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Afghan Taliban capture Pakistani soldiers in cross border attack

I in Past said the religon is victim in War on terror. Religous ideology is used by Taliban to find excuses for their acts.
Mohmand , Bajor has tradtionally been routes for drug trade largely comming from Northern Afghanistan.
lets be honest, neither Pashtun or Tajik or Uzbek war lords are clean. we hear reports of these warring warlords /groups cooperating tactically.
Since 2008 Pakistan Army has blockaded this route. the amount of intensity in these agencies is much higher then media reports.
Actual motivation for Militants is economic reason not Religous one.
In addition to Afghan or Pakistani drug and war lords Some FORIGN element is also profiting from the drug and criminal activites.
then there is also a great game,
most of the pakistanis here know that, this is a drama to neutralize the report by UK university by potraying this abduction drama...gawd..if this is risking the lives of soldiers, do you think there will be only 115 replies in this thread? that too half of them by only indians who have nothing to do with this idiotic drama?

and there are people who are expressing surprises and propheting theories with all concocted lies..waw..i don't know what you guys will achieve by doing this when none of you have seen eternal life per se..

gosh...every bit of this drama is very much evident to the naked eyes..but these people do not stop playing/lying it..

what a illeterate people!!!!!

every stupid thinks he knows all.
about allegation of LSE , if you can read urdu then read or ask some one to translate this analysis by BBC
?BBC Urdu? - ????????? - ???? ??? ???: ???? ???? ?? ????? ???? ???? ???
Taliban kill 10 Pakistani troops, capture 40 more in northwest
Jun 16, 2010

The Pakistani military was hit hard this week by the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban operating in Pakistan’s lawless northwest. Ten Frontier Corps troops were killed and 40 more were captured during fighting in Bajaur and Mohmand, two regions where the military has declared victory in the recent past.

The Afghan Taliban captured 40 paramilitary Frontier Corps troops yesterday after clashes along the border between the Pakistani tribal agencies of Bajaur and Mohmand. Major General Athar Abbas, Pakistan's top military spokesman, confirmed the attack and said the Afghan Taliban captured the troops after overrunning a Pakistani military outpost, Reuters reported. The Afghan Taliban released five of the troops at the Pakistani consulate in Jalalabad in Afghanistan's Nangarhar province, while the 35 other troops are still thought to be in the custody of the Taliban.

The report of the Afghan Taliban capturing Pakistani troops took place just one day after the terror group denied receiving support from Pakistan's government and intelligence services. Interestingly, the Afghan Taliban have not harmed the Pakistani troops despite claiming that Pakistan supports the US in Afghanistan.

Several major Taliban groups, including the Haqqani Network and the Tora Bora Military Front, operate in Nangarhar and are known to shelter and train across the border in Mohmand and Bajaur. Anwarul Haq Mujahid, the commander of the Tora Bora Military Front, and Maulvi Abdul Kabir, the former leader of the Peshawar Regional Military Council, are both said to be in Pakistani custody.

In a separate incident, 38 Pakistani Taliban and 10 Frontier Corps troops were killed in clashes that took place less than 10 miles away from the town of Khar, the administrative seat of Bajaur. The Pakistani military displayed the bodies of 18 Taliban fighters killed in air and artillery attacks. The military did not detail the circumstances of the deaths of the Frontier Corps troops.

Just yesterday, the Taliban issued pamphlets in Bajaur announcing their return and threatening to kill tribesmen who support the government. In the pamphlets, the Taliban "threatened the people, particularly the government employees and security forces, not to support the agenda of the US and its allies," The News reported. "The militants said that they would continue their ‘jihad’ against the US and its supporters. They also urged the Taliban fighters not to surrender to the government and warned them and security forces of stern action."

Over the past 18 months, the Pakistani military has twice declared victory in Bajaur and Mohmand.

