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After Blackberry, India may crack down on Google and Skype


May 27, 2010
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Google, Skype, RIM must meet security needs

NEW DELHI (Reuters) – India will go after any company, including Google, after cracking down on BlackBerry in its bid to keep the world's fastest growing mobile phone market safe from militants and cyber spying, a government source said on Friday.

BlackBerry's Canadian maker, however, expressed optimism that the company would resolve India's security worries.

India has given Research In Motion, the maker of the popular BlackBerry smartphone, until Aug. 31 to comply with a request to gain access to encrypted corporate email and messaging services or those services will be shut.

RIM is under pressure from governments around the world to give access to its codes. Other firms have also faced scrutiny since officials intensified their fight against Islamic militants misusing mobile devices.

"Wherever there is a concern on grounds of national security the government will want access and every country has a right to lawful interference," a senior interior security official, who declined to be identified, told Reuters.

Graphic on the BlackBerry encryption system, click here

Pakistani-based militants used mobile and satellite phones in the attacks on Mumbai in 2008, which killed 166 people. The militants were suspected of using Internet telephony, which is widely available.

The authorities have for more than a year been looking at Google's messaging, Skype and other providers of communication in India.

Robert Crow, a vice president at RIM, said he believed an agreement could be clinched with the government.

"I am optimistic," Crow said after meeting officials from the home (interior) ministry. "It is a step in a long journey."


India has already forced mobile phone operators, including leading Bharti Airtel, to follow strict import rules when buying telecoms network equipment.

Chinese manufacturers Huawei Technologies and ZTE Corp have been temporarily prevented from shipping network equipment for fears of embedded spyware.

"We have concerns regarding these (Google and Skype) services on grounds of national security and all those services which cannot be put to lawful interference," the same source said.

India's demands follow a deal with Saudi Arabia, where a source said RIM agreed to give authorities codes for BlackBerry Messenger users. The United Arab Emirates, Lebanon and Algeria also seek access. India wants access to encrypted data in a readable format, a demand RIM is resisting.

How much brinkmanship this is remains to be seen. Not one country recently threatening to ban BlackBerry corporate email or messaging services has carried through with the threat.

"We don't expect a ban actually. There will be some solution before the deadline," said a senior official with a mobile phone operator in India, who did not want to be identified.

Officials say RIM had proposed tracking emails without sharing encryption details, but that was not enough.

The company said in a statement on Thursday that it had tried to be as cooperative as possible with governments.

India, like other countries, has been criticised for seeking blanket restrictions while mobile phone operators say they have to offer consumers privacy and secure communications.

"Obviously we support the government in its responsibility to provide security, that's not a question," said Rajan Mathews, Director General of the Cellular Operators' Association of India (COAI) and an industry spokesman.

"The only issue is how do we go about implementing the security objectives."

India is also keen to retain its position as one of the world's fastest growing IT nations. Google and Microsoft have major R&D centres in India.

Competitors have eaten into RIM's once-dominant share of the North American smartphone market, pushing the company to look to places like India and Saudi Arabia for growth.

A shutdown would hit one million users in India out of the smartphone's 41 million users. India is one of RIM's fastest growing markets.

"Given that they (RIM) have got a million-plus BlackBerry subscribers. They are obviously high-end users, and they are principally data users. But you know there are alternatives. What RIM also needs to realise is people like iPhone and Nokia are alternatives," Mathews said.

RIM, unlike rivals Nokia and Apple, operates its own network through secure servers located in Canada and other countries, such as Britain.

If a shutdown takes effect, BlackBerry users in India would only be able to use the devices for calls and Internet browsing.

(Additional reporting and writing by Paul de Bendern; Editing by Alistair Scrutton and Ron Popeski)

(For more business news on Reuters India click in.reuters.com)

Source: Google, Skype, RIM must meet security needs | Reuters
Can the Indian government snoop into anyones private emails? Don't they need judicial approval before this is done?
Alright the whole world is against India trying to spy on them..come on get a friggin life! Even Chinese are not that strict.
Can the Indian government snoop into anyones private emails? Don't they need judicial approval before this is done?

Indias NTRO(national technical research organisation) has extra judiciary powers to access online data of any citizen if theres a credible national security threat.In most cases it can bypass a court of law.The PM is the chair of the agency and is responsible for its activities
^^well the law is modified for that,security is primary concern,not privacy
Indias NTRO(national technical research organisation) has extra judiciary powers to access online data of any citizen if theres a credible national security threat.In most cases it can bypass a court of law.The PM is the chair of the agency and is responsible for its activities

...no oversight, great. How do you prevent abuse? In any case, it's a loosing battle, law enforcement can't keep up with evolving technology.
i dont blame india , after all they like to compare and copy everthing we chinese do , hopefully one day it will overtakes china , well done india
i dont blame india , after all they like to compare and copy everthing we chinese do , hopefully one day it will overtakes china , well done india

sorry, but are you tryng to be sarcastic ?? if you talk about India copying the Chinese then I think you should search more...and see who is famous for copying......and about over taking China...its not easy,and not possible any time soon but who knows,one day in future we might very well do that.
i dont blame india , after all they like to compare and copy everthing we chinese do , hopefully one day it will overtakes china , well done india

Really? Maybe that's why the entire world accuses China of copying stuff!

And no - we don't want to copy China, which is an average nation, just like India. India started development in 1991 when the economy was liberalized, whereas China started in 1978, when Deng XiaoPing opened up the Chinese economy. So, due to China's 13 year headstart, China is around a decade ahead of India.

Look at the USA - completely dominated the world for almost 100 years. Now that's extraordinary. Look at Japan - despite being destroyed in 1945 they became the world's foremost technological nation within 40 years - that's awesome. Look at Germany - destroyed and divided in 1945, but within 30 years they were the world'r foremost nation in terms of technology.

Sorry, THESE are the Nations Indians like to look up to - not China.
india gone crazy..... :)
indian are well knows for privacy hackers..... infact Muslims face these sort of things from majority on daily bases....
india gone crazy..... :)
indian are well knows for privacy hackers..... infact Muslims face these sort of things from majority on daily bases....

You ought to be saying the same things about China, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and several other countries, since all these countries have similar concerns about BlackBerry - do read the news.

Indian Muslims do not face any 'this sort of thing from majority'. Such brainwashing is provided only in Madrassas.
And I have a question for the MODS. Not sure where to post it, so I'm posting it here. While creating my account I entered Iran instead of India by mistake. I can't figure out how to correct it - can someone help with that?
And I have a question for the MODS. Not sure where to post it, so I'm posting it here. While creating my account I entered Iran instead of India by mistake. I can't figure out how to correct it - can someone help with that?

go to user cp on the top left -click on edit your details than select the right country from the drop down list and save it'll change it to that country's flag.
Alright the whole world is against India trying to spy on them..come on get a friggin life! Even Chinese are not that strict.

Really?????? take a walk dude they spy on everything.

And we just don't want another 26/11 that's why we are updating.

Otherwise Google is available in India from its establishment and we have not asked anything.
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