrable aerial target.

This news source clearly saying that" This is the first time 'a bvr missile is testing in JF17' ...
You are missing the point again, it already have tested BVR missile and had them operation/on active duty with JF17. The news you are taking as the testing of a missile is in fact more about the test range/facility.The BVR missile have already been integrated and that is how FOC was given to answer your question. :)

I hope you understand the difference now.
. .
Rumor from whom? No agency reported anything about an indigenous missile, and I doubt PAF has an A2A missile program at this point. It would likely be redundant given what china has and Pakistan has access to in the form of SD-10, PL-10 and the upcoming Pl-15.
Agreed. PAF does not have any DECLARED missile programme. The test was for 2 missiles possibly PL5 and SD10. The achievement celebrated was the openning of the test range which will be very handy in times to come. I tend to agree that provided SD10 has adecent range and accuracy it should be manufactured locally and adopted in SAM and AAM roles.PERHAPS a bit of tinlering might give us something else which is a lot more potent hybrid system. It is just a guess/ hope with nothing to back it up.
Agreed. PAF does not have any DECLARED missile programme. The test was for 2 missiles possibly PL5 and SD10. The achievement celebrated was the openning of the test range which will be very handy in times to come. I tend to agree that provided SD10 has adecent range and accuracy it should be manufactured locally and adopted in SAM and AAM roles.PERHAPS a bit of tinlering might give us something else which is a lot more potent hybrid system. It is just a guess/ hope with nothing to back it up.
Pakistan doesn't have air missile technology (declared) and doesn't need to. Plenty of them are available without sanctions from China at least. Nice to see JF-17 as a more regular test platform for integration of such systems though.

Pakistan doesn't have air missile technology (declared) and doesn't need to. Plenty of them are available without sanctions from China at least. Nice to see JF-17 as a more regular test platform for integration of such systems though.
But what Pakistan has that is probably better than China is high levels of discipline, professionalism, maintenance, and P&P manuals. This something that has been inculcated into our military from being in the western camp for several decades. So a Chinese/Pakistani weapons system in Pakistani hands is probably far more effective than if it was in the hands of a less sophisticated military.
Agreed. PAF does not have any DECLARED missile programme. The test was for 2 missiles possibly PL5 and SD10. The achievement celebrated was the openning of the test range which will be very handy in times to come. I tend to agree that provided SD10 has adecent range and accuracy it should be manufactured locally and adopted in SAM and AAM roles.PERHAPS a bit of tinlering might give us something else which is a lot more potent hybrid system. It is just a guess/ hope with nothing to back it up.
If there's an indigenous AAM program (or partnership with another country), I don't think it'd happen before having the facility to actually test it (i.e. Sonmiani WTR). Whenever I spoke to a retired or serving PAF person, the first thing they said about any indigenous munition work was the challenge of doing it without a proper instrumented testing range. Now that range is in place.
. . . .
We lacked balls at that time too. We still lack balls, even I do. We as a nation are rubbish. We are busy killing each other while the enemy laughs at us.
Indeed, they are many traitors in Pakistan. Look at dawn,
The rubbish articles they published are incredible. Pro American and anti China. Trying to tell Pakistanis how to love the western who alway underminded the progress of Pakistan.
If there's an indigenous AAM program (or partnership with another country), I don't think it'd happen before having the facility to actually test it (i.e. Sonmiani WTR). Whenever I spoke to a retired or serving PAF person, the first thing they said about any indigenous munition work was the challenge of doing it without a proper instrumented testing range. Now that range is in place.
Hence the true benefit of this facility in allowing the verification of weapon systems and instrumented tests rather than the current method of “Jhanda urr gaya hai”
which missiles were tested? any upgrade version of SD10(SD10B) or any other missile?
Just wondering what are these equipment displayed in awards?
No one knows that what missiles were tested most probably SD-10 and PL-5
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Congrats folks, is this the first time Jf 17 is firing a BVRAAM?

Nope. It was originally tested in 2013 if not earlier


This test inaugurate the test range, not to just evaluate the missilesm
Rumour has it that its an indigenously developed BVR, 100km+ range and true LOAL and off-boresight capability.
Why the hell would you need off-boresight capability in a BVR missile?
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