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Again problem with a Boeing 787 from Air India


Nov 23, 2013
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A 787 from Air India was forced to return to Frankfurt today because the windshield broke. It is the 2nd such incident for Air India with their new 787 fleet and the 6th times that this happenes to the 787 in general. Cracking windshields can happen but it is interesting how often this happenes at the new 787 fleet.

The glass is made from PPG Aerospace Transparencies and is called "Herculite II". It is composed of various glass and composite layers. The hull of the 787 is build mostly from carbon fiber. This material has the advantage to have less weight but it also has a bad point. Its e-module is not very good. It is not very flexible. Airbus uses also carbon fiber on many parts of the airplane but the important structural fuselage parts of the hull are made from various aluminium alloys. Those are robust but also flexible.

It is possible that the carbon fiber fuselage of the 787 is unable to absorb the impact shock of each landing as well as pressure differences. This can cause windows to crack and ultimately lead to an uncontrolled decompression nd in worst case to a explosive decompression.

It will be interesting to see how this problem develops. So far Boeing had no luck with their 787. They have alot of customers ordering this airplane but it already has gained a bad renomee and is called "Screamliner" from aviation experts. This carbon fiber problem is not on the top list since the various battery fires and the grounding of all 787. But i think this stress and cracking problem is far worse.

It gets even more delicate because one of Boeings leading engineers left the company and sued them because he saw the 787 as a potential security risk and he did not want associated with this project anymore. This went widely unnoticed.

The quality of the 787 appears flawed for me. Not just design problems but also problems in the electronics caused from lazy work can be found. The japanese ANA found several airplanes in their fleet with wrong cables attached to wrong turbines. In an event of turbine fire the pilot would have shut down the wrong engine.

I don´t say this to push Airbus and to bash Boeing, but i would not board a 787. I have nothing against Boeing and have highest respect for their products and i like them as a competitor. I love their 747-8i as well as their 777 and have greatest respect for those airplanes. But the 787 is flawed in so much ways that i personal would not board it.
I dont think that the A 380 encountered as many problems as the B 787 did....

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