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'Africa favors China, Russia over West for their adherence to principle of non-intervention'


Nov 4, 2011
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'Africa favors China, Russia over West for their adherence to principle of non-intervention'​

Monday, 17 April 2023 10:20 AM [ Last Update: Monday, 17 April 2023 10:20 AM ]
US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Chinese President Xi Jinping (L), South African President Cyril Ramaphosa (C), and Russian President Vladimir Putin, met during the 2018 BRICS summit held in Johannesburg, South Africa. (Photo via AFP)

African countries prefer to engage with Russia and China rather than Western powers because the former comply with the United Nations’ principle of non-intervention in other countries, according to an analyst.

Jeff Brown, a geopolitical analyst based in Normandy, in an interview with Press TV's Africa Today show said Russia and China observe international law and respect the right of African countries as sovereign states to conduct their affairs, which sets them apart from Western countries.

“The West has committed nonstop genocide of billions in Africa,… they stole trillions of dollars in human and natural resources, however, China and Russia scrupulously adhere to the UN charter of non-interference, nor do they try to influence them [by imposing] sanctions, and economic punishment, like the US and the West do,” Brown said.

Western powers have a long history of committing horrendous crimes in Africa, including slavery and colonization. They also continue to meddle in independent African countries by supporting brutal dictators and overthrowing democratically elected governments that do not align with their interests.

The continent is now turning into a battleground of renewed rivalry at the strategic levels between superpowers, with countries increasingly realigning themselves strategically to reap maximum economic benefits in their engagement with global powers.
Superpower Rivalry in Africa

Over the last few years, China and Russia have expanded their sphere of influence in Africa, and this has angered Western colonial powers that view the continent as their backyard.

In February, China, Russia, and South Africa held 10 days of joint naval drills in the Indian Ocean. The joint maritime exercise hosted by South Africa took place at the one-year mark of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine.

South Africa’s military defended its decision to host the naval exercises jointly with Russia and China. The chief of joint operations in the South African National Defence Force Lieutenant-General Siphiwe Sangweni said the drill was necessary to improve the country’s military capabilities.

High-ranking officials from the United States and the European Union have also visited Africa over the last year in a bid to strengthen their footprint in Africa.

US Vice President Kamala Harris visited three African nations during her late March trip to the continent. Additionally, over the past year US First Lady Joe Biden, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen made trips to the continent.

Visits to Africa by high-ranking US officials are seen as charming efforts to regain influence in Africa and to protect their interests in natural resources, such as diamond, gold, uranium, oil, and gas, as well as their strategic footholds.

Nonetheless, Western powers' condescending colonial mentality of dictating to African countries has elicited reactions from leaders across the continent.

During a meeting with Blinken, last year in Pretoria, South African Minister of international relations Naledi Pandor accused the West of sometimes taking a “patronizing and bullying attitude” towards Africa.

When the Soviet Union and China supported independence movements and the anti-apartheid struggle, the Western governments backed the apartheid regime in South Africa. US government even designated South Africa’s ruling African National Congress a terrorist organization during the Cold War.

African countries must reject being used as ‘geopolitical tools’ by US: Analyst
African countries must reject being used as ‘geopolitical tools’ by US: Analyst

African countries must not allow the United States to influence their decisions and actions and use them as “geopolitical tools” against countries such as China and Russia, says a political analyst.

According to Brown, Russia and China’s support for the anti-colonial struggle in Africa affects the current superpower rivalry in Africa.

He said that “in the last 75 years, Africans, as well as the rest of the global majority, had no choice but to accept Western empires post-colonial plunder".

"This has all changed in the last 10 years, China and Russia as wealthy, economically technologically, and militarily powerful countries are able to offer Africa and elsewhere a future of win-win, mutual cooperation and benefit," he remarked.

Brown said Africa can secure its interests and at the same time avoid being a battleground for other superpowers by cooperating with China and Russia.

“If I were a leader in Africa, I would use my national security budget to cooperate with China’s and Russia’s [intelligence services]. Both have outstanding international intelligence resources to keep the Imperial West from causing internal subterfuge and color revolutions,” he said.

The analyst added that Africa should kick out any Western military presence and cooperate with China and Russia instead.

“Africa should work with China and Russia for financing development projects and refuse to be enslaved by the World Bank and the IMF [International Monetary Fund]."

another garbage post from Iranian rubbish.

We are wanting NO COLONIAL or IMPERIALISTS... That include China and Russia. Leave us alone. All you are bad news and our people have suffered because of your geopoltiical and greed.
another garbage post from Iranian rubbish.

We are wanting NO COLONIAL or IMPERIALISTS... That include China and Russia. Leave us alone. All you are bad news and our people have suffered because of your geopoltiical and greed.

can you tell when Russian enslaved 40 million Black Africans ?

or when Chinese stole the equivalent of $4 trillion worth of stone and gems?
can you tell when Russian enslaved 40 million Black Africans ?

or when Chinese stole the equivalent of $4 trillion worth of stone and gems?
rafiki... every colonials or imperials who came did this; arabs then the europeans.... what these chinese and russians + US and French did was to make a mockery of our people across the continent by dividing us and miliions died - forget slavery. Just in the past 20 years more millions died next door in DRC because of these wretched Belgium, Chinese, Russian who proxied local militias to give them mining concessions. This is just here in this region. The absymal paying off by the Americans to the dictators in the region plus the French bastards.

