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Afghans Deserve Peace by

Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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Few days back, I happened to meet an Afghan in Peshawar. In the informal discourse I enquired him what was left in his country after so much of fighting? Any thing significant or visible there? I further refined my question.”Nothing” was the expected answer. Poverty, misery, dictators, anarchy, Soviets, Mujaheedin, Intelligence Agencies, Taliban, Warlords, and now NATO, a time line, as lengthy as my age, 50 years, was before my eyes, I could hardly recall a moment when Afghanistan was smiling.
The Afghan gentleman, a refugee, who appeared to be more mature than his age, replied “Yes there remains something very significant, it is the ego; overly inflated ego of Afghans. And terrible thing is, he added, people don’t understand this. Foreigners and our neighbors, constantly try to teach us what is good for us .Our country has become the proverbial aunt’s courtyard. (Free passage)

Afghan are good people. They are extremely hard working, out spoken and free of complexes, majority of them don’t deserve the leadership imposed on them since many decades.

Like it or not, Americans are leaders of the day .Their technology, culture, & way of thinking, dominate the world. As Americans claim chauvinistically that they have “vital national interests” in every corner of the world, so do the neighbors of Afghanistan. They too don’t feel shy stating that they have “vital interests” in Afghanistan and ironically world community acknowledges them as stake holders. So let us look at these neighbors one by one.

Russia and Iran want immediate end to American occupation of Afghanistan, but want to see Taliban crushed first. They don’t want to see of Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan.

Pakistan wants to see friendly government in Kabul as a prize to its long suffering during war on terror and support which it lent to Americans.

China, thanks to its anti interventionist policy, is only putting its weight behind Pakistan, not demanding anything new in Afghanistan.

India, the distant neighbor of Afghanistan, is more assertive than its actual neighbors. It wants to render Pakistan’s Western border as vulnerable as eastern one. They are pining their hopes on a prolonged American engagement in Afghanistan & are actively wooing for the same.

USA and Western countries want to leave Afghanistan and talk to Taliban but from a point of strength, leaving behind “security check post” in energy corridor for future.

May God bless all these neighbors, distant neighbors and aggressors in Afghanistan who are sincerely trying to bring peace and stability in Afghanistan.
Russians, apart from settling scores of previous war, see Taliban as emergence of a political Islam, an upcoming threat to Central Asian Republics .They are not realizing that Taliban may be a growing force to reckon with in Afghanistan due to their deep rooted xenophobia, but their brand of Islam has not appealed even to Afghans themselves. So export of such brand of Islam is unlikely. Apprehensions of Iranians like Saudis are always sectarian .Both these countries have yet to rise above politics of Shia, Sunni and Wahabi .

“Intellectuals” in Pakistan don’t know what even a cart handler can understand that after American departure, Government in Kabul will be dominated by Pushtuns mainly Taliban for at least a decade. Demography and character of different communities of Afghanistan is so loud and clear. Pakistan needs to focus on trust deficit and deteriorating good will even amongst Pushtuns rather than requesting friendly government from USA, who themselves are empty handed and exhausted. Americans will be lucky if their own vital national interests i.e. establishment of “security check post” in Afghanistan’s energy corridor, are taken care of after withdrawing bulk of their forces in July 2011.

Pakistan is being seen as spoiler in Afghanistan by US and Western main stream media. It is mainly because of “sun glasses” of west through which they see the Muslim world and their deep rooted desire to out source this war to Pakistan. However, defensive and secretive nature of Pakistan’s Afghan policy is also contributing to this image.

Indian” intellectuals” too are encouraging Indian Government to rise up to the level of emerging super power and play a bigger role in the region, i.e. sending Indian troops to Afghanistan. Americans or Indians may be heading for a self defeating mission... Their fate is written on the wall.

