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Afghan Peace Talks


Apr 30, 2010
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United States
United States
The U.S. government supports the Qatar office, known as the Political Office of the Afghan Taliban, and the peace talks between the Afghan government and the Afghan Taliban. For the record, the government of Qatar, which is facilitating these peace talks, has made it clear that the sign labeling the office as an office for the “Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan” has been taken down. We do not recognize the name “Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan”, and the Taliban should realize that the people of Afghanistan have chosen their government and recognize their country as the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

We acknowledge that the Peace Negotiations process has been difficult from the onset and will continue to be so, but the Government of Afghanistan is well aware of how significant this peace process is for maintaining long-term stability. The United States’ role in this Peace Process is to get Afghans to talk to one another. As Deputy for National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes has said, “The United States will be supporting a peace process that is fundamentally Afghan-led. Ultimately, this is something that Afghans have to work out with each other. We've strongly supported President Karzai, and his government, as they've approached this issue. We can play a role in talking to the Taliban as well to support that type of peace process, and also because we have our own issues to discuss with them

Haroon Ahmad
DET – U.S. Central Command
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