The first time was on March 1, 2009, when Major General Tariq Khan declared victory in Bajaur. "They have lost," Khan told reporters after a brutal campaign that began in August 2008 was declared to have ended. "Their resistance has broken down. We think we have secured this agency. The Taliban have lost their cohesion." And in the neighboring tribal agency of Mohmand, Colonel Saif Ullah claimed the Taliban had been defeated and that the region was "under the control of law enforcement agencies."

But the Taliban continued to exert control in Bajaur and Mohmand during 2009, killing tribal leaders who dared to work with the Pakistani government and military.

Earlier this year, General Khan again claimed victory in Bajaur. On March 2, 2010, one year and one day after claiming the Taliban had lost in Bajaur, Khan again declared victory. He said that more than 2,200 Taliban fighters had been killed during two years of military operations.

Yet although the military claimed to have defeated the Taliban in Bajaur and Mohmand in both 2009 and 2010, the senior leaders in these tribal agencies remain at large.

Faqir Mohammed, a senior leader in Hakeemullah Mehsud's Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan and a close ally to al Qaeda's Ayman Zawahiri, has not been killed or captured during the offensive. Military officials claimed Faqir was killed in August 2008, but the leader later surfaced. Faqir established a parallel government in Bajaur, complete with sharia courts, recruiting centers and training camps, taxation, and security forces.

The US has conducted several airstrikes Bajaur, including two attacks that targeted Zawahiri and another that killed Abu Sulayman Jazairi, a senior Algerian operative for al Qaeda who was the terror groups' operational commander tasked with planning attacks against the West.

Omar Khalid, the Taliban commander in Mohmand and a deputy of Hakeemullah’s Taliban movement, also remains at large. He is considered one of the most effective and powerful leaders in the tribal areas after Hakeemullah and Faqir.

Khalid gained prominence in Mohmand during the summer of 2007 after taking over a famous shrine and renaming it the Red Mosque, after the radical mosque in Islamabad whose followers attempted to impose sharia in the capital. He became the dominant Taliban commander in Mohmand in July 2008 after defeating the Shah Sahib group, a rival pro-Taliban terror group with ties to the Lashkar-e-Taiba. During the summer of 2008, Khalid declared sharia in Mohmand.
The Afghan Taliban captured 40 paramilitary Frontier Corps troops yesterday after clashes along the border between the Pakistani tribal agencies of Bajaur and Mohmand. Major General Athar Abbas, Pakistan's top military spokesman, confirmed the attack and said the Afghan Taliban captured the troops after overrunning a Pakistani military outpost, Reuters reported. The Afghan Taliban released five of the troops at the Pakistani consulate in Jalalabad in Afghanistan's Nangarhar province, while the 35 other troops are still thought to be in the custody of the Taliban.

this bolded part doesnt add up.
this bolded part doesnt add up.

This is exactly why the stupid ISAF forces need to be at the border rather then sitting some where else in safety. Where on one side we have maned our side, on the other side these fags dont want to stand up and take responsibility.
""If we finish of our ties completely with them, another anti-Pakistan establishment would rise, fully supported by our arch enemy who doesn't wants Pakistan to exist and will create troubles through their puppets or assets in Kabul.""
""And as for what Jana has said, i do agree with her, something really fishy this time has happened, won't go in details, will tell when its time.""

Since you know the truth, this is the time to say it openly and brazenly.

Because of an unfortunate accident of geo-demographics the primary victims of this war are one specific ethnic group spread on both sides of the Durand Line. Beyond a certain point identities tend to merge.
""This is exactly why the stupid ISAF forces need to be at the border rather then sitting some where else in safety. Where on one side we have maned our side, on the other side these fags dont want to stand up and take responsibility. ""

Others do not perform their US assigned duties with the same zeal and enthusiasm as the PA.
This is exactly why the stupid ISAF forces need to be at the border rather then sitting some where else in safety. Where on one side we have maned our side, on the other side these fags dont want to stand up and take responsibility.