RAW and CIA are playing with fire in Afghanistan. Cheating and exploiting Pakistan’s spoiled children (Pakistani Taliban) against Pakistan. At present these de-tracked Muslims are being blinded with loads of money and brain washing. This is temporary arrangement and will not last long. Good will, which the Indians have earned overtime in Afghanistan, will soon evaporate in view of their total enmity towards Pakistan. Such activities will be countered by the same people. RAW sleuths are under estimating the bond of Islam.
Americans, who are trying their best to make their armed forces productive by backing their multinational companies across globe, could be told that their recently adopted policy is not going to work. Any more surges will waste resources apart from bringing further miseries to people of Afghanistan. The Americans are victorious. The punishment that has already been inflicted on Afghans is enough, whether or not they sponsored the terror acts of 9/11…. People of Afghanistan are egoist. Respect them. They will be willing to take care of US interests more eagerly than India or Pakistan. This is a sincere advice for our Americans friends who have been a helping hand to Pakistan on many occasions.
Pakistan and its intelligence agencies need to focus on internal security. On western front our depth and strength lies in FATA and Balochistan and no where else. We have to win the hearts and mind of our own people. Pakistan’s concept of peace and stability in Afghanistan should be based on ground realities and principles.

Pakistan should support true representative government in Afghanistan according to demography and wishes of Afghan people. Meanwhile Americans could be encouraged to leave Afghanistan as soon as possible after putting effective government infrastructure which has been destroyed.

Pakistan has nothing to hide in Afghanistan. We want stable and peaceful Afghanistan and the same should be pursued by our politicians in transparent manner. Pakistani establishment to give some space and politicians of the country should spare time for this important issue.

Author hails from semi tribal areas of Pakistan and holds Master degree in International Relations from University of Balochistan. He can be reached at email: attarasul@hotmail.com
Pakistan has nothing to hide in Afghanistan. We want stable and peaceful Afghanistan and the same should be pursued by our politicians in transparent manner.
I hypothesize that Pakistan may NOT want a "stable and peaceful Afghanistan" for three reasons:
(1) it wants foreign aid to keep coming into Pakistan, so officials can rake off the money for themselves;
(2) it sees a peaceful Afghan state as a natural ally of India, and
(3) it is uncomfortable with the idea of a friendly state as a neighbor, as Pakistan's political arrangement is new and somewhat artificial so a neighbor Pakistan isn't at war with is a neighbor that could threaten the idea of Pakistan itself.
I hypothesize that Pakistan may NOT want a "stable and peaceful Afghanistan" for three reasons:
(1) it wants foreign aid to keep coming into Pakistan, so officials can rake off the money for themselves;
(2) it sees a peaceful Afghan state as a natural ally of India, and
(3) it is uncomfortable with the idea of a friendly state as a neighbor, as Pakistan's political arrangement is new and somewhat artificial so a neighbor Pakistan isn't at war with is a neighbor that could threaten the idea of Pakistan itself.

Oh holy israeli jew american man you are innocent as you do not know the ideas that your gen mc crystal is brewing on his afghan shove?about power sharing with TALIBAN?and you surely dont know that afghan aid doesnt flow through Pakistan and we dont keep that AID for ourself.And usa and nato has clearly lost the battle of afghanistan and now they want peace with the once BARBARIAN JIHADI TERRORISTS (THE TALIBAN)?
And oh holy soul you reall dont know how much PUSHTOON majority loves INDIA????right ???
And Taliban are pushtoon and they SURELY acording to your enlightened future foresight are pro indian and anti pakistan?
India a country which has no land or sea link with a muslim coutry with deep ethnic cultural and religous ties with Pakistan.:pakistan:
I hypothesize that Pakistan may NOT want a "stable and peaceful Afghanistan" for three reasons:
(1) it wants foreign aid to keep coming into Pakistan, so officials can rake off the money for themselves;
Actually no we don't, keep your aid :)
(2) it sees a peaceful Afghan state as a natural ally of India,
We see an ally of India as a hostile nation
(3) it is uncomfortable with the idea of a friendly state as a neighbor, as Pakistan's political arrangement is new and somewhat artificial so a neighbor Pakistan isn't at war with is a neighbor that could threaten the idea of Pakistan itself.
We have had friendly and good ties with all of South Asia, except India. Which is pretty much true with all of South Asia, them all having some issues or the other with Indians.

We won't have problems with Afghanis if they stopped supporting Indian terrorists to bomb our cities. You haven't seen any response from Pakistanis yet. When Nato leaves, we'll carpet bomb Kabul Palace each time an Afghani is caught bombing our country.
Its strange Pakistanies dont want NATO in Afghanistan any more but Indians tell USA dont leave. We think it will cause more trouble if NATO dont leave since they cant win. We want to find other way to sort out this problem. Afghani taliban saying we can talk IF nato leaves Afghanistan.

