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Afghan Taliban caused helicopter crash in December: US

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Afghan Taliban caused helicopter crash in December: US
Updated 2014-01-10 08:28:22
WASHINGTON: Officials now believe Taliban insurgents brought down a US military helicopter in December in southern Afghanistan, in an incident that was first portrayed as a crash.

Six US troops were killed when the Blackhawk chopper went down in Zabul province on December 17, but the precise circumstances around the crash have been the subject of confusion.

“The families of the soldiers killed in the December 17 helicopter crash have been notified that enemy action caused the crash and loss of life,” the Nato-led International Security Assistance Forces said in an email to AFP.

“The investigation is ongoing, and more details will be provided when the investigation is complete,” ISAF said.

US defense officials said investigators were looking at the possibility that the aircraft triggered a homemade explosive when flying at a low altitude.

CNN first reported the military's new version of events.

In the hours after the crash, US officers suggested the helicopter went down due to a mechanical failure but that the crew may have come under fire once the chopper crashed.

But officials later backed away from that account, ruling out any enemy fire.
be it afghani taliban or pakistani taliban all are animals semi humans enemy of humanity and must be wiped out for better world . afghanistan is suffering since 45 years from these blood thirsty animal islamists monsters .
be it afghani taliban or pakistani taliban all are animals semi humans enemy of humanity and must be wiped out for better world . afghanistan is suffering since 45 years from these blood thirsty animal islamists monsters .

only the bold and highlighted part i dont agree with .... rest is correct .... they have nothing to do with islam .. if someone claims he is muslim so that doesnt make him the representative of whole religion , we did not blame roman catholics for what hitler did , we did not blame whole buddist what some buddist do with muslims in burma , and we also dont blame the whole christianity for what american do in iraq for a false intelligence report .... if you remember few years back a guy from norway killed at least 35 kids on a island near oslo and also plant a car bomb in city , investigation leads that he was inspired by Crusaders , but no one say that he was Christian or Catholic terrorist , dont put Islam or Islamist with those freaks , dont forget about other 2 billions muslims who are not extremist or terrorist , or think about those pakistani , iraqi , afghani muslim who suffer the most from these terrorist but never say anything .

be it afghani taliban or pakistani taliban all are animals semi humans enemy of humanity and must be wiped out for better world . afghanistan is suffering since 45 years from these blood thirsty animal islamists monsters .
Supported until 1996 by JEW USA against Iran

Afghanistan was a westerner like country before JEW USA invade it to revenge kippur war & Vietnam war supported by Russia

Back to the topic, people who have done this are real
jihadists, contrary to zionist jihadist in Syria

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