I think you need to differntiate between ISAF which has the responsibility of security in cities/towns/villages and other border forces. this border area between Af and Pak is so lawless and cross border attacks by all these fantatic groups is usual. we saw that an attack took place against afghanistan in kunar province, we also need to not forget the presence of Haqani Network in pakistani soil which is carrying attacks in afghanistan. i think we both are victims and need to work toghether to crash these fanatic elemtns.
This is exactly why the stupid ISAF forces need to be at the border rather then sitting some where else in safety. Where on one side we have maned our side, on the other side these fags dont want to stand up and take responsibility.

When i said it doesnt add up, i mean this part of the report: The Afghan Taliban released five of the troops at the Pakistani consulate in Jalalabad. How come Afghani Taliban hand Pak soldiers to pak consulate in jalalabad?
I think you need to differntiate between ISAF which has the responsibility of security in cities/towns/villages and other border forces. this border area between Af and Pak is so lawless and cross border attacks by all these fantatic groups is usual. we saw that an attack took place against afghanistan in kunar province, we also need to not forget the presence of Haqani Network in pakistani soil which is carrying attacks in afghanistan. i think we both are victims and need to work toghether to crash these fanatic elemtns.

Ahmed ISAF Vacated Kunar a year ago. I have taled to reporters and analysts and I am under impression. Taliban of North Afghanistan at Pak-Afghan Border have full support of Drugs Traders.

US etc is crying HAQQANIes but dont talk about north Afghanistan or Why they left Kunar and Nouristan

as I have said Its route of Drug trade , after Pakistan blocked the drug rute from north Afghanistan trubles started
In drug trade we have big names , which I will not mention because it will offend you and many other Forign friends
Because of an unfortunate accident of geo-demographics the primary victims of this war are one specific ethnic group spread on both sides of the Durand Line. Beyond a certain point identities tend to merge.

My friend, every single ethnic group is a victim in these 2 coutries. Everybody has been suffering.
Others do not perform their US assigned duties with the same zeal and enthusiasm as the PA.

True that!!!

I think you need to differntiate between ISAF which has the responsibility of security in cities/towns/villages and other border forces. this border area between Af and Pak is so lawless and cross border attacks by all these fantatic groups is usual. we saw that an attack took place against afghanistan in kunar province, we also need to not forget the presence of Haqani Network in pakistani soil which is carrying attacks in afghanistan. i think we both are victims and need to work toghether to crash these fanatic elemtns.

Ahmed Sahib, the major responsibility of safety in a out of the cities, on the borders, and in fact for the whole country lies at the shoulders of the US and NATO troops. As they are occupying the country at present. so its their fault that things like these happen, they have to stand up and fulfill their end of the commitment. And I dont know much about the Haqanis in NW, not all the details. And yes you are right that we have to work together. But my issue is that the western news outlets still dish out loads and loads of garbage about ISI and PA, and our indian friends call incidents like the one under discussion a drama to prove the reports wrong. And Still they fail to see that when a normal Afghan or a Pakistani is suffering due to these issues, the US and NATO are doing what? Except for a spewing more and more *****, what else have they contributed to the cause. And to top it up with some more cream, they end up paying the talibans to save their own @$$.
people don't understand the simple thing NORTHERN ALLIANCE has teamed up with TTP and are launching attacks against pakistani troops!! and hey these days everybody is a "taliban" its like how NAZIs were in the 40's!!
people don't understand the simple thing NORTHERN ALLIANCE has teamed up with TTP and are launching attacks against pakistani troops!! and hey these days everybody is a "taliban" its like how NAZIs were in the 40's!!

it is easy to talk none sense. TTP and so called northern alliance have been long term enemies. TTP has killed many people in Afghanistan, they themselves have been killed and captured in large numbers in Afghanistan before 2001. as long as you have this good taliban and bad taliban in mind, you will suffer the same way as we do, simple as that.
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