What will Pakistan gain from peace in Afghanistan ?

- Pakistan will have much eaiser work to controll Taliban when support from Afghanistan is cut down. Who is giving this support to TTP is well known.

- 4 Mill rufguess can go back to Afghanistan

What will India loose if NATO leaves.

- First of all India will have difficult time to support terrorist from Afghan side to do there dirty works in Pakistan
- India knows very well if USA leave Pakistan will have more to say in Afghanistan than India
- India is building up Afghans to war against Pakistan and if NATO leaves that mission will be failed.

So Pakistan has more interesset to have peace in Afghanistan than India who is only looking for harm Pakistan.

It would be my best wishes if India send there forces in Afghanistan. PLZ INDIA DO THAT
you do not know the ideas that your gen mc crystal is brewing on his afghan shove?about power sharing with TALIBAN?
Inclusion in a future political process is not necessarily power-sharing.

you surely dont know that afghan aid doesnt flow through Pakistan -
U.S. economic and military support of Pakistan is justified as complimenting anti-terror efforts.

you reall dont know how much PUSHTOON majority loves INDIA????right ???
I think Pakistani and Afghan leaders believe Pushtuns put their tribe ahead of their nationality. I'd like it if someone could prove me wrong on this.

Actually no we don't, keep your aid
I hope we don't go back to the era where funds are offered to Pakistan without lots of strings any time soon: “yaar, karrapshun pay humara haq nahiN hai, aur unn ka hai!” link

We see an ally of India as a hostile nation
Why don't you think it would be wiser for Pakistan to see such countries as useful political and economic intermediaries with India, rather than enemies? Consider the excellent relations Pakistan enjoyed with the U.S. and China in the 1960s, despite the enmity between them at the time.

When Nato leaves, we'll carpet bomb Kabul Palace each time an Afghani is caught bombing our country.
Such ruthlessness is one of the reasons why East Pakistan vanished into history, isn't it? You don't think such crudities would be more likely to split rump Pakistan even further?
We won't have problems with Afghanis if they stopped supporting Indian terrorists to bomb our cities. You haven't seen any response from Pakistanis yet. When Nato leaves, we'll carpet bomb Kabul Palace each time an Afghani is caught bombing our country.

Such war mongering! Carpet bombing those poor Afghans. Oh, ok, these must be those Afghans who aren't aligned with Taliban, your mullah warriors.

And get over your high horse and face the reality. These empty boasts are of no use. You can't do anything as your nabz (nerve) is in the hand of the Americans. Like it or not. Why else would they have bases in your country where they run drone attacks on your own citizens? Sort out your own sovereignty first, may be then you can teach Afghans a lesson.

The day Pakistanis intellectuals like you and the author can get a grip on reality and stop blaming RAW/CIA/MOSSAD for your troubles, you will really begin to understand the issues facing your country.
The day Pakistanis intellectuals like you and the author can get a grip on reality and stop blaming RAW/CIA/MOSSAD for your troubles, you will really begin to understand the issues facing your country.
Warning: in my experience, Pakistanis who do make that leap are prone to depression and feelings of hopelessness. As one poster put it yesterday,
that guy with no brain = happy guy
guy with a brain that hurts
Its strange Pakistanies dont want NATO in Afghanistan any more but Indians tell USA dont leave. We think it will cause more trouble if NATO dont leave since they cant win. We want to find other way to sort out this problem. Afghani taliban saying we can talk IF nato leaves Afghanistan.

Funnily GoP (obvioulsy with sanction from PA) has asked coalition troops to NOT leave Afghanistan in a hurry.
AFP: Pakistan asks coalition not to leave Afghanistan in haste

Unlike the simplistic view that once Afghan taliban is back in power, all will be hunky dory for Pakistan; the PA probably realises that it would just give a huge fillip to AQ and TTP and other allied group to have a similar govt. in Pakistan.

