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Ahmadinejad: Pakistan's enemies are Iran's enemies


Mar 28, 2011
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Pakistan's enemies will be considered as Enemy of Iran: Ahmadinejad

Pakistan's enemies will be considered as Enemy of Iran: Ahmadinejad | The Nation


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has expressed complete solidarity with the Government and people of Pakistan and stated "Enemy of Pakistan will be considered as Enemy of Iran". "Iran share a long history of friendship with Pakistan and enjoy common history, Religious and cultural values Iranian people will stand to support Pakistan in all times to come," he said in meeting with Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan Federal Minster for Regulation & Services along with Religious Scholar Khanam Tayyaba Bokhari who called on him in Tehran. The President discussed wide range of issues with the Minister that included Economic, Social/cultural/Relegious and Reproductive Health. The Meeting lasted over an hour in which President directed the cultural Minister for Preparing an offical document for supporting Iqbal cultural centre Sailkot. The President directed Iranian Health Minister to foster further relation in the field of Pharmaceutical production and making use of each other technologies, and in the area of Reproductive health. The President emphasized that women play a significant role in societal/political and economic development he advised to enhance the women to women contact in order to strengthen ties between two countries. The President appreciated Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan Minister Regulation & Services and Khanam Tayyaba bokhari for playing their role in bringing in the Relationship of two countries closer at state and individual level. The President directed Iranian Red cresent to work closer with Pakistan Red Cresent on the issue of women emancipation and post flood rehab in part of Sind and Punjab. The MoU,s between the two countries of the above mentioned initiatives will be signed during the upcoming visit of Irainain President to Pakistan in August 2012. Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan is currently on an official visit to Iran, where she was invited as chief Guest to International women Health conference at Tehran.
Arabs chose to be our enemies,we can't do anything about it.I also hope Iran-Arab relation get better soon.

It would have been better if he had said so 8 years ago.. anyhow normal relations are in the best of interest of the region...
Ahmadinejad is my hero. Long live Iran - Pakistan friendship. I hope to see closer links with these nations in the future!

He is a real simple guy who is atleast honest about what he tries to do.

Here is meeting with a "tall" foreign diplomat and receiving the Bolivian president with his torn jacket:


He is a real simple guy who is atleast honest about what he tries to do.

Here is meeting with a "tall" foreign diplomat and receiving the Bolivian president with his torn jacket:



I wish some of our leaders could behave more in this manner. This is how Iran have been able to survive and surge forward in todays world. If they had the likes of one or two of our leaders Iran would have floundered a long time ago
I am really curious to understand of Iran wrt to India on issue of Pakistan...I know that Iran never support India over Pakistan...But just trying to know the recent position...
I don't think Pakistan has any enemies except India (many Pakistanis think so).

Therefore, who is Ahmedinajad referring to? India? No way! So that's just for Pakistani public consumption!

Good for Pakistan, it needs all the help it can get.......... moral support at least......... :tup:

thats not funny but more like an insult to the country...head of states are obliged to dress appropriate and one cannot argue Iran to be poor enough that it can afford a proper dress for its president..these are usual Persian fooling tricks..may be instead of torn clothes if he behaved respectfully and humbly that would make more sense.

And never mind the announcement - another cheap shot at popularity...we are no fools like Iranians and do not want to go under sanctions.
I don't think Pakistan has any enemies except India (many Pakistanis think so).

Therefore, who is Ahmedinajad referring to? India? No way! So that's just for Pakistani public consumption!


India is not Pakistan's only enemy.I see U.S too as Pakistan's enemy because of its policies.He meant some western countries.
You better know that Iran tries to stay neutral in India-Pakistan standoff avoiding worsening the situation.
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