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Agni-V missile to be tested this Wednesday

Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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Balasore (Odisha): Range preparation for the maiden test of India's indigenously developed nuclear capable 'Agni-V' ballistic missile with a strike range of over 5,000 km is "near complete" and the trial is likely to be held from Wheeler Island off Odisha coast this Wednesday.

"If everything goes as per schedule, the trial is likely to be taken up on Wednesday from the launch pad-4 of the Integrated Test Range (ITR)," a senior ITR scientist said.

The three stage solid fuelled missile would be put into test for the first time with some advance and indigenous technology with the support of a canisterised mobile launcher, said the scientist, adding that "networking and health parameters of both main and sub-systems have been validated during pre-test check-up".


"For tracking and monitoring the pre-determined trajectory of the missile, sophisticated radars as well as telemetry stations positioned in different locations have been linked up," the scientist said.

As it is a development trial, due attention has been given to the health parameters of this long range missile and some critical technologies have been incorporated, another scientist said, adding that there are two new composite motors to propel the missile to distances bordering ICBM capabilities.

All data about performance are to be thoroughly analysed and assessment has to be made for its next trial accordingly, he said.

If the trial is successful, it will club India into a select band of countries in the world to possess the technology for Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM).

The surface-to-surface missile Agni-V which can carry a pay-load of 1 tonne is 17 m long, 2 m wide and weighs 50 tonnes.

Scientists associated with Agni-V project are quite optimistic about its performances, as the first trial of Agni-IV on November 15 last year was highly satisfactory in terms of its 'control and guidance' system.

The 5000 km range Agni-V missile would add another feather to such class of missiles that India possesses at present. The Agni-I has 700 km, Agni-2 (2,000 km), Agni-III and IV (3,000 plus km) range.
go baby...go... :D

by the way,i heard there'll be two more agni tests before agni-V..what about that???


India’s most potent missile Agni V all set for launch
By Raj Chengappa

Sneak Peak: Agni V being readied for launch at Wheeler Island

In the remote Wheeler Island off the Odisha coast, the countdown has begun for the first test of India's most sophisticated and powerful ballistic missile ever built, Agni V.

If all goes well, the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) which built the missile, is expected to launch Agni V on Wednesday, April 18, from the Island.

With a planned range of 5,000 km, the Agni V will traverse 2,000 km more than any Indian missile has ever done. Wednesday's launch will see the missile first power its way to a vertical height of 500 km in the atmosphere before following a ballistic trajectory that will see it splash down in the Indian Ocean way beyond Indonesia.

A commercial jetliner would take over six hours to traverse such a distance. But Agni V, travelling at 24 times the speed of sound and 30 times faster than a commercial jet, will traverse that distance in just 18 to 20 minutes. In doing so, it will become not just the longest range ballistic missile in India's strategic armoury but also its fastest. Most importantly, Agni V would put most of China's major cities, including Beijing and Shanghai, within Indian missile range.

Speaking exclusively to The Tribune, Vijay Kumar Saraswat, DRDO Chief and Scientific Adviser to the Union Defence Minister, said, "In terms of performance, Agni V is the ultimate step for India in terms of ballistic missile technology. It is pushing at the outer limits of the Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM) class."

What Saraswat is unwilling to explicitly state, is that a successful test of Agni V would give India the capability of building long-range Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, ICBMs or missiles that can reach targets of 8,000 km or more.

With a warhead weight of 1,500 kg (1.5 tonne) Agni V will ultimately be capable of carrying multiple nuclear warheads giving it deadly strike capability.

Agni V would be a significant step up from the range of Agni missiles that India currently has in its armoury. Agni I goes to 700 km and Agni II, 2000 km. Both these are primarily meant to target Pakistan, giving India a capability to strike its neighbour from any part of the country.

Agni III and Agni IV are missiles in the 3,000 km class meant for China and other regional neighbours. The distance though is a limitation as these classes of missiles would be unable to strike many of China's strategic cities or locations. So the need for Agni V.

Speaking exclusively to The Tribune from the Wheeler Island, where final tests are being done for Agni V, Avinash Chander, DRDO's Chief Controller R&D (Missiles and Strategic Systems), said, "There are many firsts we are incorporating in Agni V, these include two all new composite motors that would propel the missile to distances bordering ICBM capabilities."

At 17 metres in height, Agni V is almost 5 stories tall and has a diameter of two meters - similar to that of the giant main sewage pipelines that are laid in most Indian cities. Agni V is short and squat as compared to India's space rockets.

Almost three years in the making, Agni V is a three-stage rocket that, Chander says, has one of the most highly developed guidance systems that the DRDO has ever built to enable it to strike targets at great distance with stunning accuracy.

While the first stage motor is similar to the one used in Agni III, the second and third stage motors are brand new and built of light composite materials that are being flight tested for the first time.
"It reduces weight and gives the missile greater punch,'' says Chander.

Though the first launch would be from a static harness at the Island, Agni V would have tremendous road mobility once it is fully developed. These include a canister launch which means that it gives India "stop and launch" capability from any part of the country. "Once we successfully test Agni V we would have broken the barrier of long range ballistic missile systems,'' says Saraswat.

Missile Muscle

n With a range of 5,000 km, Agni V will traverse 2,000 km more than any other Indian missile

n Travelling at 24 times the speed of sound, Agni V will traverse 5,000 km in just 20 minutes

n If successful, it will give India the capability of striking all major Chinese cities, including Shanghai

n The technology being used in Agni V will ultimately give India the capability to build Inter-Continental Ballisitic Missiles (ICBMs)
Apart from Agni V another game changing missile to be tested is the Nirbhay LACM.

Good luck for both.

A model of Agni-V being displayed at a press meet. File photo

Taking a major leap forward in missile technology and military deterrent capability, India is all set to test fire its 5,000 km range Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Agni-5 on Wednesday from a test range off the coast of Odisha.

The test fire of the missile will be conducted on Wednesday from a test range in Wheeler island off the coast of Odisha.

Preparations have reached their last stage to conduct maiden flight of the missile, Defence Ministry officials said.

DRDO Chief V.K. Saraswat had recently said the missile is being integrated at various facilities for the test launch which will be witnessed by military officials and other agencies which participated in its development.

Only the US, Russia, France and China possess the capability to operate an ICBM.

DRDO plans to conduct more such tests of the missile over the next one year after studying and analyzing the parameters achieved in each subsequent trial.

On the timeline fixed for fully developing Agni-5, Mr. Saraswat had said another one year of testing will be involved.

In November last year, DRDO had successfully test fired the 3,500 km range Agni-4 missile giving muscle to India’s deterrent capability against the military adversaries.

DRDO has also placed necessary equipments to collect data on the trajectory and flight of the missile and other necessary data which will be studied further for its future development.

Agni-5 will be a three-stage, all solid fuel powered, 17-metre tall missile with capability to carry various forms of payload, officials said.
At 17 metres in height, Agni V is almost 5 stories tall and has a diameter of two meters - similar to that of the giant main sewage pipelines that are laid in most Indian cities.
Jeeez! Comparing Agni V to Indian sewage pipelines, sucks! :taz:
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