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Afghan National Army hostile to Pakistan: Report

Yes.. You as an individual has no standing about your claims.. However in case of Durand line, its the official Afghanistan govt's position that has given credence to this dispute. The stand of the same govt that is recognized by the same UNSC that describes Kashmir as a disputed area. And hence the similarity that KS is trying to explain

Still the international community doesn't consider it disputed. It is an international border. :)

Pakistani government might call Dehli as disputed territory tomorrow. It won't become as one.
And I would have drawn a chuckle at that comparative had you been the first ill-informed Indian trying hard to troll but after a little under a year on PDF I'm tired...I'm seriously tired !

So do have a nice day & do write up a treatise on it & do share it with the Afghans they'd probably give you a smooch in return but hey they're your buddies right ! Send me a copy too & maybe I'd put it to good use the next time my Dog decides to take a dump in the middle of the street !

Ofcourse - anything that brings out the inherent hypocrisy can/will be dismissed. Claim another country's territory - all fine, perfect, its our right. Support insurgencies in their country - 1000 year war. But if someone else does that to us - cry foul. Anyways good night to you too. :)
Glad you mentioned it. Still we crossed Line of control and continued crossing it later too. After all it is Line of Control. Not international border.
And every time you did, Pakistan as a nation paid the price.. Some times in terms of territory, some times in terms of loss of face on international grounds.. :)

Kashmir is disputed. And that's why the Line of Control thingy comes in.
It may be, but our reactions do not give any weight to that status that is not worth the paper its printed on...;)
Still the international community doesn't consider it disputed. It is an international border. :)

Doesnt mean a thing. UNSC resolution on Kashmir does not even recognize Kashmiri people as a party to the dispute.. Right ?

Pakistani government might call Dehli as disputed territory tomorrow. It won't become as one.
Lets see if Pakistan has guts to do that first. I mean unless the red cap monkey gets elected to the post of President or PM of Pakistan :D
And every time you did, Pakistan as a nation paid the price.. Some times in terms of territory, some times in terms of loss of face on international grounds.. :)

Still doesn't change the fact that it is called Line of control. Not international border. :)

It may be, but our reactions do not give any weight to that status that is not worth the paper its printed on...

Good for you. However it is a disputed territory due to it's different history as compared to Durand line issue.
Your refusal to recognizing that fact till we're called upon to beat you up every time your armed thugs have crossed over in the past ! Not that it isn't fun but we do tend to get tired & bored every once in a while ! :tup:

Like when did you beat us? The issue of Bajuar you bring up time and again much happened in a local context. Stop blowing hot air. Be satisfied coz our recognition should not matter and one wonder why you keep asking for it.
Anti Taliban were Always anti-Pakistan. Its not a news...

Thats why Pakistan always support Taliban. Taliban is Pro-Pakistan, Anti-Talibans either Anti-Pakistan or they ignore Pakistan.

While Pakistanis support Taliban(Goodones as defined by PA), Taliban(of all variety) don't give a S h i t.
Taliban is pro-Islam, pro-sharia, Pro-Talibani control over the areas that they all ready control. ;)
Doesnt mean a thing. UNSC resolution on Kashmir does not even recognize Kashmiri people as a party to the dispute.. Right ?

It considers Pakistan as a party to the dispute. Hence it is disputed. nobody considers Afghan govt as the party to the dispute. Very simple.

Lets see if Pakistan has guts to do that first.

It is not about guts. We aren't fools. Something that is disputed is disputed. Something isn't disputed. Then it isn't.
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