All these colonials and imperials from East to WEst must get lost.

We are seeing the same happen in Sudan because of overt UAE and other proxies who are funding these generals. As a continent we are fed up of being the back end of other people who want to rape our resources while killing our people.
rafiki... every colonials or imperials who came did this; arabs then the europeans.... what these chinese and russians + US and French did was to make a mockery of our people across the continent by dividing us and miliions died - forget slavery. Just in the past 20 years more millions died next door in DRC because of these wretched Belgium, Chinese, Russian who proxied local militias to give them mining concessions. This is just here in this region. The absymal paying off by the Americans to the dictators in the region plus the French bastards.

All these colonials and imperials from East to WEst must get lost.

We are seeing the same happen in Sudan because of overt UAE and other proxies who are funding these generals. As a continent we are fed up of being the back end of other people who want to rape our resources while killing our people.

yes I understand all the best hope situtaion gets better
rafiki... every colonials or imperials who came did this; arabs then the europeans.... what these chinese and russians + US and French did was to make a mockery of our people across the continent by dividing us and miliions died - forget slavery. Just in the past 20 years more millions died next door in DRC because of these wretched Belgium, Chinese, Russian who proxied local militias to give them mining concessions. This is just here in this region. The absymal paying off by the Americans to the dictators in the region plus the French bastards.

All these colonials and imperials from East to WEst must get lost.

We are seeing the same happen in Sudan because of overt UAE and other proxies who are funding these generals. As a continent we are fed up of being the back end of other people who want to rape our resources while killing our people.
Your in trouble because you owe the West especially institutions like the Paris Group trillions. They literally control every inch of your country, your politics, your industry. The West has you wrapped around their little finger basically as a slave who will never pay off their debts while all their minerals/oil/resources get extracted and the debt only gets higher. Your leaders destroyed your country because they borrowed money they can never pay back and its your fault for electing those leaders in place.

While you don't owe anything to Russia/China, the West will never leave you alone because you owe them trillions (private and public) and will never be able to pay it off

1/10 Africa public debt is owed by western countries
9/10 africa private and public debt is owed by western corporations and financial institutions

Even if every single person in sub saharan africa gives every dollar they make in the entire year, it wouldn't even cover the cost of the interest payments let alone actually paying off the loan. I would lol but its kind of sad.
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U.S Reporter Hates China in Africa Gets Schooled about the West's Brutal Tactics​

Welcome to candid Africa watch U.S Reporter Hates China in Africa Gets Schooled by Former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis about the West's Brutal Tactics

Your in trouble because you owe the West especially institutions like the Paris Group trillions. They literally control every inch of your country, your politics, your industry. The West has you wrapped around their little finger basically as a slave who will never pay off their debts while all their minerals/oil/resources get extracted and the debt only gets higher. Your leaders destroyed your country because they borrowed money they can never pay back and its your fault for electing those leaders in place.

While you don't owe anything to Russia/China, the West will never leave you alone because you owe them trillions (private and public) and will never be able to pay it off

1/10 Africa public debt is owed by western countries
9/10 africa private and public debt is owed by western corporations and financial institutions

Even if every single person in sub saharan africa gives every dollar they make in the entire year, it wouldn't even cover the cost of the interest payments let alone actually paying off the loan. I would lol but its kind of sad.

Excuse me what are Chinese businesses doing in Africa
another garbage post from Iranian rubbish.

We are wanting NO COLONIAL or IMPERIALISTS... That include China and Russia. Leave us alone. All you are bad news and our people have suffered because of your geopoltiical and greed.
Yeah, as if we had established the apartheid regime. A regime that considered Afro and black people of SA as shit class of their society and worst of all, in their own country.

Your problem is that you cannot differentiate between colonialism and national interests. As @retaxis pointed correctly, your countries are in chaos because of your leaders. You make Sudan an example, the country lost its stability after trying to normalize with Zionists. Israel is not an entity, without any identity. It is an outpost of western colonial regimes and its basically designed to continue to oppress people of Asia with no exception, in a modern and post modern way of colonialism. Even the Chinese and Indians can be their next target after destorying Muslims completely (however in their wet dreams).

What your countries in Africa have to do, is first of all, transition of power to people of Africa peacefully and without western/eastern involvement. And believe me, i feel for Africans. Oppressors have annoyed Africans for centuries. I must remind you of an other African example, Libya. Once one of the most peaceful countries of Africa, one of the most advanced countries of Africa but now destroyed and torn into peaces. Question is, did Libya require change, answer is yes. But how? People came in the streets and some elements shot Gaddafi in his forehead and savagely murdered him. Gaddafi's mistake was saving oil dollars of a nation in his own account in Europe and Libyan people's mistake was forgetting the rule of law.

You cannot establish the rule of jungle and expect good outcomes. Throw the colonial regimes out of your country, stop fighting amongst yourselves and take the control of your countries.

On the other hand, the only countries that resisted against oppressive regimes of west, are Iran, China and Russia. We, despite being surrounded by western stooges, continue to fight in any possible way. They threw Syria, Iraq and other Islamic countries into endless cycle of chaos just to create a safe space for Israeli advancements. Without Iran, Israel was able to enter Arab world and north of Africa. I must remind you again, the modern and post modern colonialism is being led from Tel Aviv and as far as this cancer is alive, colonialism will remain alive.

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