Nobody will put a bounty on a PM's head.
Travel restrictions put on him were still travel restrictions none the less, and the fact that they were put on him for religious intolerance shows that he is bigoted towards non-Hindus, which makes accusations about Gujarat all the more credible.
The Indian supreme court is Indian, their word means nothing. They are a biased source.
Crooked Hilary is as you said crooked, her working with Modi could just show he's also crooked.
The UK has a large Indian population, and working with India is within their interests. Why bother starting a fight? Same for the G-20.
If he was PM, all these charges would be dropped like with Modi. Also, just because he happened to found a group that started doing some shady business doesn't mean he is solely responsible. He can freely roam around Pakistan and dobody has attacked him, doesn't that tell you something? He does charity work and also helps rehabilitate militants. Even if these charges are correct, he is a better man than Modi.