Hi guys, i am an Afghan Pashtun, I have been in this forum many times, only not as a member but just as a guest, so I wanted to say hi. there is one thing I have noticed though, Indians and Pakistanis fighting about how much Afghans like them over an other. Well let me tell you, Afghans hate Pakistan. point. Pashtun hate you, tajiks hate you even more, and the rest would like to torture you to death. That is how much we hate you. I know you guys like to tell others, how much Afghans love Pakistan .... well we dont. You created the taliban and destroyed our country. Dont pretend like pashtuns like you, because we hate you a lot. We do. I have seen something on an Indian forum I want to show you, that person is not me, but we kind of share the same opinion:
So this is what he said:
Hi Guys,
My name is Lemar and I am From Kabul, Afghanistan.
I came to this forum to show you how much Afghanistan loves India.
We have great cultural and historical ties, and in these days the same enemy (you know who I mean).
Here are some videos:
India & Afghanistan : Humsaye - YouTube
Newshound - India An outside presence Afghans actually welcome - YouTube
In my opinion you are also allowed to have our minerals for good prices:
Exclusive: India to acquire Afghan mines? - YouTube
Statistics show who we afghans like the most:
For anyone who has been following Afghanistan at all during the past decade and a half, that's not a trick question. In an earlier post I mentioned in passing the ABC/BBC/ARD national public opinion poll in Afghanistan, released in February 2009. Question #38 asked: Now Im going to ask what you think about some people and groups. Is your opinion of [INSERT] very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or very unfavorable?
The results (with some details omitted):
a. The Taliban: Favorable 7 | Unfavorable 91
b. Osama Bin Laden: Favorable 6 | Unfavorable 92
c. The United States: Favorable 47 | Unfavorable 52
d. Pakistan: Favorable 8 | Unfavorable 91
e. Great Britain: Favorable 39 | Unfavorable 54
f. Iran: Favorable 57 | Unfavorable 40
g. Germany: Favorable 61 | Unfavorable 31
h. India: Favorable 74 | Unfavorable 21
the rest: Jeff Weintraub: Which foreign country do Afghans hate the most?
And here I think it was Afghans in Pakistan cheering over Indian victory:
Even foreigners are enjoying India's victory over pak
- YouTube
PESHAWAR: One staff nurse of Lady Reading Hospital (LRH) was killed in aerial firing opened by cricket fans in various parts of city as gloom and despondency was written large on the face of Peshawarites at the news of Indian victory in World Cup Semi Final 2011.
While Peshawarites were in a state of shock due to the defeat of the national team the Afghan refugees were celebrating the Indian victory and opened aerial firing and took out rallies to celebrate the occasion.
In another incident, a resident of Sethi Town area pelted stones at his TV set after the defeat of the Pakistani team and felt pain in the chest. He was taken to nearby hospital for treatment but he expired due to heart attack.
Cricket fans firing claim life in city - thenews.com.pk
So this is why we love India, but because you created the taliban we hate you. But this is not my point. I do want to have more trade and other kind of co-operation with pakistan, because we are a landlocked country, and unfortunately need you. My question to you guys is: What can we do so that we can trust you again and in the future can work positively together so that both our country benefit from it?