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Afghanistan to sign its first strategic partnership agreement with India

Topic should say INDIA and Kabul mayor let me ref raise that India and the guy controlling house in Kabul sign a strategic partnership agreement but the question that comes to mind which Indian government menage to avoid it last time even Americans wanted it bad was the foot soldiers on ground in Afghanistan so after this agreement are the Indians willing to see there soldiers on ground in Afghanistan if not then whats going to happen to this agreement after NATO goes home.

---------- Post added at 12:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 PM ----------

I have heard americans repeatedly use the term draw-down from Afghanistan but never the word 'leave' . Notice that .;)

Yes and that's why they need some one to replace them once they withdraw there own soldiers and that's where India comes into play question is are the Indian people going to allow that or just pay lip service.

You're forgetting that it's always been Pakistan that never wanted a stable and independent Afghanistan for sake of strategic depth...or should I say strategic death? :azn:

and your country is part of the problem, when you support 'other' band of warlords and when you provide support to terrorists who attack the Pakistani state using Afghan soil

regardless, you dont share a long porous border with Afghanistan so you people wouldn't understand. My ancestral village is barely 10km from Afghanistan (Tora Bora).

any country under-taking development and humanitarian missions in Afghanistan should be commended.....but being manipulative and capitalizing on certain status-quos to harm another regional player will not be accepted. The Afghans know this already hopefully, and indian like yourself ought to be awares.

i don't even know why i'm replying to somebody who has been banned anyways.


---------- Post added at 09:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:01 PM ----------

as for indian soldiers -- well if NATOs were unable to quell the insurgency, then indian soldiers would be even easier targets....cannon fodder

any foreign army should not be in Afghanistan, though I have proposed in the past that the OIC devise an international "Muslim army" from friendly countries like (e.g. Turkiye, Malaysia, Egypt, etc.) assume some peace-keeping duties in the war-torn country.

i dont even think the bhartis are even signalling towards sending their troops. It would send a message which Pakistan would not appreciate, and therefore the indian would be cautious --which is smart of them.
I am pleased that pak govt treats karzai the mayor of kabul with the contempt he deserves. Good luck to indians if they think theey got a good deal
your country is part of the problem, when you support 'other' band of warlords and when you provide support to terrorists who attack the Pakistani state using Afghan soil

-Proof ??link except Youtube ???We'll show you it to world...While India still waiting for that day when you guys gonna prove your proof.:P

as for indian soldiers -- well if NATOs were unable to quell the insurgency, then indian soldiers would be even easier targets....cannon fodder

Well you were saying the same 2 decades back in Kashmir but look where we stand today.We know how to deal with Mullas better than anyone :cool:;)

any foreign army should not be in Afghanistan, though I have proposed in the past that the OIC devise an international "Muslim army" from friendly countries like (e.g. Turkiye, Malaysia, Egypt, etc.) assume some peace-keeping duties in the war-torn country.

Are these countries gonna send there Universal soldiers :lol::lol:

i dont even think the bhartis are even signalling towards sending their troops. It would send a message which Pakistan would not appreciate, and therefore the indian would be cautious --which is smart of them

Well in simple words that day would gonna be worst nightmare for Pakistan-Evil yindoos army in Afghanistan .
well i beleive india & pakistan & iran & SCO should work together for improvement of life in afghanistan & it's people .Afghan people deserve a better life like better education ,better healthcare & better infrastructure .We india & pakistan & all nations should help afghanistan to achieve that goal.:enjoy:
If Pakistan didn't supported Taliban in 90's, Today Afghanistan would be much better. Loss of 2-3 decades. Unforgettable Pain.
This should read Puppet american regime does deal India which will not last because the afghanistanis were not represented. Why Spark do you indian guys not accept what is staring you in the face. Honestly mate you guys really thing that the deal has been done with afgahnis?

Why dont you accept that the Afghans , as a sovereign nation, have rights to deicde which country to deal with and there is no need to listen to your diktats ?

Why, O, why ? Feeling rejected by the 'conjoined twin' ?

Well you were saying the same 2 decades back in Kashmir but look where we stand today.We know how to deal with Mullas better than anyone :cool:;)

Well said. :lol:

In COIN we are far ahead of the NATO troops with continuous experience over two decades.

But then we are not sending any troops . NOT because of Pakistan's concerns but because we have two - one openly hostile and another dormant - borders to defend.
-Proof ??link except Youtube ???We'll show you it to world...While India still waiting for that day when you guys gonna prove your proof.:P

even to this day, the policy continues and its one that won't (and shouldn't) go unpunished.....we already have a taste of indian treachery

Well you were saying the same 2 decades back in Kashmir but look where we stand today.We know how to deal with Mullas better than anyone :cool:;)

silly to compare Kashmir to Afghanistan; the ground realities are totally different. In the predominantly Muslim Kashmir, you have both Islamists and secularists demanding end to the occupation; and no -- not all of them are pro-Pakistan either ;)

Are these countries gonna send there Universal soldiers :lol::lol:

if the will is there and if Afghans make the request

Well in simple words that day would gonna be worst nightmare for Pakistan-Evil yindoos army in Afghanistan .

mere cannon fodder....what can indian do which NATO's mightiest armies couldn't and still cannot do?

---------- Post added at 10:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:43 PM ----------

If Pakistan didn't supported Taliban in 90's, Today Afghanistan would be much better. Loss of 2-3 decades. Unforgettable Pain.

so you'll blame Pakistan for their internal civil war too?

talk about a case of the pot calling the kettle black! The Sri Lankans can attest to that
That's a great step towards prosperity of Afghanistan, there is an urgent need for such strategic agreements of Afghanistan with Iran, Pakistan and India before going with USA/UK.

Why a Poll by some western media shows that mostly Afghans like USA?
It may play a larger role in developing the Afghan police force.
India cant even develop its own police force and its investigative unit and offering same to do with Afghanistan.In the past one decade at least 10-12 cases of terror attcks remains unsolved with indian police and NIA which cant even find out the chemical composition of the bomb and it wishes to train afghanistan police.What can be bigger joke than this.Prof of pudding is in eating.Karzai must look at the dilapidated state of indian police forces and reject this joke offer from india.What india will train is danda wielding police constable who will be expected to fight with AK-47 wielding taliban with its danda.
This Strategic partnership is just symbolic in nature and not worth the paper it's written on.it doesnt really change anything on ground
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