And Pakistan had a heavily influenced govt. in Afghanistan for 6-8 years. How did that benefit Pakistan other than more radicalisation and a magnet for all the so called Jihadis from Uzbekistan, Xinjiang and arab countries and earning the ire of most of its neighbors including Iran, CARs and even Turkey. Not to forget the the smuggling of imported goods when Nawaz in his generosity provided duty free access to Taliban controlled Afghanistan to Karachi ports. Pakistan lost not only billions of custom duty but these also affected and even destroyed local manufacturing units that were supposed to be protected.

If you want to keep CARs, Iran and Turkey happy, it would mean including the mid and low level Taliban and that too by participating through elections, not a one party dictatorship.
Funnily GoP (obvioulsy with sanction from PA) has asked coalition troops to NOT leave Afghanistan in a hurry.
AFP: Pakistan asks coalition not to leave Afghanistan in haste

Unlike the simplistic view that once Afghan taliban is back in power, all will be hunky dory for Pakistan; the PA probably realises that it would just give a huge fillip to AQ and TTP and other allied group to have a similar govt. in Pakistan.

And Pakistan had a heavily influenced govt. in Afghanistan for 6-8 years. How did that benefit Pakistan other than more radicalisation and a magnet for all the so called Jihadis from Uzbekistan, Xinjiang and arab countries and earning the ire of most of its neighbors including Iran, CARs and even Turkey. Not to forget the the smuggling of imported goods when Nawaz in his generosity provided duty free access to Taliban controlled Afghanistan to Karachi ports. Pakistan lost not only billions of custom duty but these also affected and even destroyed local manufacturing units that were supposed to be protected.

If you want to keep CARs, Iran and Turkey happy, it would mean including the mid and low level Taliban and that too by participating through elections, not a one party dictatorship.
Well dont want them to leave but we dont want YOU in either and now when talks are to acceot TALIBANS into afghan govt that USA AND NATO IS SUPPORTING so that might CAUSE A PROBLEM FOR YOU.

You missed my point, the afghan taliban element being reintegrated will have to agree to work within the Afghan constitution and accept a democratically elected govt. The afghan govt. will decide which country can help them.

A complete takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban might be bad by India, but it will be worse for Pakistan. As it stands, the Pakistani Taliban tend to be more extremist than the Afghans. Can you imagine the fillip they will get once they take over Afghanistan? Ofcourse if you are one of those who love to live under the so called "sharia" rule of the Taliban, then you will may welcome it.
May God bless all these neighbors, distant neighbors and aggressors in Afghanistan who are sincerely trying to bring peace and stability in Afghanistan.
who is sincerely trying to bring peace????????hahahaha.......
yes china may be the one, who seems to be sincere to some extent.

China, thanks to its anti interventionist policy, is only putting its weight behind Pakistan, not demanding anything new in Afghanistan.
china is the only non muslim friend of Pakistan......we need to be really thankfull to them. God bless them.

USA and Western countries want to leave Afghanistan and talk to Taliban but from a point of strength, leaving behind “security check post” in energy corridor for future.

this may not be the only purpose of Americans.

As Americans claim chauvinistically that they have “vital national interests” in every corner of the world,
Basically there is no interest of Americans' in any cornor of world...... Americans are simply hired dogs / "Bharay kay tatoo" / "karaiey kay Qatil", who are working for JEWS interests in every cornor of world........ the main and basic interest of jews is "NEW World Order".

Russians, apart from settling scores of previous war,
this could be the only reason. they are settling scores and not only with afghanistan but with pakistan also.
see Taliban as emergence of a political Islam, an upcoming threat to Central Asian Republics .They are not realizing that Taliban may be a growing force to reckon with in Afghanistan due to their deep rooted xenophobia, but their brand of Islam has not appealed even to Afghans themselves. So export of such brand of Islam is unlikely.
there is no brand of taliban's islam........ Islam will spread in its true spirit InshahAllah from afghanistan(most probably) as we are seeing Taliban again comming up........

Apprehensions of Iranians like Saudis are always sectarian .Both these countries have yet to rise above politics of Shia, Sunni and Wahabi .
yes these two countries will have to come up...... they must leave such sort of politics.

Pakistan and its intelligence agencies need to focus on internal security. On western front our depth and strength lies in FATA and Balochistan and no where else.
our strength lies in Afghanistan as well....... basically afghanistan is the undelcared fifth province of pakistan........

and we must remember ...... there will be no peace in pakistan if afghanistan is not stable..........
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